What are you currently READING?

Posted by Peat 
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: December 30, 2006 03:53PM
Posted by: Muks_C
over the past few weeks since i finished uni, i had to catch up with about 10 issues of F1 Racing, as i had no time to read them since Jan/Feb this year. am nearly up to date now, on the Schumacher tribute issue currently, and have the next one waiting to be opened.

RIP Jules, never to be forgotten. #KeepFightingMichael
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: December 30, 2006 10:48PM
Posted by: ZackPack
I´m reading Dean Koontz - Forever Odd

meet me at : www.facebook./perstigaard

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2006 10:49PM by ZackPack.
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: December 31, 2006 09:57AM
Posted by: NeilPearson
ZackPack Wrote:
> I´m reading Dean Koontz - Forever Odd

Great book that. i presume you read odd thomas first?

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: December 31, 2006 02:07PM
Posted by: ZackPack
NeilPearson Wrote:
> ZackPack Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I´m reading Dean Koontz - Forever Odd
> Great book that. i presume you read odd thomas
> first?

yes I did and I loved it..

meet me at : www.facebook./perstigaard
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 01, 2007 09:29PM
Posted by: Vader
Zcott Wrote:
> Vader: I just read Fahrenheit 452 earlier this
> year and it's quite odd.

Would it help if I pretended it was the sequel to the much more famous Fahrenheit 451? No? Well, it was worth trying anyway.

Currently reading the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick (don't laugh] again after watching Blade Runner (also again).

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 01, 2007 09:47PM
Posted by: -Mikey-
I rarely read books (usually magazines) but I bought and started reading "The World Cup's Strangest Moments" yesterday. I'm all the way up to 1930!!! Now, some would argue thats not a lot of pages, but it started in 1888 or something like that. Blame Scotland. (It also went from 1888, to 1912. Missing the 24odd years in between. Then from 1912 to 1930. So I've read about 3 pages!)

I also bought a Stevie Ray Vaughan book. It's quite old (I remember my brother reading it YEARS ago) but I can't find it online to show you guys. And the book itself is all the way in my room, and I just got up, so I have no energy right now to go find out the name. ;)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/2007 09:48PM by -Mikey-.
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 01, 2007 09:57PM
Posted by: Vader
-Mikey- Wrote:
> I rarely read books (usually magazines) but I
> bought and started reading "The World Cup's
> Strangest Moments" yesterday. I'm all the way up
> to 1930!!! Now, some would argue thats not a lot
> of pages, but it started in 1888 or something like
> that. Blame Scotland. (It also went from 1888, to
> 1912. Missing the 24odd years in between. Then
> from 1912 to 1930. So I've read about 3 pages!)
> I also bought a Stevie Ray Vaughan book. It's
> quite old (I remember my brother reading it YEARS
> ago) but I can't find it online to show you guys.
> And the book itself is all the way in my room, and
> I just got up, so I have no energy right now to go
> find out the name. ;)

You aren't American by any chance? ;)

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 01, 2007 10:40PM
Posted by: gary42
Vader Wrote:
> Currently reading the novel Do Androids Dream of
> Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick (don't laugh]
> again after watching Blade Runner (also again).

Great book - prefer Through a Scanner Darkly though

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 01:31AM
Posted by: Zcott
I'm now onto Noam Chomsky's "Failed States", a look at American foreign policy and its lack of success. :D!

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 01:56AM
Posted by: MikaHalpinen
chomsky's teh bomb!
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 12:12PM
Posted by: G_Crawford
Vader Wrote:
> James Joyce - The Portrait of the Artist as a
> Young Man and Stanilaw Lem - Essays.
> For work I just finished it's Ray Bradbury's
> utopian novel Fahrenheit 452 and Sam Shepard's
> play True West (again).

Heh. I'm about to crack into Dylan Thomas' Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog!

Also reading (I read a lot of books simultaneously)
- The Great War for Civilisation" The Conquest of the Middle East by Robert Fisk

- a uni text: Conflicts in the Middle East since 1945

- Studio A: The Bob Dylan Reader edited by Benjamin Hedin

- a boatload of newspapers and journals, mainly to do with the Middle East at the moment.

- Tell Me No Lies, a collection of famous and not so famous investigative journalism put together by John Pilger.

Also just finished About a Boy by Nick Hornby.

"Large skepticism leads to large understanding. Small skepticism leads to small understanding. No skepticism leads to no understanding."

Xi Zhi - 1130-1200
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 12:15PM
Posted by: NeilPearson
How the hell can u reed alot of books simultaneously??

i find it odd because i tried it once and i couldnt do it

Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 12:31PM
Posted by: G_Crawford
Meh. I just can. Umm...yeah. They are all quite different as far as subject goes. Obviously the 3 Middle East materials overlap and that helps quite a lot. It means I'm always thinking of different angles when I'm reading. I probably couldn't read a bunch of fiction at once. Then I have my fiction - About a Boy, and a music book. I guess it means I can also compartmentalise (sp?).

"Large skepticism leads to large understanding. Small skepticism leads to small understanding. No skepticism leads to no understanding."

Xi Zhi - 1130-1200
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 02, 2007 02:10PM
Posted by: Muks_C
turkey_machine Wrote:
> Reading could be 2 things, i.e what are you
> reading at university, where "reading" means
> "studying".
The second is your conventional
> meaning.

maybe a few years ago it had the university meaning. nowadays it should be "what are you currently copying and pasting at uni?" ;)

RIP Jules, never to be forgotten. #KeepFightingMichael
Re: What are you currently READING?
Date: January 03, 2007 12:20AM
Posted by: -qwerty-
Zcott Wrote:
> I'm now onto Noam Chomsky's "Failed States", a
> look at American foreign policy and its lack of
> success. :D!

Really good book. Tough going, but some very good points raised. I read it when I went through my Chomsky phase, which I'm very definately past now - I think he gets a bit OTT to be honest, great mind though.

Not going to try and critique his views, since I'm a dumbass compared to him, but I sure don't agree with everything he wrote in that book!
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