DaveEllis Wrote:
> IWE Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Than NFS thing I can undesrand after trying the
> > demo. Game looked good, but handling was
> something
> > like in GRID.
> It isn't the fact that NFS handles badly that is
> the problem. It is the communities lazyness in
> creating new content, and the communities
> willingness to do anything to get hold of any
> dodgy mods. What worries me more is certain
> "respected" mod groups are using a bunch of
> leached content, and nobody gives a toss. MMG do
> it every time. Enduracers Porsche is from one of
> the NFS games. Why should the good teams bother
> trying when anyone can come along and create that
> kind of thing?
> Back in the GPL and SCGT days the community was
> full of respect and quality, original work. Now
> days nobody does quality work and nobody does
> original work...and nobody cares.
Amen Brotha! +1.
Rot Teufel, Nice screenie. One of the better rain edits. To often they look goofy, that looks nice.
The Flanker is gone.