Clever solution gives McLaren traction

Posted by marcl 
Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:01PM
Posted by: marcl
Is this clever or not really in the spirit of the sport?

The secret of McLaren's run of pace in the last weeks may have been revealed by a British newspaper.

A technical report published on the Daily Telegraph website said back-to-back Grand Prix winner Lewis Hamilton, and his teammate Heikki Kovalainen, are making use of a unique four-paddle steering wheel.

With the conventional two paddles for changing gears, the extra two paddles allow the drivers to easily select different engine torque settings throughout the course of a lap, the renowned writer Mark Hughes claimed.

The solution could be allowing McLaren drivers to limit wheelspin under acceleration out of corners, thus making canny use of the new-for-2008 ban on traction control.

"This is part of McLaren's current performance superiority over Ferrari," Hughes added.


I sort of get the feeling they are gong to be told to stop doing it if its true.
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:04PM
Posted by: SchueyFan
marcl Wrote:
> I sort of get the feeling they are gong to be told
> to stop doing it if its true.

very clever, good that there is still some innovation in the sport. if they ban it, they should do it now, because otherwise by the end of the season every other team will have it too

X (@ed24f1)
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:06PM
Posted by: Nickv
What they do is just changing engine settings. That's not forbidden. They aren't using TC, so they aren't breaking any rules. Though they will when the FIA implement a rule that forbids it...
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:07PM
Posted by: chet
And it was Mr Jethro who spotted it first ;-)


"Trulli was slowing down like he wanted to have a picnic" LOL
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:11PM
Posted by: marcl
They are not breaking any rules as you could say its the same as drivers changing the break balance for each corner plus the driver is having to do it. But it is pre programmed so that might be the problem and the settings do limit wheel spin so no idea. For all we know other teams are doing this as well already.

I just having a feeling that like the 2nd brake pedal they will be told to stop.
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:25PM
Posted by: Monza972
hooray, mclaren get pwned again! :D
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:28PM
Posted by: superchargednut
I never saw anything wrong with the second brake pedal, I thought it was a very clever idea and was annoyed when they were told to stop using it. However, if the FIA want to carry on their [sarcasm] brilliant consistency [/sarcasm] then it should probably be banned.
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:28PM
Posted by: Nickv
I think McL pwned the rest of the field for finding a way round the TC ban.

Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:30PM
Posted by: sasjag
all they've basically done is move the switch for engine torque settings to a lever, a fairly intelligent solution. id be surprised if drivers didnt alter torque settings and such as they drive round teh track anyway


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Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:38PM
Posted by: Monza972
Nickv Wrote:
> I think McL pwned the rest of the field for
> finding a way round the TC ban.

Not if the Ferrari International Assistance have any thing to do with it ;)
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 05:56PM
Posted by: marcl
I think the rule was you are not allowed to change settings more than 3 times in a lap but can not fully remember tbh.
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:08PM
Posted by: msater
they should NOT get banned, as it's just changing engine setting's

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Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:14PM
Posted by: dkpioe
its pretty obvious they do have a traction advantage in the last few races, from the onboard cams, ou can hear that hamilton can pretty much floor it out of any turn without wheel spin. hope the other teams do the same now so that hamilton doesnt runaway with the championship
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:23PM
Posted by: turkey_machine
marcl Wrote:
> Is this clever or not really in the spirit of the
> sport?
> The secret of McLaren's run of pace in the last
> weeks may have been revealed by a British
> newspaper.
> A technical report published on the Daily
> Telegraph website said back-to-back Grand Prix
> winner Lewis Hamilton, and his teammate Heikki
> Kovalainen, are making use of a unique four-paddle
> steering wheel.
> With the conventional two paddles for changing
> gears, the extra two paddles allow the drivers to
> easily select different engine torque settings
> throughout the course of a lap, the renowned
> writer Mark Hughes claimed.
> The solution could be allowing McLaren drivers to
> limit wheelspin under acceleration out of corners,
> thus making canny use of the new-for-2008 ban on
> traction control.
> "This is part of McLaren's current performance
> superiority over Ferrari," Hughes added.
> []
> 080722141047.shtml
> I sort of get the feeling they are gong to be told
> to stop doing it if its true.

I WONDERED what that extra switch was for. Thanks for giving me credit Chet! ;-)

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Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:33PM
Posted by: Iceman-Kimi
I think its better to be forbidden, not becouse mclaren came up with it, and i know its smart, but otherwise in no time every team has it, and we'll see races about equal as before with tc again.

Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:35PM
Posted by: Nickv
They are already tbh. It's not like the grid has been totally shuffled. No driver has really struggled so far and we have hardly seen spins because of the lack of TC (Massa is the only exception though ;))
Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:41PM
Posted by: turkey_machine
The only way to forcibly ban traction control would be to ban changing the engine mapping, and disallow the drivers to change the engine mapping via the wheel. Banning changing the fuel mix might add incentive for smart racers, as I believe it was CCWS/IRL where the drivers basically can save fuel by lifting off the throttle, rather than changing the fuel mix, and it encourages smarter driving.

Everyone knows that million-to-one chances happen 9 times out of 10; indeed, it's a common requirement in fairy tales. If the human didn't have to overcome huge odds, what would be the point? Terry Pratchett - The Science Of Discworld

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Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 22, 2008 06:51PM
Posted by: senninho
A clever interpretation of the rules, but then so was their third brake pedal in 1998 ;-)

Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 23, 2008 07:28AM
Posted by: DaveEllis
Sorry, but whats wrong here? Torque settings have been around longer than most of the members of this forum. All that has happened is they moved it to a leaver so they can do 2 things in 1 action. That's not traction control at all.

Re: Clever solution gives McLaren traction
Date: July 23, 2008 11:29AM
Posted by: vesuvius
DaveEllis Wrote:
> Sorry, but whats wrong here? Torque settings have
> been around longer than most of the members of
> this forum. All that has happened is they moved it
> to a leaver so they can do 2 things in 1 action.
> That's not traction control at all.

yes but according to the rules you are not allowed to do changes to the enginemapping with the same clutch that handles gear changing but with these 2 different clutch it's possible to change both gears and engine mapping at the very same time without using the same clutch.
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