mortal Wrote:
> NASA will not be returning to the Moon anytime
> soon. Some say how can they return when they never
> went in the first place. They've been warned off.

> There is an alien base on the far side, massive
> buildings, towers and domes. All the NASA pics
> have been shopped, and the only pics from the
> Indian probe released so far have been from the
> nearside.
> As for Mars, there's a new rover mission planned.
> Pointless to send humans there when a robot can do
> it a lot cheaper.
> NASA has not got the money, there's no way the US
> public or congress would hand over 100 billion.
> NASA is handing out 50 billion to private
> enterprise to get a heavy lifter. The shuttles are
> so out of date and they can't justify spending
> money on them. The Russians are now relying on
> space tourists to fund their program.
> The chemical fueled rocket was perfected by the
> Germans (V2 etc.) and since then very little has
> changed. Everything has improved except rocket
> technology, you would think that over 50 years
> we'd have discovered a better way of doing it. I
> think we have, and they are just not telling us.
> Getting out of earth orbit is prohibitively
> expensive, and lifting a 20 tonne payload even
> more so.
> It will be left to private enterprise to do the
> job.
> Maybe one day we'll get disclosure on the alien
> technology that exists, but that's a huge can of
> worms, release a new energy system onto the planet
> and the economy will fail as it's driven by the
> oil interests.
> Imagine how the world would change if oil was no
> longer the source of energy and if all energy was
> free. Countries whose sole source of income is
> petro dollars would fail, there would be war on a
> global scale.
> Bring on the DOOM.

You know, it's exactly what the world needs to get space travel going again. A good oul' war. Bring on the DOOM!

Oh, and it's always a pleasure to promote the goodness that is Bill Bryson. Hope you enjoy, err...Enjoi