Hi everyone,

I'm proud to release a fully-working set of add-ons specifically targeted for GP4. With these, you'll be able to use Blender to import and export any *.gp4 file, including multi-scene track files, lights, advanced controls for materials, environmental maps, etc. In addition, a revamped version of both the Pitcrew (*.mdb) and Pit Prop (*.rfb) add-ons are also included, with some bug-fixes and additional features. I still strongly recommend using the Pitcrew Editor alongside the Pitcrew Blender add-on.

A very important notes: Blender, as a fantastic 3D modelling as it is, has some odd things to itself, that affect how GP4 file formats can be created. I'm talking in particular about normals and objects sorting. Please read the user manual for more information.

I hope this can enable more content to be either created or ported for our beloved game!

Big thanks go to Madman, ZaZ, Lo2K and everyone else that have worked on the *.gp4 format before me. Also, thank you to the whole F1 Virtual group, for the constant support and beta-testing (Carl_gpgames gets a special mention on the latter ;))

Do not hesitate to contact me (preferably here in the forums) if you encounter any issues while using these tools.

*** UPDATE V 1.01 ****

Thanks to Carl_gpgames once again, who noticed an issue with reflection. The approach for default env maps was slightly updated, to mimic ZModeler behaviour, and gives better default results now

*** UPDATE V 2.00 ****

I'm going to start with one word: Animations! Yes, this update to the GP4 Mesh Tools add-ons pack for Blender brings exactly that: animations. Fully updated Pitcrew (*.mdb) and Pit Prop (*.rfb) add-ons with full support for animation (*.anb/*.lpb and *.prb/*.plb) import/export, alongside other improvements and bug-fixes. For the first time ever, it is possible to modify all animations for marshalls, pitcrews, engineers and the objects they handle (pit props). Click on the last picture to see an animated preview of what it looks like in Blender.

If you've used the Pitcrew and Pit Prop add-ons before, make sure you don't use Blender files that were created with the previous version, as they are not compatible.

*** UPDATE V 2.10 ****

I noticed a bug during import/export of texture names in the *.gp4 plugin, it should now be fixed

*** UPDATE V 2.20 ****

Blender introduced some changes in the APIs with versions 4.0 and 4.1 that required GP4 Mesh Tools to be updated. This also gave me the excuse/opportunity to do some general code refactoring and optimisation, and also to add a couple features: you can now select how the alpha channel will be applied to the material in Blender (specular map or alpha blending) while importing a *.gp4 file, and Blender native "sharp" edges are now fully supported and properly exported to all formats.

Now, on to some screen shots and download link:

-> Download - MediaFire <-

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2024 04:29AM by Öggo.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 04:59PM
Posted by: deokastyler
I have no idea how to use Blender and such, but this looks like a very great new tool you just made :)
Thank you very much, lets hope this can be used to create new mods/ports as you said.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 05:01PM
Posted by: Carl_gpgames
This is a true revolution for GP4 and opens up so many new possebilities! Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing these awsome plugins with us!

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 05:05PM
Posted by: Prblanco
What a great achievement, congratulations for all the hard work

My unfinished tracks: [www.grandprixgames.org]
Send bug reports and track editing questions to f1virtualblog@gmail.com
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 05:15PM
Posted by: fongu
Another incredible step forward for GP4, and opens up so many possibilities with all the functionality and compatibility that comes with Blender.
Importing and exporting from other 3D sources, making lods, fixing a few quirks with Zmodeler 1's export are just some of the ways I've benefitted from this already.

And pitcrew/pitprop editing as well is a whole new world to be explored and updated in GP4.

Thank you so much Oggo, you deserve a holiday! (B)

Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 05:51PM
Posted by: automobilista
Thank you sooooooo much Oggo! You are TRUE legend!
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 05:56PM
Posted by: Turbo Lover
Monumental release, thanks Diego.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 07:05PM
Posted by: kerleyf1
Great work Diego!

Nice to hear that so many years after release, GP4 still get new tools/options to edit.

Great to see your hard work to the community.

Thank you for share. :-)


PLEASE VISIT: Grand Prix Mods Blog
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 07:31PM
Posted by: MSchumi24
Mamma mia!!! Come hai fatto Diego?? :-O

Da oggi in poi nel modding di GP4 niente sarà come prima!
Solo convertire le macchine da altri giochi sarà nettamente più semplice! Usavo già Blender per ridurre il numero di poligoni per il limite dei file .gp4 a 5mb, ma si doveva eseguire molti pasaggi fra un programma e l'altro.
Forse riuscirò ad imparare finalmente a fare qualche macchina da zero o semplicemente migliorarne la qualità!
Ora col computer che sto usando non posso fare proprio niente ma quando riavrò finalmente il mio vero computer non vedo l'ora di provare questi add-on!

Non ci sono parole per ringraziarti! L'ho fatto in italiano perchè so che siamo connazionali!

For fairness to other users, I post the message also in English:

From today on in GP4 modding nothing will be the same!
Only converting cars from other games will be much easier! I was already using Blender to reduce the number of polygons for the .gp4 file limit to 5mb, but you had to do a lot of steps between one program and another.
Maybe I'll finally be able to learn how to make some cars from scratch or just improve the quality!
Now with the computer I'm using I can't do anything but when I finally get my real computer back I can't wait to try these add-ons!

There are no words to thank you! I did it in Italian because I know we are compatriots!
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 09:02PM
Posted by: nicki87
Great release! (Y)
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: August 31, 2022 09:56PM
Posted by: zifox


This must be the best piece of news of 2022. The one thing I've given up on several years ago: a way to directly work on 3D shapes ! Bye bye format conversions and the bugs coming in the process !

If I could, I'd give you a huge hug and pay you a beer. At least one.
Awesome work you did there ! (B)

A small archive, but an incredibly huge step for everyone here !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2022 09:58PM by zifox.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 01:58AM
Posted by: GP4Addicted
Öggo Wrote:
> Big thanks go to Madman, ZaZ, Lo2K and everyone
> else that have worked on the *.gp4 format before
> me. Also, thank you to the whole F1 Virtual group,
> for the constant support and beta-testing
> (Carl_gpgames gets a special mention on the latter
> ;))


Amazing and fantastic!

Yep, all my bowings to all the pioneer modders of GP4 and you Oggo, who is still around here, supporting the community after all these years.

As well, to three new guys, for me at least, MSchumi, zifox and the afore mentioned Carl_gpgames.

TBH, watching those YT videos about F1 games evolution, aside some graphics details, like pit/stand crews and marshalls, and some wind physics, the Codemasters official licensed games, surpassed GP4 only in the past 6-7 years in terms of quality.

And multi-racing simulators with relevant changes on physics , like Asseto Corsa, took over 10 years from GP4 launch, wich has addtional advantage of being a good simulator without needing the latest hardware for playing.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 02:15AM
Posted by: JRAJ1999
This is a game changer, it really is.

Over the last year or two life is being breathed into GP4 and after now 20 years the game still holds up, thanks to the modders and creators.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 04:02AM
Posted by: AugustoGibim
I pray for good news about pitcrew shapes.
It is one of the areas of GP4 that has not improved in recent years.
Congratulations to the developers.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 04:31AM
Posted by: jkraid92
I'm lost for words.

As a guy who's just began to learn 3d modelling with Blender, this makes life easier by using 1 program instead of 3 for GP4 cars.
Also, the learning is steep but I think newcomers like myself will benefit quicker with Blender than with Zmodeler IMHO.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 04:34AM
Posted by: jkraid92
deokastyler Wrote:
> I have no idea how to use Blender and such, but
> this looks like a very great new tool you just
> made :)
> Thank you very much, lets hope this can be used to
> create new mods/ports as you said.

Check out Arrimus 3d on Youtube: [www.youtube.com]
He has Blender playlist you can learn from if you're keen.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 08:39AM
Posted by: filou16
Perfect Diego as always !!!

I just have to forget zmodeler and get started on Blender ;)
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 09:36AM
Posted by: Carl_gpgames
here are some tests with new 3d shapes i did with the pitprop plugin:

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 12:08PM
Posted by: fongu
filou16 Wrote:
> Perfect Diego as always !!!
> I just have to forget zmodeler and get started on
> Blender ;)

... and finish the 1988 mod ;)

Amazing work Carl!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2022 12:09PM by fongu.
Re: GP4 Mesh Tools for Blender [V1.00][Released]
Date: September 01, 2022 12:43PM
Posted by: MaisonTeles
Carl_gpgames Wrote:
> here are some tests with new 3d shapes i did with
> the pitprop plugin:
> [i.imgur.com]

The best

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2022 12:44PM by MaisonTeles.
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