Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 08:16AM
Posted by: MikaHalpinen
So Australia was governmentless for 17 days, and nobody rioted? Where has all of our passion gone? Can we survive the temper of a redhead for 3 years? Can they manage to do anything productive whilst satisfying their own agenda as well as that of the greens and the three independents that sided with them? Should I move to NZ?
Re: Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 08:50AM
Posted by: casabonka
Haha, how sad I read this on GPG before any other news site!

2013 - Nando must come through..
Re: Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 10:35AM
Posted by: mortal
Do NOT move to NZ! We need doctors here. :-) We have a Ginger Government. W00t! :-)

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 10:47AM
Posted by: LS.

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 11:49AM
Posted by: mortal
She's luvly........fap fap..... ;)

[] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [] <----GP4 Central
Re: Gillard in
Date: September 07, 2010 07:22PM
Posted by: Incident 2k9
Keep it in your pants, Mal :)

I haven't got a clue about Aussie my input shouldn't be valued. At all.

As much as I hate David Cameron, our PM is shinier than yours. Yes, shinier. That wasn't a typo.

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"My ambition is handicapped by laziness" - Charles Bukowski

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2010 08:10PM by Incident 2k9.
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