Title: GPaedia Update 2006 - Full Season Update
Author: Monza972
Build Time: Can't Remember...
Thanks To: Geoff Crammond for Creating This Game
Big Thanks To The GPG Servers Guys for Hosting This File
Other Projects: Jenson Button HANs for Arai 2005
**NOTICE** Make a backup of your GP2001_english as I am not responsible for anything
that happens with your game and/or computer...
There are two folders which contains the GPaedia for Grand Prix 4. A TSM Version and A Non - TSM Version. You'd probably like to know what they are so here goes...
**NOTE** Both of these versions DO NOT contain the Brazil Track information. Why, I don't know...:P
TSM Version:
This version contains every single information that I have put in the Non - TSM Version but this time, the tracks which are displayed when you go to the select track screen, are in the 2001 order with the 2001 track names (This does absoulutely nothing with your track WADs). I have done like this because the people who use TSM and use my update know it screws up the track names with the WADs (Don't worry if you dont know what I'm talking about).
Non - TSM Version (Advanced Users Only):
This version contains every single information that I have put in the TSM Version but this time, the tracks which are displayed when you go to the select track screen, are in the 2006 order with the 2006 track names (This does absoulutely nothing with your track WADs). I have done like this because some people out there who like to change track order themselves and want nothing to do with TSM.
Just rename the <Grand Prix Name> to GP2001_english and put it in your
C:\Program Files\Infogrames\Grand Prix 4\MenuData\PC\GP2001 directory and Start Up Grand Prix 4!
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GPaedia Update 2006 - Full Season.rar
(576.3 KB)