I figured if Alpha can have a Generic photo section, then GPG could at least do with a random photo thread

Post any random crap in here - I've just posted these at Alpha, so I might as well shove them here too, in case anyone else would like to share any random photoness.

First day back after half-term, and I was treated to a full day out with the year 8s (oh joy) at the nearby Alnwick Gardens, probably Alnwick's 2nd largest tourist attraction, after the Castle, where a substantial portion of Harry Potter was filmed (oh joy, again...)
Anyway, a few random photos, from the S5500, which I'm still not happy with, and found quite hard work with the lighting today. Still, click for 1280x960 versions.
One of the multiple random metalic splashy thingy-ma-jigs

And another - I quite like this one, untentionally creative, which is always good... any guesses on who you can see in the reflection?

One of many photos of the Grand Cascades.

More cascades...

A little lap of water.

A little streamlet of water - I got another great angle of this, but it came out too contrasted

- don't particularly like this shot either, but it's a nice feature.

I'd love to get technical and give names, but I was off taking extra photos when the educational stuff was going on, so these are referred to as the 'water shooting things' :P

The supply of the above streamlet.

These came on one by one, top first - I struggled with the light here too...

...but then the sun came out... I got soaked soon afterwards, when those water shooting things started... :rolleyes:

And looking from the top of the recently completed treehouse, down towards the room where we were based, which another school were currently trying to invade... the treehouse is huge, and extremely vast... you can see about 2% of it there.
PLEASE POST YOUR OWN PHOTOS ONLYEdited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2010 11:26PM by mortal.