We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 09:09AM
Posted by: Boomy
At the moment even stones know the second patch will be as useless as the first semi-unofficial one.

Ok,assuming that I suggest to ask for a Christmas strong real professional patch,otherwise GP5 will be boicotted from warez squash.

What do you think?

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 09:15AM
Posted by: -qwerty-
I don't think you asking the nice people at Sinergy for a patch will make then do one. If one is planned, they'll be one. Think about it, the first one adressed some issues, but by no means all. They had to release a patch quite quickly, or the game will be considered not worth buying by the cashual gamer. All the problems couldnt be sorted in one patch.

As for gp5, I think we'll all buy it. It'll be the final gp game, therefore the best. After messing up gp4 somewhat, gp5 will have to be good. Also we know they're capable of good games, gp2, gp3 and 2000.

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 09:28AM
Posted by: Lilletto
GP32000 and GP4 I bought them the very day the were published here in Italy.
I won't do the same with GP5: I'd buy it only if and when I'll be sure it works fine.
I don't think is wise for us to say "well with GP4 went this way, shame but we can't help, we have to wait for GP5 to have a good software"
I spent my 50 euro on GP4 and I'm still waiting to have what I was promised for them. That's it.

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 10:09AM
Posted by: -qwerty-
Paolo, I agree. I did'nt mean abandon GP4. Obviously there will need to be a lot of patches.

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 12:24PM
Posted by: Glyn
Obviously there will need to be a lot of patches.

If they get their act together they can fix the major ones in one patch. Then people will shut up and they can then fix the minor ones.

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 12:35PM
Posted by: gnoppi
I agree with you, Paolo.

The point is: i spent 50 Euro (not 5 or 6 - FIFTY!!) for a game that not only is full of bugs but doesn't work on many systems that do not use strange or out-of-ordinary components or set-up.
Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 05, 2002 12:57PM
Posted by: Lilletto
I think it's time for a petition or something like that...let's wait some more days for Morbid then we will see...
BTW Boomy where you from?

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 06, 2002 02:40AM
Posted by: Glyn
Petitions never work though!

Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 06, 2002 04:17AM
Posted by: Boomy
Ciao Paolo,sono di Milano,,tu?
Hi Paolo,I'm from Milan,and you?

Hai visto 'sti stronzi che cazzate che hanno fatto?
Did you see these **** what kind of **** they produced?

Chi รจ daccordo per spaccarli i vetri degli uffici del GP Team?
Who agree about devastating GP Team offices bulding's windows?


Re: We must ask a Cristmas patch
Date: September 06, 2002 07:37AM
Posted by: Lilletto
Bari (so far quite easy to translate)

Si l'hanno visto pure i miei

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