Hurricane Katrina Update

Posted by Wirah 
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 04, 2005 11:43PM
Posted by: Wirah
The 60s wasn't that long ago..

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 04, 2005 11:51PM
Posted by: danm
exactly! :)

thats were ive been trying to say that what this shows, yes most of new orleans is black


weak minded people will think 'my god look at all those black looters'

and then comes my bit where i say a lot of people such as where i live myself have the stat that most minorities they encounter are in some form dodgy or criminals. not for everyone, but in some parts of the uk, or all over the world, this may also be the case.

and because they have this in their heads, my point is already they feel and witness most minorities being dodgy in home towns.

when it comes to the wide world, an event like this (to the weak minded) will think right, on the news, 'oh look all the looters are black'

so (a weak minded person)

most looters and criminals in my town are minorities


most of the looters on tv are black

= must mean that in the world, maybe theyre all like that.

my point is that the way its handled and portrayed, this is WHY some people MIGHT become like this and wrongly assume the world to be this way.

not me.

i was trying to explain how some people assume and get to the point of thinking that way, where it then becomes a 'racist' viewpoint.

do you agree? does anyone see where im trying to show how and why some people are like that?

obviously its nobody here, hence nobody can really understand it becuase it is absolutely ludacris.

but please tell me you can see that this is a way for people to BECOME and have racist views?!

okay you might not think so but believe me where im from, and others, something like this creates racists.

beleive me, ive lived with one of the most racist people in my house this year.

he was so bad he refused to get served by asians or chinese people in shops, and refused to turn his calendar away from march becasue april and june featured african pin up hotties. now THAT is bad.

he watched the news, and of course prime example of what im trying to tell you - he saw that and now thinks not only new orleans, not only america, but EVERYWHERe all over blacks are criminals. THAT is where people go wrong, not me, im shwoign you where, how and wrongly, why.


as for myself and thinking i was a racist - ive worded it all very badly indeed.

i was trying to show that kinda my position is that to my knowledge and experience, most minorities are dodgy in my area.

my next stage is to see about the rest of the world before i can have a thought on what the rest of the world is like.

to the weak, as i said above, they would see this event and make their conclusions from that, all black looters, they decide the whole black world are criminals.

not me, im saying ive not made my decision, i am explaining as to why some people become racist, and how this event will conclude the views of many people.

again, not me.

its an explanation, and i wanted to share why something like this could swing a persons view like mine.

but it wont. its hasnt. it didnt. :)

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2005 12:04AM by danm.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 04, 2005 11:59PM
Posted by: Vader
I understand where you come form and I see that you are not trying to be racist.

What I don't understand is how you agree that most people in New Orleans are black and then keep on calling them a minority?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2005 11:59PM by Vader.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:05AM
Posted by: danm
they are a minority in the sense of the western world where most of us i think are from. the majority of western world is dominated by a white community.

where im from in england, there are a minority thats why i use them as a minority there.

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2005 12:07AM by danm.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:07AM
Posted by: Vader
danm Wrote:
> they are a minority in the sense of the western
> world where most of us i think are from. the
> majority of western world is dominated by a white
> community.

Probably because the White Western World failed to carry more black slaves over here.

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:09AM
Posted by: genesis
"Haha yeah, good one, we've all laughed at Damn's attempts to defend his racism in the MSN convos, me, covfan, morbid, mini, Mika and b-tone have posted here, and you single me out, good one

If you dont like dedating, i'd suggest you dont go on forums because a forum without debates must be the world most god awfull boring forum to be on. on the other hand, it never really got to a personal level...until you singled someone out, which is much worse than having a debate (and it also seems im on the majority side here)"

Ah man that was hilarious. Seriously, you're kidding, right? Out of everyone on this forum, you are the first to pick personal fights with people. You've done it for years, just because you like to try and get peoples' backs up. It's your consistent choice to do this that made me single you out; you make it so easy. It's really very pathetic.

And as for your idea of 'dedating'...if your idea of debating is calling / implying someone is a racist when quite clearly they aren't, then jesus, it's you that needs help. It's very easy to understand where Danm is coming from here. He started with a statement that he was informed was fact (Vader's now saying that the statement is indeed fact), and he was lambasted for it. Go back and read his posts again, in their entirety, think, use your head, and then if you really can't help yourself, post a reply which reflects what Danm is attempting to convey. Not read between the lines, decide he is racist and needs help, and fuel a completely farcical fire.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:17AM
Posted by: danm
i heard that the superbowl dome have been emptied now, the poor people have at last been allowed out! that was attrocious the stories going on in there.

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:22AM
Posted by: DaveEllis
And as for your idea of 'dedating'...if your idea of debating is calling / implying someone is a racist when quite clearly they aren't, then jesus, it's you that needs help.

ah see there you again. "My" idea? Along with how many others who said exactly the same as me? Or are you ignoring that? Good stuff.

More than 10 people read it the same way i did, and about 6 of them posted here, so dont start having a go at me for getting personal whilst you do exactly the same thing, thats hypocrisy of the highest order. Im also discussing this via PM with Damn without going as low as you are. Dont even think about attacking me for getting personal and then coming up with this bollocks, espcailly after your incredibly badly out of place grammar nazi crap earlier in this thread.

Secondly, the comments are "facts" but are extremely twisted. They were posted in such a way that they look incredibly racist "Most people looting are black". It is simply common sense that they are since there is alot more black than white there - as Vader said, its like saying "most fish are wet". Because it is common sense its a completely useless comment and the only possible purpose it serves is to attack black people. There is no other use for that comment.

If you want to attack me, then get it in a PM without polluting this thread

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:27AM
Posted by: danm

my opening post in this thread id like to remind all readers it started: ' without being racist or unpolitically correct...'

when i made the use of that statement it was because a fact like that and tv coverage would convey to weak minded and ill-judged people that althoguh its only a small snippet, its enough to convince many that all blacks are criminals.

its a racist comment if you think of it racist-like, besides that it should be overlooked and handled in a much different and open minded way.

yes most blacks are looters, and most of new orleans is black dominated, but also yes most fish are wet.

i started non-racist, and end non-racist.

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2005 12:33AM by danm.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:29AM
Posted by: Mini Maestro
Personally i think Damn's views are pathetic and i have told him on msn.

Why is he judging the majority of ethnic minorities/majoritys from what a few has done to you if i were to take the same standpoint them i should be all for hating white people e.t.c. i have had racial attacks mainly in the verbal form against me but does that mean i take a prejudice approach to white people. NO

And then the use of statistics, i'm sorry but the majority of statistics never really prove much or are near enough the truth, statistically the majority of white english kids in London do poorly at GCSE's but this doesnt take into the account the many who actually do better than expected but are categorised as poor.

If i were to take an approach like damn's then all the people of different races who have been kind to me and helped me in different ways, helped me throught illness, taught me e.t.c. and generally played a part in my life and helped would have to be ignored and that is wrong

Personally i dont think theres anyway around it and its wrong i have told him as much and maybe he wont judge the actions of a few and make it the basis of opinions against many.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:32AM
Posted by: danm
thing is im not judging. i have not given a conclusion!

i was saying and explaining as to why SOME PEOPLE could become racist if they have a background like mine, then see this on tv.

i never came to a conclusion, but merely said that something like this could make me THINK 'are all blacks like this'

of course, i know its so not true. im talking with you mini, and your a superb character.

i know not all black people or minorities are criminals. i was trying to express WHY some people could get to a stage to think that, including myslef.

the difference being i didnt become racist or get the view. i didnt decide all blacks are criminals!

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:39AM
Posted by: danm

of all the white people youve encountered, what figure or percentage would you say have been nasty to you?

if its a large chunk of the total white people being nasty to you, then its a fact, the majority are nasty to you.

if its a small proportion, then its a minority and that you can forgive them and not judge them all like that and theyre in the minority.

what im saying is that ive not met many of these minorities, and of the so few few few ive encountered compared to whites, the majority of them have been in some form drug users or criminals and alike.

comapre that to the 1000's of white people i encounter, and the small proportion of those i find to be drug users and thiefs.... can you see where im coming from?


imagine a computer shop that sells 2 parts only....the case, and some optional led super colourful fans. they import the goods then sell them. of the 2 companies they buy from:

one company makes millions of cases. only occasionally are they faulty.

the other company makes a weeny weeny fraction of the case comapany. they make coloured led lighted fans. they make just 20 of them. so few!

now, on arrival, the company finds that 10 cases are cracked, yet 10 leds are also broken.


the point in that example? for so few led fans there is a lot of faulty ones. half on them infact. not very reliable is it.

in my town ive found that these led fans are like (minority groups). theres so few of them out and about, but of those few, a high proportion are faulty (criminals, drugs etc).

do you think the company would continue to buy led fans? would you as the manager? i know i wouldnt. youd think hmmm so many are broken now, if i order 100, whose to say that 50 of them wont be faulty next time round.

of course, unless ur mr super optimistic youd gamble it.

for me, i see so many dodgy minorities, and so many other people are like me who find this, im saying becuase of this many people have the thoguht:

'hey so many of them are dodgy, whose to say the whole batch of leds in the factory arent faulty... i mean whose to say the rest of the minority groups arent criminally minded'

THAT is where im coming from!

you may think its poor, but ive got reasons. what are YOUR reasons for being so optimistic all the time mini?

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2005 12:53AM by danm.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 12:56AM
Posted by: danm
minis quote: 'Personally i dont think theres anyway around it and its wrong i have told him as much and maybe he wont judge the actions of a few and make it the basis of opinions against many'

the fact is, yes there are few of them, but the fact also is that MANY of these few ive met are indeed dodgy.

thats why people judge, im explaining thats WHY people judge.

oh yeah to remind you, i didnt judge. i havent judged.

explanations for why others feel that way or are led to such...

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 07:55AM
Posted by: b-tone
what do you mean by 'met'?
you've personally been introduced to all these people from minority* groups that then turn out to be criminals?
i really have some trouble beleiving all your 'facts' and 'stats'. i havent met many people from minority groups, but i do come into contact with many - 100 or 1000 times more than i have 'met' and to be honest the 'crimes' i've witnessed (drinkin in public, speeding, etc - sadly we dont get to see many murders, rapes, genocide etc round these parts) are committed by white people.
'most looters are black' - probably, but how abot some proportional stats for us?

from a recent post:
thing is im not judging. i have not given a conclusion!

from an early post:
3 first experiences, who can blame me from judging them. after that, would you go up to the next lot of gypsys in caravans and tell them where ur keys are kept in the house, hoping that the next lot will be nice gypsies, as its best not to judge people right away eh, isnt that right?

you have plainly stated you do not like/trust minorities because you have personally 'suffered' at their hands.
wether you like it or not - probably dont fro mthe sound of it - you are discriminating based solely on racial grounds - and that fits the definition of racism.

i think everyone on earth is to some extent rascist. if they see a group of coloured teenagers out late at nite they'll avoid them - but then again i'd avoid a white group just as readily.
i live in a quite racist place, adnd ofr instance have been "taught" that all Roma's are theifs and criminals.
that 'teaching' does make we wary a bit, but i never feel under direct threat, and i wouldn't go out of my way to avoid contact with anyone of any race.

so any way, you have earlier judged minorities to be bad, but now youre saying you haven't judged?
sadly, a certain amount of racism is accepted in most 'western' socities - by the media, the masses, the government, but its still wrong.

*you seem to use "minority in the sense of the western world" so an african in africa is a minority because theres not many aricans in the 'western world'?


Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 02:59PM
Posted by: Vader
Why not do it like me? I hate all people equally regardless of the colour of their skins. Shít comes in all hues. I'ma specist.

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 03:24PM
Posted by: DaveEllis
As the old saying goes "Im not racist, i hate every muf*cker just the same" :)
Post reported, tsk tsk, your a naughty boy lol edit language content :)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2005 10:38PM by mortalwombat.
Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 03:26PM
Posted by: Zcott
My friend's dad is a really racist guy. I mean, he hates a lot of people, particularly black people. And Arabs. Etc, etc. I asked my friend if he was a member of the BNP one day, only to be offered the reply "No, he @#$%& hates the British, too!"

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 03:35PM
Posted by: DaveEllis

Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 04:30PM
Posted by: rapid_f1
whilst i can symapthise with the looters (i think i would do the same) there is no excuse, whatever the conditions, for rape.

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Re: Hurricane Katrina Update
Date: September 05, 2005 06:32PM
Posted by: danm
absolutely, the incidents reported going on in the superbowl dome were god awful.

and to think police were barricading them in too!?

Jenson drives it like he owns it; Lewis drives it like he stole it
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