DaveEllis Wrote:
> Does it function as a game now? Before, it had no
> AI, so you couldn't play offline. And it had awful
> netcode, so you couldn't play online. The menu
> system makes rFactors default menus look epic, and
> the collision detection and collision model was
> like something from the 80s. Given that people
> paid for a game which didn't work, then sat there
> for years whilst the dev buggered off with the
> money, I think people were completely correct to
> fall out of love with it.
> When the game actually works, and has content
> worth driving, I might care about it. Until then
> its nothing more than an impressive (physics wise)
> hot lapping simulator.
There is no AI but as far as i know there never will be as it is all about the online. The netcode is a million times better - the lag is 99% gone (a couple of small fixes will get the remaining 1% imho), FPS is higher for me and alot more stable.
The menu system is mostly the same, there are a small few changes but now all the buttons work.
Collision model/damage has been re-done, everytime you have a small touch with another car now you wont get a broken suspension and the wheel teather feature doesn't bounce around like it used to!
Also if you touch say a wall thats not hard enough to break the suspension, you may still get a slightly bent steering column, so the car might go the left slightly etc.
Kunos has been giving us new updates pretty much every 2-3 days, so he is finally working on the remaining few bugs.
Bascially, this will be the best online racing for single seaters about

There is a hill climb and osella car coming to, but i have no idea when tbh.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2008 03:45PM by mika19b.