wow busy race!

seems like a big miscommunication for the snake guys out there, oh dear...


For a list of EVERY download for GP4, look here: []
JohnMaverick Wrote:
> senna9194 schrieb:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > wtf?when you crashed he was right behind
> you(from
> > what you can see from the shot),what could he
> > do?look,you are at vsm since Dubai and you're
> > starting to be as moron as your teamboss;)
> Well, Mr. TGP teamboss, then you should buy
> yourself some glasses as well. You can see on the
> pictures, that my car was standing there in pieces
> already, when your driver hit me. That means he
> must have been, at least, 2-3 seconds behind me.
> And Worselling, for example, managed NOT to hit me
> later, although I was standing at exactly the same
> spot, when that stupid marshal draw me back there.

when worseling made the corner the yellow flags were already on,that's why he managed;).anyway Ruben should clarify the real gap between you and Rodrigo at the last intermediate before your crash;-)anyway you are out of the race anyway;)

My GPGSL Career
A steady race so far...I hope to finish in the points

GPGSL - Christel VXR team Boss S6-S8, S12 Onwards

I have hope in good results with some points
Charrel Schreef:
> wtf happened to me? Please screens of the
> beginning of the race..
> I was 9th, next screen im 20th?? What happened?

If you read the text with the pictures you know why.

SchueyFan Schreef:
> Ferrari2007 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Cheers for that Ed
> Unless I missed something, there have been no
> pictures yet, so hopefully Ruben can say who's
> fault it was. .

Both actually. The racing line in that turn is close to the wall, a very bad spot to overtake. Although Houston was trying it and you gave him no room.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Nickv Wrote:
> Hey Kittleson, remember me saying I was an A-1
> class driver? Guess what, you're not in that
> class! ;)

Seeing as how this is my first season in the GPGSL, I'm hardly surprised.

Now, this is another very long break in proceedings...

I don't have anything to say right now I need to collect my thoughts!
Cartwright is pulling away fast:

Santilal as leader in the pits. In the background Cartwright already:

Aleksander closing in on Santilal. He has the advantage of having hot tyres:

Aleksander now besides Santilal! Both heading towards the hairpin:

Yeah, nice clean move! Aleksander now in third place:

Horváth trying to pass Copeman, but he failed:

What a shame, Sheppard in the gravel trap! He was doing so well. Luckily no damage to his car:

Van der Voort sticking his front nose in Santilal's gearbox:

Side by side in dangerous T8. Luckily no touching, otherwise it will end up like Greenhalgh and Houston early on in the race:

Vilela besides Walters towards the hairpin:

Yes, he managed to pass Walters. Vilela now in 14th place:

The gap between Silvestre and Aleksander is getting smaller:

On the other hand, the gap between Cartwright and Silvestre is getting bigger and bigger:

Jalving attacking Hinz for place 10:

He succeeds, great clean move:

Worseling tries to pass Sheppard in T8, but no success:

Van der Voort entering the pits for the 2nd mandatory pit stop:

See you after a short commercial break...

Race Director: Ernie B. Ecclescake

GPGTV Youtube Channel
Another break!
We need to get BBC coverage

Will the last part be within the next hour or should I go to bed?

Retro Liveries on the SMD-ZG02![]
Retro Renders 2.0 on the SMD-ZG02LN![]
Thats better now I'm in the points!

GPGSL - Christel VXR team Boss S6-S8, S12 Onwards

Quick Nick does a quick pit stop. Nice work of the AMR-crew:

Vilela going wide, but he stays out of the concrete wall:

Worseling locks up his front brakes in the last turn:

Cartwright in the pits for his second mandatory pit stop:

Walters going wide, luckily there is enough room to do so:

Aleksander now in the lead:

Nice battle between Sheppard and Walters:

Silvestre besides Santilal for 3rd place:

Silvestre passed Santilal and is now 3rd:

Cartwright is in the lead again now Aleksander is visiting the pits:

Now Van der Voort makes a move on Santilal:

He succeeds! Van der Voort now 4th. It seems that Santilal's tyres are pretty worn:

Copeman takes a close look of Horváth's gearbox:

Going wide and scrapes the concrete wall. He is lucky!

Santilal is the only one of the top 8 still to make a second mandatory pit stop:

What is Jalving doing? He throws a good race definitely away!

Stay tuned for the last part of this race...

Race Director: Ernie B. Ecclescake

GPGTV Youtube Channel
yeah. passed Silvestre via pits!

GPGSL career;
Current team: Team ShadowSubaru, Previous teams: MPR, Minardi
starts:100 Wins: 12, Podiums: 34, Fastest Laps: 14, poles: 12 Points: 708
winner of Belgian GP (s1), Australian GP (s1), Canadian GP (S1), Brazilian GP(s4, s5), Hungarian GP(s3), Italian GP(s3), French GP (s5,s7), Monaco GP (s4) and USA GP
Whew, Chris. That was obviously better luck than me. Glad you managed not to damage our second car as well.

GPGSL : Team Owner of 'Maverick Track Performance' (MTP)
What the hell happened? I was in 6th in front of Koemmerer, but I let him pass since he was on fresh tyres..
But this is crap! In 7th place, with an extra pitstop.. Can I make it to the finish or will this be a dnf?

I never had a dnf before :(

Race starts: 141 | Points: 886 | Podiums: 35 | Race wins: 10

Follow me on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
JohnMaverick Wrote:
> Whew, Chris. That was obviously better luck than
> me. Glad you managed not to damage our second car
> as well.

Me too...thought I was a gonna for sure

GPGSL - Christel VXR team Boss S6-S8, S12 Onwards

I am glad aswell, bring home those points Chris :)

@John, this is racing, no need to be sorry. I'd like you to push the car to the limit every race. Thats where you get paid for...

wut, wait, i'm sorry you dont get paid for it...


"If in doubt, Flat out."
Jalving can go further, but must visit the pits to repair the front wing:

Van der Voort closing in on Silvestre:

Van der Voort almost besides Silvestre!

Silvestre keeps Van der Voort behind him, great defending!

Van der Voort brakes too hard:

And misses the wall of shame by a few inches!

Van der Voort has thrown away his chance to be on the podium, regarding the gap with only 2 laps to go:

With just one lap to go, Santilal makes his second mandatory pit stop. What a bad call of the race engineer:

Cartwright on his way to win the Adelaide Grand Prix!

Here is the confirmation of winning this GP:

Aleksander finish second, well done!

Oh no, what's this? With only four turns to go, Walters is standing still!

He is out of the race with a mechanical failure! Bad ending of a bad race:

Race over, here are the unofficial results:

Congratulations to Ross Cartwright of SCR for winning the Adelaide Grand Prix and for setting the fastest lap time!

Race Director: Ernie B. Ecclescake

GPGTV Youtube Channel
Very difficult race, but managed to finish second, so happy with that.:-)

GPGSL career;
Current team: Team ShadowSubaru, Previous teams: MPR, Minardi
starts:100 Wins: 12, Podiums: 34, Fastest Laps: 14, poles: 12 Points: 708
winner of Belgian GP (s1), Australian GP (s1), Canadian GP (S1), Brazilian GP(s4, s5), Hungarian GP(s3), Italian GP(s3), French GP (s5,s7), Monaco GP (s4) and USA GP
Another solid performance...more points as well...This has proved a decentish start to my career as a race driver

GPGSL - Christel VXR team Boss S6-S8, S12 Onwards

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