Is there a way to amend the engine noise played externally e.g. from the T-cam position, so that it plays the same engine noise as in the cockpit view? The cockpit engine noise is much richer than the external car cameras notes.
I’ve had a play around with the GP3 Sound Editor but I seem to corrupt the files and they sound awful.
Not in gp3 standard (1.13) as the sound is the same as the cockpit per each onboard camera, but not sure if gp3 2000 add on has a different one, since it uses the EAX . for the sound of gp3 1.13 the sound editor (GP3 Sounds) should be fine.
what I suggest . Use the option in GP3 2k in Sound menu has an option "Use original GP3 Sound". And that will disable the difference between T cam / on board cam and cockpit sound.
Ok I might try that. That will disable the CC cars audio too though right? I believe later versions of GPx Patch introduced external sound in GP3 1.13. I’m using GPx Patch v3.91 as I’ve found the later versions can crash the game more frequently but I could be wrong about that.