Random photoness... (56k Warning & OWN PHOTOS ONLY)

Posted by gav 
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 07, 2005 07:29PM
Posted by: villej
You know those moomin animations on UK too? I didn't know that they are so famous. I always watched them when I was a child.

My photo gallery: [viltzu86.deviantart.com]
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 07, 2005 07:34PM
Posted by: Anonymous User
yeah lol, i loved them, never knew they were finnish until we were attacked by a great big one at helsinki airport :\

and then suddenly out of nowhere in naantali there was "moominworld" - couldnt resist having a loook in until i realised u had to pay :|
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 07, 2005 07:45PM
Posted by: LS.
The Moomins rule!

Moomin Troll & Moomin Papa :) i used to watch that when i was a kid so it must be ooooooooooooooooold ;)

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 07, 2005 08:17PM
Posted by: b-tone
naanteli is also the where the presidets residence is - just across the way from moominland apparently


Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 08, 2005 05:34PM
Posted by: andrew_S
one more today, this time taken with my 70-200L


24 Heures Du Mans 18-19 June 2005
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 11, 2005 02:39PM
Posted by: LS.
My Camera case still has'nt arrived yet, so i've not taken the camera out yet.

So heres two more from the garden this morning

I'm itching to get down the local nature reserve and shoot some pics of the wild life.

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 11, 2005 03:05PM
Posted by: MikaHalpinen

and then suddenly out of nowhere in naantali there was "moominworld" - couldnt resist having a loook in until i realised u had to pay :|

I just loaded up page 2 without looking at page 1, needless to say, that comments scares me ChrisB... a) i don't know wtf any of those words mean and b) I can't work out what context that could fit into ;)
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 12, 2005 09:41AM
Posted by: villej
We got some visitors to our garden:

My photo gallery: [viltzu86.deviantart.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2005 09:42AM by villej.
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 12, 2005 12:45PM
Posted by: -qwerty-
a two headed goose!!!!! weird.
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 12, 2005 02:25PM
Posted by: Anonymous User

Mike you dont know what the worlds "and", "then", "suddenly", "out", "of," "nowhere", "in," "there," "was", "couldnt", "resist," "having," "look" "until" "realised" and "pay" mean :| :-o
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 13, 2005 11:05AM
Posted by: ralphi
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 09:02AM
Posted by: villej
Nice pics Ralphi!

Here's one old picture that some of you migh have seen:

My photo gallery: [viltzu86.deviantart.com]
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 09:20AM
Posted by: danm

aki and dan at the bbq trying to make weird photos a few summers ago

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2005 09:28AM by danm.
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 09:51AM
Posted by: Guimengo
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 11:46AM
Posted by: Anonymous User
...and still people try to claim that football isnt gay

nice pics ralphi+ville
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 03:15PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
My new camera hasa arrived today! yay :D

Been going round the garden taking some pics :) Quite a dull day today tho :(

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 05:48PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
Best day out of my life. Here's a few teasers, but I have 80 (:-o) pics in total with a few movies thrown in. ;-)

These are straight out of the camera and not edited.


Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 11:07PM
Posted by: villej
What Camera did you get Ian?

My photo gallery: [viltzu86.deviantart.com]
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 14, 2005 11:42PM
Posted by: Ianwoollam
Canon PowerShot S1 IS :)

PSN/Xbox 360 ID - Ianwoollam
Re: Random photoness... (56k Warning)
Date: June 15, 2005 08:54AM
Posted by: villej
Good choice :P

Well, at least I have been very satisfied with my S1 IS that I have had few weeks now. :)

My photo gallery: [viltzu86.deviantart.com]
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