Want to protect Nano

Posted by Marclaren 
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:11PM
Posted by: Zcott
DaveEllis Wrote:
> Zcott, if your suggesting there is no such
> problems, explain the worldwide law suits

At no point have I said "there are no problems with the iPod"! I am not the Iraqi Information Minister. Sure, there are problems, but try and name me a product that's totally problem free.

The point with scratches and the battery problems of earlier iPods is that they happen to a small number of users. Find 10 iPod users in the street and ask them if they've had troubles with their iPods. One or two will say yes, and those are the ones all over the news and creating lawsuits against Apple. What you don't see is the large majority of iPod users who are happy with their product, because it works.

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:26PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
1 or 2 out of 10 is a pretty bad hit rate when it comes to quality of a product.

Other than the SlimLine PS2s i cant name any electronic product that has became famous for exceptionally poor quality. And in both cases, its constant, and the companies fail to achknowledge the faults and screw over the customers (Ask Ian)

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:41PM
Posted by: Muks_C
what were the problems with the slimline PS2 Dave?

I have the original big PS2, and was considering trading it in for the slimline version to save space, and i heard it makes less fan noise too.

is it not a good idea to?

RIP Jules, never to be forgotten. #KeepFightingMichael
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:45PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
Well it has all the problems of the origional PS2 (Laser gives up) but it doesnt seem to read every PS2 disc (old ones dont seem to work :-\) and they are louder (as you mentioned) but still overheat quite a bit. We got 1 back at work with burn marks on the back :-|

I'd stick with the origional tbh, if its not needing replaced.

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:47PM
Posted by: Zcott
What's up with this "the companies fail to acknowledge the faults" business?

Apple admits problems with iPod Nano:


Apple today admitted that its new iPod Nano was subject to battery failure and scratched screens.

The electronics giant confirmed reports that the critically-acclaimed music player suffered from "unexpected failures" in its colour screen, and has offered a free replacement to all customers affected by faulty Nanos.

Consumers win battle over Apple iPods:


Consumers who had battery problems with older versions of the popular iPod digital music player will get US$50 vouchers and extended service warranties under a tentative settlement in a class-action lawsuit.

And on a slightly related note:


Apple took the top spot in all four computer brand surveys that Consumer Reports magazine conducted in 2004, according to a research report released by Merrill Lynch. Apple was rated the highest in desktop and laptop repairs and had the best tech support for desktops and laptops, according to the latest survey.

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:48PM
Posted by: Muks_C
about the noise, i read on here ages ago that the slimline makes less noise than the original?

is it actaully louder?

mine doesn't need replacing, but i just saw one and though it was cool how small they made it by taking out some unused stuff and making the other bits smaller.

nevermind, my original still works fine after 3.5 years of use.

RIP Jules, never to be forgotten. #KeepFightingMichael

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2005 03:49PM by Muks_C.
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:59PM
Posted by: Daniel Knott
Just because something is popular doesn't make it good. If you are too closed minded to accept this then fair enough, it's just what I believe.

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 03:59PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
whoops, sorry, yeah, its IS quiter but overheats. Slower fan - more confined space - less vents = overheating.

Forgot to mention that someone said something about the CD Trays jamming as well but i cant back that up, only heard it.

What's up with this "the companies fail to acknowledge the faults" business?

Thats not admitting a problem:

"We have received very few calls from customers reporting this problem - we do not think this is a widespread issue,"

Thats trying to play a problem down.

Consumers win battle over Apple iPods:


Consumers who had battery problems with older versions of the popular iPod digital music player will get US$50 vouchers and extended service warranties under a tentative settlement in a class-action lawsuit.

So in other words, to get a replacement of a defective product which they were overcharged for compared to other products they had to go to court? That is not good customer service. If Apple refused to replace them before going to court, thats very poor. If i had to take a company counrt to my fault product replaced i wouldnt be praising them, would you?

Apple took the top spot in all four computer brand surveys that Consumer Reports magazine conducted in 2004, according to a research report released by Merrill Lynch. Apple was rated the highest in desktop and laptop repairs and had the best tech support for desktops and laptops, according to the latest survey.

Compared with who? It only mentions IBM and Dell on that website. It doesnt actually have an MP3 section reading it, only briefly mentions it. And the customer support for the iPods will not be the same customer support which you talk to when having a problem with the Laptop. Example: General Logitech Support = good. Specific Logitech support (for a specific product) = poor.

How long before someone comes in this thread and tells us to shut up and stop arguing when really we're having a banter? :P

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 08:21PM
Posted by: keiran
I'm not saying the iPods the best product out there but to me there all pretty much the same. I've had my iPod for a year and it's going as strong as the day I bought it .
With Apple being such a big name in the MP3 player industry they will be the first to hit the press as there name stands out with everyone. When I walk around town I always see people wearing the iPod headphones so Apple have acheived what they needed to do is take the market. I had one of my iPod headphones pack up (not sure why but my Mum managed to break it :s) and I phoned up their customer support and within a few days I had a new set of headphones. No need to send the old ones back. My cousins iPod froze and wouldn't come back to life and iPod sent out a new one with no fuss and let her keep the old one. So that shows Apple were trusing her to being honest and not just after a free iPod.
Also about the PS2s I've found the slim line one far better than the original. I had the first version of it and after a couple of years the laser packed up. I bought a new laser for like £30 and fixed it. It went strong for a while but started doing the disc read error on random discs. So I sold it on ebay as a damaged PS2 and got £35 for it. I went and bought a slim line PS2 for like £80-90 and thats been brilliant. Never had a disc read error and if there bad for overheating I've left mine on most of the day and its not felt that hot. You got to remember the power pack is out with the console thus reducing the size and need for the cooling.


Velocity Maximum Simulation Racing
www.liveforspeed.net LFS Status:
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 08:32PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
I'm not saying the iPods the best product out there but to me there all pretty much the same.

But there not ;)

iPod doesnt support WMAs, or WMP and has more known problems than, say, Creative Zens

Zens dont support videos (dont think the new ones do, cba looking :P)

My cousins iPod froze and wouldn't come back to life and iPod sent out a new one with no fuss and let her keep the old one

But they also get you to send you the broken one then refuse to replace it because the packaing is damaged. Thats not unknown either ;-)

If there just the same then you might struggle to explain the £50-£100 price difference in an iPod to the Zens (duno the iRiver prices)

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 10:54PM
Posted by: zeppelin101
My mate's got an iRiver, the damn thing is great and he's dropped it loads, but it's still going strong...

I'd still have a Zen though :P
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:09PM
Posted by: genesis
"If anyone says vacum cleaner in the UK, they think "hoover""

I'd say 'Dyson' meself...
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:11PM
Posted by: Ferrari_Fuhrer
I was going to say that, there is a growing trend to refer to dysons in the same manner we referred to hoovers for 40 years.

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:13PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
God Your not THAT young Cai :P Surely you had the hoover trend :|

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:15PM
Posted by: keiran
Well the price difference. I bought the iPod mini because it was nice and small. Okay I could have got something with more space for the same sort of money but I wanted it to be portable and not feel like I was carrying a brick ;) Now the mini looks like a brick when compared with the nano :(


Velocity Maximum Simulation Racing
www.liveforspeed.net LFS Status:
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:42PM
Posted by: -qwerty-
I've got a slim ps2, and its AMAZING.

Quiet as you like, yes it gets hot but its clearly within tolerances. The new silver slimline soesnt work with every ps2 game which is really odd, but its being sorted, and my black one has no such issues. I'm a massive fan of it, and I saw the original ps2 yesterday, I couldnt br having that now.

And btw, my creative zen micro broke, hard. So I sent it back and my iriver is faultless. But I'm not wading in calling all cretive mp3 players dodgy or shoddy. Its natural you hear from disatisfied people more than satisfied!
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:48PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
We get several a week handed back with a whole range of problems, most of which i ignore because i cba filling out the forms to get it sent back to sony. Overheating seems to be the main one. One even caught fire and melted the insides and the back of the case

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:50PM
Posted by: -qwerty-
Well there's no product recall so I suspect its a case of people being silly by not giving it any space to stay cool, for example some people put ps2s on bookshelves to blend in, surrounded by books. BAD.
Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 13, 2005 11:53PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
i dont think theres enough stupid people to get us 5-10 back a week.

tbh, there should have been a product recall on the origional PS2s since they were all badly done with hose lasers. But as shown by there lovely copy protection hacking i dont think Sony really cares tbh. They know the PS3 will be a hit even if the PS2 is junk, so theres no advantage to recalling them!

Re: Want to protect Nano
Date: November 14, 2005 12:32AM
Posted by: Muks_C
about the 'Hoover' thing, i hate it when people say 'tannoy', when really they mean public address system. Tannoy is a brand name.

RIP Jules, never to be forgotten. #KeepFightingMichael
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