Maybe Codexito is a camel driver and lives in the desert sands and can't bear to drag himself away from the oasis, I think he has something wrong with his keyboard as every second letter in his username is in caps so maybe Bahrain is just a typo

but I digress, back on topic......
I see that the Ausorc mod team has released a v8 supercar skin pack, 34 skins for H6 with modified physics, sounds etc. YAAAAAY!! Downloaded but not tested and also in the added tracks forum at rsc you will find screenies of the EAF12002 Melbourne track conversion. DOUBLE YAAAAY!!

By the look of it, we will have plenty of F1 tracks to drive on well before the dust settles on EMAC arguing about people supposedly leeching his work, an unusual argument to say the least as EMAC no doubt used EA's original work to create his updates in the first place. Of course I respect the fact that EMAC put in a lot of effort but I doubt he owns the licence to the tracks.
The only problem we as users are likely to encounter is the myriad of different track versions available (see Toban and the numerous updates) and the countless track mismatches which will probably occur.
[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to.

[] <----GP4 Central