Nice to know that you all think it's a decent looking car - I wondered if people wouldn't like it, simply because it was different. BUT, now that the head protection seems to be a certainty for 2017, I think we can say that the cars next year will look drastically different to this.
It's weird, because if you'd asked me a few years ago about having either the HALO or the Red Bull canopy, I would've said a big fat "NO" to both of them. Part of me loves F1 for the thrill, and I felt like both of those would take away from the thrill of the sport. But, even though it goes against the reasons why I like F1, I can't help but feel that the time is right for something like this to appear. I just hope that, whatever they introduce, it's integrated well and not just a 'bolt-on' fix.
EC83 Wrote:
> I remember this!! That late 2008 mock-up based on
> Kimi's Ferrari was one of the first images I
> remember checking out when I first started
> regularly posting on the forums. Time flies and
> all that. Nice that the same car/driver
> combination turns out to be there as a current
> example to use as a template for this
> demonstration too.
You remember it?!? Oh, you do flatter me so
and I never realised the car/driver combination thing, that's a nice observation there. Imagine if he was there for the next big changes, whenever they might be... I hugely doubt it, but then Schumi had a ridiculously long career, so who's to say Kimi won't aswell?
P.S. I can't stop thinking of the Brabham V16 sound when I look at the 2017 mockup. I know any car that had that engine would sound awesome, but still...
You know you want to. []
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2016 12:59AM by flat tyre.