Im very disappointed on the quality of tracks we have so far in rF. Theres been alot of new conversions so i'll do a very short review of them to give you an idea
InterlagosLayout - Poor. F1C conversion so its pretty badly off
Works? - Last time i checked it didnt work - pit lane lights and start lights were broke, and the poly strucutre was so bad the car got "beached" on random jaggies, especailly in the pits
Looks - As far as conversions go it looks ok, but well below the standard we should have. This is apparently a "high res" update from F1Cs version too. As far as resolutions go, its not very high tbh
HungaryLayout - Poor. Better than Brazils, but its still an f1 conversion so its still pretty crap
Works? - again, last check, no, and again, the pit lane lights and start lights were broken
Looks - ok. Better than Brazil, just, but not exactly what I'd call pretty
Harewood EXTREME BetaLayout - Cant comment, never seen it in real life, altho the end is fictional as the game doesnt support point to point tracks
Works? - Yup. All it is is a hillclimb, so you go into practice, start, drive, finish. Cant except anything more from a hillclimb
Looks - Textures are ok but the whole things low detail. Its being reworked atm though apparently
MonzaLayout - Its an F1C conversion, but since Monza has no corners its not hard to get right. Its not accurate, but not as bad as Brazil for example
Works? - Appears to be in full working order
Looks - Best conversion of the F1C stuff i would think, not too ugly too look at.
Mid OhioLayout - Cant comment on the track because i havent seen much in real life, altho i somehow doubt a world class race track which was used by CART and IndyCar has lamp posts on the outside of corners (which the car cant hit, simply drives through on the way to the barrier
Works? - Appears to work
Looks - meh its ok, maybe on par with Monza, but not amazing
QueenslandLayout - Cant comment on accuracy but tbh, i doubt it is. Its pretty bad...
Works? - Think it does the required things fine
Looks - Horrible. Its pretty empty, textures are low res and not exactly nice ones at that
SearsPointLayout - EA NASCAR conversion. Its junk. One of the least accurate tracks i've ever used in the history of gaming. Elevations are wrong, corners are wrong, scenery is wrong and a massive moutain has appeared on the left hand side of the downhill Esses (which arent on much of a hill in this version) which you cant drive up (despite the obvious fact you should be able to) as an invisible wall has appeared around it
Works? - Far from it. Pit lanes broke, track is broke, random cones lying about, pit lane lights dont work, you get a speeding penelty even when on the limiter, and the start lights dont work. Didnt bother testing AI as i doubt they know what to do
Looks - Appauling. thousands of graphical bugs, especailly with road texture and random floating ones. Tree and crowd transparency doesnt work, textures arent really textures at all and the 3D models suck. In this state the track is junk.
SuzukaLayout - Extremely poor, but again, F1C conversion, so its to be expected
Works? - No not really. Pit lane and start lights dont work, AI cant really drive and poor mip mapping problems
Looks? - Cack. Poor textures, poorer mip mapping, poorer 3D model. Not worth a download
Im so disappointed that we get a whole bunch of tracks and there all pretty much useless. Out of the recent ones, Monza is probably the best, but Birmingham, then Lime Rock are the best by far.