Sorry, yes, the Alpha channel.
Yeah, I see what you mean about the sidepod; if you look closely enough, you can follow that 'seam' quite a way along the sidepod towards the front, though your light placement hides it after a while.
I'm not a modelling expert, but I believe that is the 'smoothing group' issue that I spoke about. The side of the pod's group has become separated from the top of the pod's group.
I've always wondered about the possibility of exporting from Zmodeler to 3DS Max in the least-lossy way possible (Grand Theft Auto's .dff format seems to be the best way) and 'reworking' the groups for exporting to a renderer.
But then I've remembered that I can't model for peanuts.
You might remember from when I was doing the UV Mapping for the '96 Footwork, that the end result had a lot of messed-up normals that you had to fix?
I now know that was caused by the way I got from Zmodeler to 3DS Max; the .3ds file format is a load of garbage basically.
Ideally, I think we need a way of exporting from 'proper' modelling programs (Max, Maya etc.) directly to the .gp4 format, to cut out Zmodeler which also does it's 'own thing' with smoothing groups.
But that requires knowledge of the .gp4 format (Laurent?) and knowledge of the 3DS Max scripting language. (????)
Or, we hope that model builders retain a 'non-zmodelered' copy of their work to make for nicer renders.
This separation is visible in GP4 Builder, but GP4, as you know, itself is quite good at sorting it out when
displaying the
model in-game.
As you've discovered, lighting is really the best shot at hiding the imperfections.
Here is one of the first renders I did with one of Maikel's models, and I mostly succeded....but it's a really,
really bright light source and clever camera placement.
(That was in 3DS Max I believe.)
Another couple of more recent renders (
2), this time in Keyshot.
(Workflow was Zmodeler -> .dff format -> 3DS Max -> Keyshot)
The 'seam' is still visible in the side-on view, but I altered the reflectivity of the material to mask it as best I could.
F1 Graphics Swapper ---
Lensdump - Renders and Screenshots ---
GP4 Performance GeneratorEdited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2017 12:52AM by AUS_Doug.