Setting the Starting Grid

Posted by degas 
Setting the Starting Grid
Date: April 28, 2012 07:29AM
Posted by: degas
Some racing car series uses race results to define starting grids. For example, in GP2 Series the grid for Sprint Race (the Sunday's races) are defined by inverting the positions 1st to 8th and setting all other positions according the Longer (Saturday´s) race.

You can do this in GP3 using "GridForSprintRace".

This small spreadsheet generates a performance file that forces GP3 to accept a predefined starting grid by using a race result, as in GP2 and other series. To do this, you just need to have a "race results" text file and a GP3 Edit performance file.
The spreedsheet will generate another perfomance file that is equals to the original one, except by the qualifgying grip and power data. When using these new values, GP3 place the cars into the starting grid just as defined by you.
You can set tha starting grid in three different ways: by using the race result, by inverting the race results or by inverting only the positions from 1st to 8th (as in GP2 races).
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