Excalibur Wrote:
> Hi landex,
> 2- Open your gp4 file into GP4builder:
> double-click on the mirror object you want to
> reorient (z_cockpit_right_mirror or
> z_cockpit_left_mirror). You can flip your mirror
> mapping vertically or horizontally or even rotate
> it from the surface properties window/ Mapping.
> If the 2 mirrors show the same view, one of the UV
> mirror must be moved: Into the Surface properties
> window/ Mapping , click on Move. U value= -1.
> Click on apply and save your gp4 file.
> Then, you have to test if all is ok in game.
> A suggestion: During the mapping work, I usually
> use a test- texture only for the mirrors. I map
> them on this texture so that I am sure Right and
> Left mirrors are correctly mapped and that they
> will appear correctly in game.
> Once done, I map them on one of my model textures
> (the UV mapping mirrors must use the whole inside
> mapping square, if possible).
Thanks Excalibur, it works very well with some patience