Wasp in da house!

Posted by markko 
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 01, 2005 05:55PM
Posted by: zeppelin101
I love my swatter, hasn't failed me yet ;)
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 01, 2005 06:47PM
Posted by: bigears
Chuck some water in. ;)


Did your birth certificate come with an apology letter from Durex?
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 01, 2005 07:12PM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
That's brilliant, ZaZ!

Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 01, 2005 08:24PM
Posted by: harjinator
my german teacher once managed to hit a wasp outta the air with a bamboo stick which is only like 5mm in diameter. Was amazing. Wasp went straight through the open window...


Team Japan Owner - GPGNC
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 01:09AM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
Ooooh, another method which I've used before is chucking a wet cloth at them when they're perched on a cupboard or whatever. They try and fly away, get hit by by the cloth, and crash to the floor :)

Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 11:29AM
Posted by: Advong
Kill the thing, i hate wasps, accidently stood on a nest that was underground and i didn't know was there once, I got mauled by the things.

A couple of years later me and my dad we taking apart an old shed in our garden nd found a nest under there. Setting the bloody thing on fire and watching the evil creatures panic is still one of the most satisfying things i've ever done.
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 11:36AM
Posted by: MikaHalpinen
is this the thread for macabre death lovers to come out or what?! ;)

mostly agree tho, i don't give it much thought killing the things.
Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 11:46AM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
Advong Wrote:
Setting the bloody thing on fire and
> watching the evil creatures panic is still one of
> the most satisfying things i've ever done.

Did any escape and / or set after you?

Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 02:04PM
Posted by: Advong
Ferrari_Fuhrer Wrote:
> Advong Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Setting the bloody thing on fire and
> > watching the evil creatures panic is still
> one of
> > the most satisfying things i've ever done.
> Did any escape and / or set after you?

We lit it and then backed off to a safe distance, none really came at us, i think we were far enough away and they were in such a panic they didn't see us as the cause, we had taken the shed down and so were outside when we lit it, not in a confined space, some did leave, most i think just died in the hive

Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 02:12PM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
Excellent :)

You should have doused it with petrol first ;)

Re: Wasp in da house!
Date: December 02, 2005 08:17PM
Posted by: richardd
Not been on here for a while, nice to see everybody terminating wasps though :D

Nothing like a good old newspaper for dealing with such nasties, get a bit of baseball practice in anyway.
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