Morbid Wrote:
> Incident 2k9 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > F1's been too complacent for years; it's the
> only
> > real worldwide top-tier series, so it could
> > previously afford to be. However, with Formula
> E
> > offering a little more accessibility for a
> younger
> > crowd, F1's going to have to sort itself out to
> > make it an attractive viewing experience.
> I have watched Formula E, and they are very far
> from being a challenge to F1, let alone GP2. They
> sound spectacle is so underwhelming. The cars have
> a simplistic look, almost like a lower formula
> series, and they can't generate much downforce,
> partly due to lack of top speed. The suspension
> looks like it was made by Fred Flintstone. It's
> rock hard. The slip angle is almost none existent,
> which cars having grip in a almost on/off kind of
> way that does not return easily, even when comes
> to turning at relatively modest speeds. So the
> racing is in a weird clattering through the
> streets sort of way. Also, their batteries don't
> allow for GP length races.
You're quite correct, but the first few years will be getting the technology just right. However, it's a formula taking the known limits of electrical power and pushing it, hopefully to a level where there is more speed and more life. It doesn't have to be quick right now, because the first race was enjoyable, it just needs time to grow. It's a simple concept and it seems to be working.
Alejandro Agag has picked up a TV deal with CCTV, one of the biggest Chinese national TV stations, which F1 doesn't have. For the next race at Putrajaya, the Formula E website will be streaming the race live online. They're active on social media, they're a product of this generation. F1's currently pioneering modern technology but being run like it's the 1970s. FE might not have the excitement factor that F1 draws, but it's building its profile in the right way.
GPGSL: S6 - TafuroGP Tester (14th) /// S7 - ART Tester (6th) /// S8 - Demon Driver (13th) /// S9 - Demon/Snake Driver (13th) /// S10 - Snake Driver (???) ///]
"My ambition is handicapped by laziness" -
Charles BukowskiEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2014 02:18PM by Incident 2k9.