Windows Vista...

Posted by iCeMaN pAuL 
Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 07:49PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL


Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 07:53PM
Posted by: MarcA

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 07:54PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
You lie. Vista is excellent. What have you broken in your all-mighty n00bness?

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 08:10PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
lol my dad just bought a new vista comp and my god vista's sh!t. throws up complaints at EVERY SINGLE THING he wants to do :S:S:S:S

nothing works

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 08:20PM
Posted by: Glyn
iCeMaN pAuL Wrote:
> nothing works


Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts

Turn off user account control (UAC)

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 08:49PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
iCeMaN pAuL Wrote:
> lol my dad just bought a new vista comp and my god
> vista's sh!t. throws up complaints at EVERY SINGLE
> THING he wants to do :S:S:S:S
> nothing works

Ok first off, thats not a complaint from Vista, thats a safety feature. Its called User Account Control *(UAC). It stops n00bs breaking things and stops unwanted applications doing bad things. Its not a complaint, and it doesnt stop stuff from working, so the "nothing works" comment is just down right stupid.

To turn off UAC it is simply a ticky box. If you have been unable to master the complex option which is the ticky box, congratulations! Your a n00b and should not be touching UAC.

I'm quite disappointed Glyn has shown you how to turn off this optional feature as it was quite funny reading yet another poor uninformed rant about how "bad" Vista is when its actually an excellent feature which can be disabled if you want it be.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 08:54PM
Posted by: Nickv
iCeMaN pAuL schreef:

Poor Stephan tries to raise money with all kinds of merchandise to create more bandwidth and you are just throwing it away with this.
Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 09:19PM
Posted by: Zcott
So now that you've "fixed" it, how are you finding Vista?

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 09:37PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
lmao, no real difference, it does freeze more now however so nice tip there dave, think it was better with it turned on :P

seriously, XP ftw lol

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 09:42PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
Freeze more? I've never seen a Vista freezing complaint yet at all.

Amazing how you've managed to achive this.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 09:48PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
lol o rly? credit should really go to my dad however, i do believe it's frozen 7 times since around 10am this morning! i'm actually typing this message on the computer now, and believe it or not it hasn't frozen yet, but wait until i click something :P

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 09:54PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
Just sounds completly broken tbh. Vista has never ever crashed here, nevermind full on hung, and I know a couple of other Vista users who have said the same. Its easily been the most stable OS from Microsoft yet when I read about the net.

I'd hazard a guess that something plugged into that computer is screwed.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 10:01PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
yeh possibly, i'll check it all out and get back :) probably tomorrow :P

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 10:45PM
Posted by: mika19b
I am confused over Vista lol, i got a friend who says its excellent but got 2 other friends who said it is total crap and both uninstalled and went back to XP (Yes they did turn UAC off also). I have had a go and to be honest i dont really like the feel/look of it but if it is much more reliable/quicker im sure i will upgrade to it sometime soon (and after Microsofts many service packs + patches ;)). For now though XP is best for me! :)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2007 10:46PM by mika19b.
Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 11:14PM
Posted by: gav
Vista is slow for the first day or 2, but wait until it's indexed the drive and worked out how you do things. It's infinitely faster than XP (that's not an exaggeration). It's an excellent operating system currently only let down by some 3rd party drivers. We say this in every thread I think...
Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 11:26PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
Vista borders on stupidly fast. Right now im using Opera, 3D Max, Photoshop, MSN Messenger, Winamp, got a bunch of folders open and the picture viewer open and its not causing a fuss. Whilst XP would be dying around now.

Its memory management and the driver indexing is quite simply fantastic.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 11:31PM
Posted by: senninho
lol@this thread.

I must say (as someone who owns two Macs), i actually quite like Vista, more so every time i use it. We have it on the test bench at work for modem driver testing and stuff, and it's really rather nice at what it does. The machine we have it on atm is woefully under-powered, but it does still run at a useable rate, which really did surprise me. I've yet to encounter any situations like those in the horror stories you hear on the interwebs.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 28, 2007 11:40PM
Posted by: count.bazley
Paul that freezing problem sounds like something I first had with my Vista OS Dell that I bought a month or two back. Wasn't a problem with Vista itself it was the DVD drive I believe, downloaded new firware and it's never frozen since. Like the others have said, Vista rules. Takes a bit of getting used to if you're used to XP but it's so much faster and more functional.
Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 29, 2007 01:14AM
Posted by: NeilPearson
the only problems i have EVER had with vista have been hardware related. I kept getting BSOD and games locking up, turns up my ram was @#$%&, so i went and got it replaced under warranty. Not a single issue since.

Re: Windows Vista...
Date: May 29, 2007 10:33AM
Posted by: NickKK
Vista may be fast but what about Linux eh ;)

I think I will wait until the extortionist prices go down to just silly expensive before getting a new OS. XP is plenty mature and has no problems with drivers and so on....not to mention the arduous task of migrating my Lightroom library which will NOT be fun :( .

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