DaveEllis Escrito:
> Tried Suzuka, and whilst chet wont say it, i will,
> its crap! Its just shockingly bad in every way.
> Grip levels feel off, the graphics are crap, the
> pace car doesnt work, pit lane lights dont work,
> the author hasnt even put in work to make the
> menus look respectable, hes just used F1C ripped
> stuff.
> If anything kills rFacotr, its the massive influx
> of shockingly bad conversions we're about to get.
> vMax.Ellis
> Velocity Maximum Simulation Racing
> www.vMaxSR.com
if you do not like, you do not use it, nobody forces to you
OS: WinXP Professional 5.1
CPU: Intel Pentium D, 2.8 GHz
Monitor: Packard Bell 17"
Video: Ati HD4850 512MB DDR3
Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy
Memory: 2GB DDR2
HD: 200 GB
DirectX: 9.0c