Signature Demands

Posted by razgriz 
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 02:41PM
Posted by: razgriz
NickKK Wrote:
> I suggest this sig guy buys a cold beverage and
> takes the sig off or banning seems apropriate to
> me..

NicKK what if yours is in my sutation what should you do?
@willb oh is this okey? i asked it to you then your not reply if the sig i asked you is okey and you just leave it off on me
@morbid gettin hybrid again huh?
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 02:55PM
Posted by: count.bazley
Also, note that most people in here have a sig pic that is much bigger in width than height. You could always turn the lady on her side. :)
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 03:01PM
Posted by: Morbid
Wow, you must really be in a sorry shape in your real life, since you want to pick a brand new fight, immediately hot on the heels on the resolution of the old one. Perhaps you would care to review what the 2 moderators told you just a few posts back about abusing forum members?

It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything.
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 03:17PM
Posted by: Willb
razgriz, I dont reacall receiving a second pm from you, but nevermind, you sig is fine now. Morbid is not "getting hybrid" whatever you mean by that. He's doing his job, as was I attempting when i contacted you regarding your sig.


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Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 03:23PM
Posted by: Nickv
razgriz schreef:
> @morbid gettin hybrid again huh?

Does that mean he is more eco-friendly now?
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 06, 2007 03:52PM
Posted by: SexySam182
Well according to Wiki it means hes into cross breeding []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2007 03:52PM by SexySam182.
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 07, 2007 12:18AM
Posted by: razgriz
thats exactly what i mean with his personalty erhh..=p
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 07, 2007 01:05AM
Posted by: NeilPearson
speaka engrish

Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 07, 2007 12:30PM
Posted by: mortal
razgriz, If you continue to play silly games with me, not only will I remove your sig again, like I have just now because of the unnecessary text, I will take steps to remove you from the forums.
You're not making a good impression for a new member are you? I suggest you start again, and this time get it right. You want to make some friends and be a part of this community I recommend that you do the right thing.
on't play silly games with me, it will get you nowhere. You have already crossed Morbid, that was not a very good idea. Think carefully before you post again and load your sig. We've all just about had enough of it.

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 06:13AM
Posted by: razgriz
This is what im talkin' bout mortal? and next time pick a right moderator on a right job? or talk about privacy options deleting the y sig? or talk about privacy policy on every moderator here

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2007 06:32AM by razgriz.
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 06:24AM
Posted by: razgriz
@mortal you mention "ill throw off you on forum" oh so your my father huh? why i dont cooperate to you?cuz you act as hell as you treat outsiders,remember its your reputation hybrid!
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 08:08AM
Posted by: Morbid
k thx bye

It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything.
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 08:44AM
Posted by: -qwerty-
I love "5-9 members" :D :D

great :D
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 09:19AM
Posted by: SexySam182
razgriz Wrote:
> @mortal you mention "ill throw off you on forum"
> oh so your my father huh? why i dont cooperate to
> you?cuz you act as hell as you treat
> outsiders,remember its your reputation hybrid!

As a community we generally dont treat ousiders 'as hell', we're generally very accepting with new members joining all the time. I only joined about 6 months ago and I had no problems with anyone, you know why? Because I followed the rules that had been set out to make this site as good for everyone as possible. I dont think anyone here had a problem with you as a person, you just has trouble with your sig pic, but since then, despite knowing the rules, all you've done is ignore them and have a go at the mods for not sorting it out for you and called half of the members hybrids! I dont know what your trying to do but your not endearing yourself to anyone here.

Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 10:26AM
Posted by: SpaceAce
thread of the year...
mate just settle down... we worked out your problem, you are now welcome to post here freely, just keep it nice...
the moderators are here to relay information to the owners/supporters of the board and if they feel someone is upsetting the peace they are well with in there right to have you removed from this board if they see fit.
So dont go biting off more u can chew...

GPGSL WDC Season 4
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 10:27AM
Posted by: Guimengo
and this coming from a formerly banned user (magical ;)), so as you can see things are fine at GPG :).
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 11:53AM
Posted by: mortal
Oh yes, things are very fine at GPG. So far I have treated razgriz very well, as I do everyone here. He is a newbie, welcome at the outset, perhaps an interweb newbie as well, not yet schooled in the fine art of forums ;-)
He is not satisfied that everyone gave him advice, all of it good. Everyone is equal here, and all do their best to abide by the rules and treat each other with the respect they deserve, therefore when a newbie abuses respected forum members and then demands of me that I fix his sig, or better yet, that I allow him to keep his 32kb sig, I respectfully suggested that he follow the good advice already given, and that the rules apply to everyone. My patience is wearing thin.
Quite true, I could 'throw razgriz off the forum' for being abusive, for casting aspersions on our members, for making outrageous demands, don't like doing it, always an ugly job. I'll just leave it to razgriz to make a fine example of himself, I know he has it in him. I'm a very forgiving person ;-)

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 08, 2007 01:30PM
Posted by: Vader
I know other forums were he'd get flak right into his mug now. This forum isn't like this. Here we don't flame members but we also don't tolerate members who trx to flame moderators. Even if I'm usually rather careful with these things (at least on this board) I predict that razgriz sojourn here will rather be short.

Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 09, 2007 01:15AM
Posted by: razgriz
@mortal "im treating razgriz very well" suck in your mouth after a few 3-2 messages i recieved from you a commonly a warning and some unexpected words which if one reader thought what you said to him or me?,commonly the reactions was astounish,mortal dont create such stories that are definetly wrong from outside..
Re: Signature Demands
Date: June 09, 2007 01:32AM
Posted by: razgriz
@vader =p i love starwars! vader dont blame anakin razgriz =p
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