pippozzo Wrote:
> And you have all my Sympathies... :D
> ok, if it is working I raccomand dxWnd. find in
> this post the setting to run correctly,
> [
> gPqYiri9LTpv2QE8LzU41W
> because DgVoodoo is more compatible, but really
> poor in terms of CPU occupancy trouble. and you
> need gave compromises in terms of rcr distances
> and resolution for make it playable.
> however if you have a desktop pc - not laptop, I
> think GT210 is a desktop machine -, I could
> suggest to have a better one, also used models,
> you can find many , better , with really cheap.
> I have a GT610, but e still speaking about a
> HD2500 level performance, but very well for this
> game. You can find better, AMD or Nvidia.
Yes, I'm planning to change graphical card, but only after August!! Thanks for tip!!
One Racing driver and team managerGPGSL-3: champion in 2007/2013/2014!
GPGSL-4: testdrivers champion in Season 11!