GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]

Posted by SDI 
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: May 10, 2022 10:11PM
Posted by: SDI
I'm sorry to hear you have these problems. Disabling the fix should indeed be added manually to gpxpatch.ini:


I forgot to write something to the log when it is applied, so there's no way to check that, I'm sorry for that too.

Is it possible that you're using a mod that was made to be used with a specific GPxPatch version? Or aren't you using any mods at all?

René Smit, Independent Software Developer.
Download my GPx tools here.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: May 22, 2022 05:12PM
Posted by: klausfeldmann
Great to see you here, SDI!

Sorry, for the very late answer, but in the meantime, I had some more 100% races to investigate this problem with pit stop timing. The results are:

- The problem with the team mate to get stuck in the pits did not appear once again, so far. So, I hope this issue (happened at Kyalami) was just a random one-time event.
- Changing the fuel laps to be refueled during a pit stop manually still leads in too short pit stop times. The player's car is getting released too early and he is able to drive away from the pits, but if you stay standing at your pit, in the mirrors you can see the pit crew still refueling your car. They still need some seconds until your mirrors show how they withdraw the nozzle out of the car. That's probably the moment at which the player should be released, actually. The only way to avoid this problem is not to change the fuel laps during the pit stop.
- Also changing the pit stop strategy during a race, (at least very often) leads to an abnormal pit stop time. In the mirrors you can see the pit crew working the same way as above.

I still don't know how to fix this. I'm not using any mod via CSM, but I'm modding my GP4 game on my own, of course. But as I see it, I haven't moded anything related to pit stops, so far, except some standard settings via GPxPatch ("fix pit stop bug" and "MikhailM's refuel timing bug fix";). In the meantime, I over-installed GPxPatch version 3.43 over the new version to see, if it happens there as well. And yes, it also happens in the older version. So, either something went wrong while over-installing the older GPxPatch version (GPxPatch says it's v4.43) or the problem exits quite a long time up til now and I simply never noticed it so far.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: May 26, 2022 12:03AM
Posted by: SDI
So it also happens without GPxPatch?

René Smit, Independent Software Developer.
Download my GPx tools here.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: December 05, 2022 03:50PM
Posted by: ___Flanker___
one question:

is it possible to assign my G27 wheel buttons as GPxPatch shortcuts ?

i know that is possible to change the keyboard keys for the shortcuts, but i didnt know if its possible to use my wheel for the actions.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: December 06, 2022 09:59PM
Posted by: Duffer
Else you can use Joytokey.


Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: December 10, 2022 06:20PM
Posted by: SDI
With the Logitech Profiler software you can also map buttons to keys.

René Smit, Independent Software Developer.
Download my GPx tools here.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: April 12, 2023 04:33PM
Posted by: twimpix
Could I please ask someone to provide an example of the relevant lines I need to add to the performance files for the car-specific power and failure, error chance, and braking range to work? Thank you.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: April 13, 2023 05:43PM
Posted by: Soutsen
Here are mine, just change the values:

Team #00=50,50
Team #01=60,50
Team #02=60,30
Team #03=40,60
Team #04=30,50
Team #05=50,70
Team #06=20,20
Team #07=80,60
Team #08=40,160
Team #09=40,70
Team #10=30,30

Team #00=-325,-425
Team #01=250,250
Team #02=-525,-375
Team #03=-225,-325
Team #04=-25,-175
Team #05=-750,-250
Team #06=-100,-600
Team #07=50,-50
Team #08=-250,500
Team #09=100,100
Team #10=250,750

Team #00=175,75
Team #01=350,500
Team #02=-25,125
Team #03=275,175
Team #04=475,125
Team #05=-250,250
Team #06=400,-100
Team #07=550,450
Team #08=250,1000
Team #09=600,600
Team #10=-150,350

Team #00=888,887
Team #01=890,888
Team #02=886,887
Team #03=872,875
Team #04=881,877
Team #05=887,886
Team #06=875,866
Team #07=882,881
Team #08=872,862
Team #09=840,833
Team #10=874,881

Team #00=888,887
Team #01=890,888
Team #02=886,887
Team #03=872,875
Team #04=881,877
Team #05=887,886
Team #06=875,866
Team #07=882,881
Team #08=872,862
Team #09=840,833
Team #10=874,881

Team #00=7284,3824
Team #01=11014,11092
Team #02=4696,5468
Team #03=6890,7290
Team #04=7830,7940
Team #05=9910,13360
Team #06=13550,14278
Team #07=13050,10308
Team #08=16012,13748
Team #09=20548,24866
Team #10=11694,15126

Also don't forget to make sure that you have these in your gpxset.ini file


For a list of EVERY download for GP4, look here:[]
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: April 13, 2023 06:12PM
Posted by: jcgrj

Didn't know we can use this format to performance files.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: April 14, 2023 09:01AM
Posted by: twimpix
Brilliant, thank you very much.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: October 03, 2023 09:23PM
Posted by: Eldante

I have a question about the extra section.

Have we to put it manually on the performance file or it will appear by a special command on gpxSet or something else ?

I'm very interessted on this extra section, thanks in advance.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: October 03, 2023 10:08PM
Posted by: jcgrj
Hi Eldante,

I only know the manual way to change performance files !!!


I have another question. Anyone was capable to implement and play multiplayer on internet?

thanks guys!!!

Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 14, 2024 01:25AM
Posted by: TGF1Driver2
I have a little bug report: When I'm loading a race again after using quicksave or autosave option, the number of pits stops of all cars in the TV displays are gone. All cars have 0 stops then, even when they pitted already once or twice. It's not a big problem, but maybe I can attract great SDI with that post to come back to the community. ;) (Y)
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 16, 2024 05:42PM
Posted by: tehwowzersman79
does it add any new stuff or is it the same thing
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 16, 2024 10:17PM
Posted by: pauloderpich
Soutsen escribió:
> Here are mine, just change the values:
> Team #00=50,50
> Team #01=60,50
> Team #02=60,30
> Team #03=40,60
> Team #04=30,50
> Team #05=50,70
> Team #06=20,20
> Team #07=80,60
> Team #08=40,160
> Team #09=40,70
> Team #10=30,30
> Team #00=-325,-425
> Team #01=250,250
> Team #02=-525,-375
> Team #03=-225,-325
> Team #04=-25,-175
> Team #05=-750,-250
> Team #06=-100,-600
> Team #07=50,-50
> Team #08=-250,500
> Team #09=100,100
> Team #10=250,750
> Team #00=175,75
> Team #01=350,500
> Team #02=-25,125
> Team #03=275,175
> Team #04=475,125
> Team #05=-250,250
> Team #06=400,-100
> Team #07=550,450
> Team #08=250,1000
> Team #09=600,600
> Team #10=-150,350
> Team #00=888,887
> Team #01=890,888
> Team #02=886,887
> Team #03=872,875
> Team #04=881,877
> Team #05=887,886
> Team #06=875,866
> Team #07=882,881
> Team #08=872,862
> Team #09=840,833
> Team #10=874,881
> Team #00=888,887
> Team #01=890,888
> Team #02=886,887
> Team #03=872,875
> Team #04=881,877
> Team #05=887,886
> Team #06=875,866
> Team #07=882,881
> Team #08=872,862
> Team #09=840,833
> Team #10=874,881
> Team #00=7284,3824
> Team #01=11014,11092
> Team #02=4696,5468
> Team #03=6890,7290
> Team #04=7830,7940
> Team #05=9910,13360
> Team #06=13550,14278
> Team #07=13050,10308
> Team #08=16012,13748
> Team #09=20548,24866
> Team #10=11694,15126
> Also don't forget to make sure that you have these
> in your gpxset.ini file
> Enable=1
> CarSpecificPerformance=1
> PatchBrakingRange=1

Do you add those values to the “standard” perf file?
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 22, 2024 02:14AM
Posted by: Soutsen
Yes, as it is stated there, you need add those and check the lines at the gpxset.ini file


sometimes not all of them are set to 1 by default, also this all works with the latest version with GPxPatch.

1st group is error chance,
next is minimal braking range value,
next is maximum braking range value,
next is qualy engine power
next is race engine power
and final is the error chance

all of them are driver-dependant, separate for each car, even from the same team can have different engine power and all the rest.

for my fantasy series I was using mostly the min/max braking range values within the 500, so that the min is -325 and max is 175 and so on, with the numbers not going above or below -1000 and 1000 so it affects the perfomance less. Anyway I think that it depends on what value is in the track specific MD file. I was making some (not intense) tests and it seems like lower ammount (-500/0) works a little bit better than higher (500/1000), but mostly it is better to keep at default (around 0 - like -250/250), the thing is that the extreme values may make them running wide or not entering the corners properly (high minimal ammounts afaik were making them going wide at corners like spoon at Suzuka and high low ammounts were making them being wery slow, braking before the actual corner, making them almost to stop at hard braking zones like last s-corner chicane at Suzuka).

For a list of EVERY download for GP4, look here:[]
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 22, 2024 03:28PM
Posted by: pauloderpich
Thanks! I’ll try that
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 22, 2024 05:51PM
Posted by: jcgrj
Thanks for this info ( i didn't know that )
Can we have specific settings ( grip and power for race and qualy ) for player car?


Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 22, 2024 09:14PM
Posted by: Soutsen
Don't forget about keeping them under the respective title lines (or whatever it should be called, im not english), I mean I was replying to the message by pauloderpich where for some reason he threw away those titles in [...these...]
I mean all of these:
they must be inculed in the actual perf file

use these values as the template and change them. also as far as i can remember those qualypower and racepower overwrite the default perf numbers, I talk about these:
[Team #00]
First Driver=3,Markko Martin,16225,275,16110,210
Second Driver=4,Mark Christensen,16300,400,16285,385

to be entirely sure change these engine power values to 1, 1 to check if they got overwritten by the newely added separate car/driver-dependant values of these:

In the end I'm not playing the game at all for like 4 years or so, since I've got into some irl stuff like getting a girlfriend and such, I've purchased the iRacing 1 year subscription on the Christmas sale, and had time to actually try that one only once since then and I must say it seemed better than GP4 in every aspect, except it is expencive and I need probably to learn from scratch how to edit the driver files and templates, but yes it is incredibly good for solely AI racing, which is what I was about to with GP4 since my brother left home in 2012 and we ended playing our long-term fantasy championship, which started from playing with paper cars since 2001/02 then switching to GP4 in hot-seat mode when we got 1st PC in 2005. I've played two more championships playing alone with the hot-seat till noticed that my actual driving was affecting the AI drivers more than the actual values, I mean if I was able to make a great hot-seat run for the one car, then it would go on being fast even later when I was busy controlling the other cars, switching to them, and if I made an error for one car, it would go slow no matter what their driver values were. I was doing the full 1.20 min races with the 3 hot seat rounds (each of all the 22 cars being under my control 3 times during the race) I remember how I make an exeptional 1st hot-seat turn lap with the car started from 17 position when it was light because it should get pitted after my hot-seat went over, and it turned out to be a winner then (him being the only one car on 3 stop-strategy at Imola also could've helped). Also if you switch all the cars it is only way to control their pit-stop strategy, though rain was always screwing it up, cos I never was able to predict when exactly it should be wet looking at the pre-race forecast. Anyway, since I've noticed that my driving affecting the AI/CC-cars more than the perf values, I've decided to switch to the solely AI racing, but then it was the time when I've got busy and was able only to go into the pre-season tests and 1st race once, and from testing the [BrakingRangeMin]/[BrakingRangeMax] values I was a little bit disappointed cos either the early brakers (-1000/0 values) and the late brakers (0/1000) were doing actually both kinda worse than default, though again as I've said it must be depending on the actual track values (AKA desc51/52 CC aggression in magic data as it is stated at the SDI changelogs). And I was mainly editing the MD files on my own, especially on circuits like Zolder or Osterreich it is always one kind of corners where GP4 cars feel goofy -- it is always the S type of corner, either the slow chicane, or the medium one like the 1st corner in Melbourne or 1st at Osterreich. or the 1st corner at the Misano, I believe. Especially at Misano I've noticed how each and every lap there was the same kind of accident when cars got into each other trying to pass. I remember track builder of Paul Richard had the same issue at the S-chicane on his circuit. I've found that it might be resolved either by compromising the CC-line at the actual track, but drawing the whole new CC-line in order to fix one particular corner sometimes is pain in the ass and time-consuming, but the 2nd option is altering the MD files with the exactly desc51/52 mainly, plus with adding more overal grip as far as I can remember, so the cars wouldn't spin that much. Anyway, learning about the Magic Data and making my own tests to learn how it works was very fun for me once I had time for this game and I recommend anyone who is into learning how this game works to take a look to the MD-thread:

For a list of EVERY download for GP4, look here:[]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2024 09:18PM by Soutsen.
Re: GPxPatch 4.52 [Released]
Date: August 22, 2024 09:38PM
Posted by: Soutsen
Talking about the GPxPatch though, it is very sad that SDI abandoned the further developing of this tool, cos ever since he was able to include those separate MD-related thingies into the perfs it was a dream to me to be able to control most of them, like being actually able to control CC-cars pit-stops or the driver-separate tyre-wear to simulate people like Perez who was able to save tyres in his early years, maybe acutally control if the car is able to switch from hard tyres to medium. Anyways, I'm still unsure if it is deplayed somewhere if the CC-car was using the hard tyres or the soft ones during the race. If you control the car you can set the tyres manually but the thing is that MD-values for the track magic data are I think always different for the hard and soft tyres (desc35/desc36) and I highly doubt that people organising the AI/CC-championships like GPGSL or other ones actually take time to edit the track Magic Data to set desc35 and desc36 on something equal, while I'm sure that it affects the car perfomance on track if the cars use different ingame compounds, though I can't remember again if it is possible to track which compound either car is using at the GPxPatch logs.

For a list of EVERY download for GP4, look here:[]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2024 09:40PM by Soutsen.
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