An attempt to make the MP4-22 McLaren for GP3. Looks okay from a distance. Please see GP3 shlund - GP3 Carshapes
To SuperSonic. Please check your PM regarding shlund - Grand Prix 3
A night version would be very welcome as the Le Mans circuit is one of the few tracks where you in real life drive in the night (as well as Sebring and Atlanta)... If someone could get the accept from Marino (and perhaps also from the creator of the Sebring and Atlanta tracks) I think it is a very good idea. Would look forward to it. Perhaps a carset with shining head- and rear lights could beby shlund - Grand Prix 3
A 2007 F1 gen. carshape based on a 2005 shape. Important: Please see enclosed read me file. This is a beta version and my first try shlund - GP3 Carshapes
Just check the "old downloads" section and find "circuits/tracks"by shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey, think the link to Hentschels Jerez track is broken on old! If anyone could fix the link og perhaps send me the track in a zipped folder, it would be welcome!!! Thanks in shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey guys, Fine job creating new carskins for the backmarkers of 1990. Good idea for other seasons too. Please feel free to mail the new carskins to me or perhaps make them available in this formu/gpg site. Please and thanks in shlund - Grand Prix 3
An inquiry for white Mpush1 - 9 marshals for our new Le Mans track. I am no good with paint shop pro and similar so perhaps someone could be so kind to adjust the colours on the jams Mpush1 - 9 in the Gp3jamsH/Main dir.....?????? All Le Mans track marshals are dressed in white overalls with a yellow Dunlop-advert on chest and back. Maybee also the Chequ1 - 8 jams. How about it, who wants to gby shlund - Grand Prix 3
What else is there to say - It's a marvellous job, Marino!!!by shlund - Grand Prix 3
I found the bink & smacker tool on the www, and unfortunately it is impossible for me to get GP3 to play the audio sound that is 'Binked'/mixed to the video file. Video plays very well but audio is silent in GP3!!! If I play it in B&S-tool it all works fine! Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong... I'm making a new intro4 movie for Le Mans together with 1st4, 2nd4, 3by shlund - Grand Prix 3
Does anyone know how to edit/change the video files in GP3. Is there a tool that could do the job? Perhaps insert film cuts from other video files to customize the simulator in lets say 'Le Mans-way' shlund - Grand Prix 3
Nice of you to inform us. would very much like to receive these LeMans shlund - Grand Prix 3
I do agree about the simple look of the Gulf Audi 2001. I am no good with paint shop pro or simular, but I have in this forum also recommended carset makers to make some LeMans carset as the only one available is the 2001 from Lamaire. Thanks for your commentary, hope that someone could be able to make us some fine LeMans carsets in near future as well as some good carshapes - open and closed pby shlund - Grand Prix 3
LeMans fans please note that LeMans sounds for GP3 now are available from download section. A range of sounds from snd00 to snd32 are made for the new LeMans 24h track. Also pit radio added to the shlund - Grand Prix 3
sounds for kerbs, grass, fence and moreby shlund - GP3 Sounds
Included carskin, cpit, pitbox and also menuart for the fine Gulf sponsored Audi R8 in LeMans 2001by shlund - GP3 CART & other Cars
I agree, it looks very fine. And I see that you try to copy the real buildings (first building with a lot of glass at the right side of the start/finish straight)!! Thats a good idea, it makes it looks authentic. Plesase keep up the good shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey Marino, Tanks for opdating us all. We look forward to receive your wonderful version of the Le Mans 24h track. Is it the 2006 layout you are creating or maybe an older version? Kind regardsby shlund - Grand Prix 3
Try to run it in debug mode in GPx patch, no problems for me..... Good shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey all, As we are so lucky to get the Le Mans 24h track available for GP3, it would be great if carset-makers and carshape-makers could contribute with some new and older carsets for us Le Mans fans. We do have two (as far as I know) open LeMans shapes, but maybe it would be possible to create a carshape like Porsche 962, Peugeot, Toyota GTOne, Sauber Mercedes, Bentley with matching shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey there, How are things going with the 24h Le Mans tracks in various layouts???? Just a kind inquiry......... Looking forward to see the final result. Normally the tracks from you are very good and detailed,- can't wait Kind regards to allby shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey, It is some fine work you are doing. Thanks a lot!! For future projects maybe you could consider a reduced or as big as it can get, version of the Le Mans track!! It is not made of anyone yet and I think a lot of gamers would appreciate it! The track is made for GP2 in some fine versions, Andreas Schultz, and maybe a conversion is possible. Versions from the 70's and 90's andby shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey everybody, Thank you for kind help in this forum. My inquiry is the following: GP3 only have one LeMans track (Bugatti) worth driving. I know that GP2 has a couple of fine LeMans tracks available (1990)!! Andreas Schultz is perhaps the man behind!! Maybee it is possible to convert one or two of these fine tracks to GP3. I know that its not possible to have the complete distance but anby shlund - Grand Prix 3
I agree with Pontini, and I would like to add the fine LeMans tracks for GP2 from Andreas Schulz as well. If anyone could convert these tracks I think a lot of gamers would be happy. And again, if anyone has the time to do some updated LeMans carsets it would be very nice too. I have a 2001 carset and maybe it could be a kind of base for a new shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey again, I have the LeMans GP2, Sarthe track in some versions, with read me file included. also the Spa 55 GP2 track!! If someone need these tracks (GP2) for making a conversion to GP3 please inform me and I will send you the zip files asap. Also old Monaco (50's)track is missing in the GP3!! I have a GP2 version as well! Please feel free to contact me Kind regardsby shlund - Grand Prix 3
Hey everybody, Thank you for kind help in this forum. My inquiry is the following: GP3 only have one LeMans track (Bugatti) worth driving. I know that GP2 has a couple of fine LeMans tracks available (1990)!! Andreas Schultz is perhaps the man behind!! Maybee it is possible to convert one or two of these fine tracks to GP3. I know that its not possible to have the complete distance but aby shlund - Grand Prix 3