Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 23, 2005 11:37PM
Posted by: sasjag
has anyone got a realistic 1994 perf they could send me? i dont liek teh fact that wendlinger keeps winning:|

if u got one please e-mail it to sasjag @ ntlworld dot com


All Hail The New York Giants - Winners of Superbowl XXI, XXV and XLII!

"I'd love to know what goes on in that crazy head of yours sometimes, Sim..." - Locke Cole
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 23, 2005 11:44PM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
Just drop his performance number then :)

Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 24, 2005 02:09AM
Posted by: sasjag
i have done and he still wins :|

actually i just checked it and i made a minor typo and gave him 155210 :|


All Hail The New York Giants - Winners of Superbowl XXI, XXV and XLII!

"I'd love to know what goes on in that crazy head of yours sometimes, Sim..." - Locke Cole
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 24, 2005 02:26AM
Posted by: six degrees
lmao :p
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 24, 2005 05:30AM
Posted by: Guimengo
how are his laptimes compared to others? Just out of curiosity :P
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 24, 2005 05:45AM
Posted by: mckey415
no guys, there's no new performance for 1994. JonVic said that he will made a new one and even race specific - but i have no news from him...

F1 A.D.: 1993-1996 - Future in the past

1994 Mod Official Website
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: March 24, 2005 08:13AM
Posted by: quickslick
would it helps, if i send you the performance file 1994 and physics 1994 from GP3 2000 ? i think it's much more realistic
Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: May 09, 2005 05:28PM
Posted by: anze89
is there any new performance file or physics?

Re: Realistic 1994 Perf
Date: May 11, 2005 07:15AM
Posted by: mckey415
seems not...

F1 A.D.: 1993-1996 - Future in the past

1994 Mod Official Website
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