gav Wrote:
> chet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gav - I have an analogue controler, so that
> will
> > work?
> It will work, but how well is anyone's guess. I
> raced GP2, GP3, GPL and I think GP4 (briefly) with
> a joystick before I got a wheel, so it is
> possible. Stuart Knibbs still uses a joypad in
> GPL, and does it well, but then most of us think
> it's nuts that he can.
> I'd imagine you'd get slaughtered on track though.
Ill give it ago then... Ive been using the joypad for a while now on rf and have got better times than with my wheel... tried it with gpl too, but now i cant find my gpl disk to install again

ill try iracing with it then, see if my pc can handle it any better than i can!

"Trulli was slowing down like he wanted to have a picnic" LOL