GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||

Posted by mortal 
GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: August 01, 2007 11:47AM
Posted by: mortal
This is a GP4FAQ linked thread. Post your graphics problems and fixes here for all to see.

Q. Got white squares on screen?
A. Options -> Graphics -> disable arcade and TV overlays. By [FIN]Räkä

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: August 01, 2007 12:22PM
Posted by: Ruboy
Q. Why are all cars white when playing a CSM mod?
A. Texture resolution must be set to 'high'. Go ingame to the advanced graphic options and select 'High res' for the car textures.

Q. Why do I see horizontal lines on the screen ingame?
A.1: For Nvidia graphic cards: Open the control panel of your graphic card and enable the vertical synchronization (Force).

A.2: For ATI graphic cards: Open the Catalyst control center, if you don't have it, you can download it here: []
Then go into Monitor properties 1, adjustments and tick "composite sync"

Vertical synchronization frequency locks the rendering of images to the refresh rate of the monitor. The image quality is improved because the horizontal deformed effects in 3D images will be deleted.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2010 10:37PM by Excalibur.
I don't know if this goes here but I've just bought a LED and I'm using the highest resolution 1440x900.

I was using GP4 with 1024x768 & now I get a "please insert cd rom in any drive". I've tried lowering the resolution but it still doesn't start.

Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 25, 2010 05:18AM
Posted by: mortal
Have you tried replacing the no_cd?

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 25, 2010 07:35AM
Posted by: rracunis

I have bought a new notebook with a bigger monitor ( 17' before was 15 ' ) . I have problems with the GP4 resolution , I mean the lenght and widht of the image ingame are small , I have tried all possible resolutions ingame e in f1graphics but I was not sucessful . There is a speed graphics card ( ATI Radeon ) .
Can somebody help me ?
Thank you in advance

Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 25, 2010 07:43AM
Posted by: mortal
The first lines of your f1graphics.cfg should look like this.

1 ; f1graphics.cfg controls all settings (default 0)
1680 ; [RELEASE] Game 3D Horizontal Resolution
1050 ; [RELEASE] Game 3D Vertical Resolution

Edit the resolution to suit your monitor. First line is 1 for cfg on. 0 is cfg off.

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 28, 2010 12:05AM
Posted by: mick100
Got the usual white cars problem anybody help.Just playing standard game through gpx with a few add ons.Heres what i did-Installed game then 9.6 patch and no cd exe.Then i started game saved and came back out.Then i gpxed the game and went into game that way.No problems.Set up controls and graphics to max at 1024 res.Even put a high res config file in.In the latter file i opened up and made sure all was on etc.Was ok!But when i play game back of cars are white when they are near me but then regain colour as they get further away.Get odd white car and also if say a BAR car goes past me it changes to say a jaguar green colour and back.Only other thing i can think is when i patched game to 9.6 it stated i was already up to date and that was after a fresh install.Somebody on a forum site said re-install(which i did)but before you do delete gp4 stuff out of registry-which i did but it still said i was up to date.When i go through gpx it says the game is v1.02.My pc is a decent laptop-on vista with nvidia ge force 7300 card dedidacted.Any help would be great as i love this game its just a shame about the white car problem.Oh by the way i even tried putting back in the original graphics config file and when i do a in game test for graphics the test cars are white at back too??????Thanks all for lengthy read and time!
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 28, 2010 05:10AM
Posted by: mortal
The car reverting to original textures is a draw distance problem afaik. You are obviously using some sort of modded wad file, have you tried using a CSM Mod? Could be a lod and or texture problem with the wad. You could also edit the cfg file and fiddle with the draw distance numbers.

To make sure you have the 9.6 patch installed properly, you delete the Infogrames folder from Program Files. Then search the registry and delete the Infogrames entries. Then run CCCleaner (free download) to make sure. Then install GP4 off the cd, run once and save on exit. Get the patch and no_cd exe off this site (downloads area, or use the CSM built in patch updater. CSM will apply the patch and the no_cd for you. CSM (Car Set Manager by Zaz) is ongp4db

GP4 does not like on-board graphics, it prefers to have a standalone card, most mods would require that anyway as the textures are usually high res. It is also cpu intensive, use the O key to view processor occupancy in-game. If the occupancy is high, your rig will have trouble allocating resources to an onboard graphics card to render the textures.
Lastly, make sure the compatibility of the exe is set to Win XP SP2 or 3.

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 29, 2010 02:00PM
Posted by: mick100
Thank you lots for the reply Mortal!Will look into what you have said tweak around a bit and report back here.Thanks loads once again(Y)
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 29, 2010 03:15PM
Posted by: Cyberacer
mortal Wrote:
> The car reverting to original textures is a draw
> distance problem afaik. You are obviously using
> some sort of modded wad file, have you tried using
> a CSM Mod? Could be a lod and or texture problem
> with the wad.

That's the problem - the wad file (and using CSM won't help).
Wad file being used contains modded cars for lod0, but cars of lod1, lod2, .... have been left to the original shape and graphics.
When cars go away, they revert from lod0 to unmodded lod1 and so on...

Solution - in case you have a VERY powerfull computer:
Replace lod1, lod2, ... car files in the wad, with renamed copies of lod0 cars.
Doing so will give fully detailed cars from close to far range, together with a significant PO raise.
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: October 30, 2010 03:39PM
Posted by: mick100
Hi cyberracer thanks for your reply and to you mortal and anybody else that can help-looked at draw distance in config graphics file.Only thing i can see in latter is draw for cars(main view)car lod-balance,car lod-max lod scalar,car lod-distance,car lod-scalar.Adjusted the latter no difference but not sure what i was doing and if i was doing the right thing?With the car wad file cyberracer i managed to get the original car wad and replaced it with the one in the gp4 dir but again no change.Things i saw in the lod when i opened it up was car1 or car 2 with lod0,lod1,lod2,lod3,lod4 etc.Again not sure but thanks all again for your time!
ps:still get the white at the rear of the car and underneath but fades when get further away.Also when i come to pit a BAR car next to my Jordan box was backing in and it changed to jaguar and back when i went from cockpit view to visor view?
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 01, 2010 12:25AM
Posted by: airjimracing
mortal Wrote:
> Have you tried replacing the no_cd?

Yup! It worked!

Unfortunately the tracks won't load now...

I guess I need a new f1graphics config eh?

I'd like to play it in 1440x900 any ideas?

I have an Athlon 3000+ 64bit, Gforce 6200 256mb, 2gb ram, Windows XP.
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 01, 2010 05:06PM
Posted by: mick100
Hi mortal tried two different no cds but still no joy.So other day unistalled Gp4 all folders and deleted gp4 stuff out of regedit and used cc cleaner to make sure.Then re-installed game went into game and tested graphics no white cars.Then came out of game with save etc and put my 9.6 patch in which came with game in box.But again it said gp4 was allready updated?But i carried on no cd (deleted standard exe out of dir?)then gpxed game and started in latter which said was v1.02 version but still white cars????????Thanks again for help!(Y)
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 01, 2010 09:17PM
Posted by: mortal
afaik the patch did not come in the box, it was a later download to address issues with the game. Download the patch and no_cd from this site (use the jump to menu top-right). When do the white cars occur? Are you using a mod?

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 02, 2010 03:08PM
Posted by: Cyberacer
mick100 Wrote:
> Hi mortal tried two different no cds but still no
> joy.So other day unistalled Gp4 all folders and
> deleted gp4 stuff out of regedit and used cc
> cleaner to make sure.Then re-installed game went
> into game and tested graphics no white cars.Then
> came out of game with save etc and put my 9.6
> patch
in which came with game in box.But again it
> said gp4 was allready updated?But i carried on no
> cd (deleted standard exe out of dir?)then gpxed
> game and started in latter which said was v1.02
> version but still white cars????????Thanks again
> for help!(Y)

... reminding (again):
9.6 patch shouldn't just be "put"...
After extracting it in a separate folder, you have to run "setup" file to update GP4 correctly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2010 03:10PM by Cyberacer.
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 02, 2010 04:47PM
Posted by: mick100
Hi Mortal thanks again for your reply!The white cars appear in the race or a race weekend etc.I have not modded game to a year like say 2005 but just kept standard game and put in a few updates like better config files pitprops menu screens and so on.Have downloaded the official patches from the jump to menu-thanks for that.Do i ignore the patch disc that came with the game and if no when do i install latter?.Or do i ignore and go with the official patches from here.Thanks once again (Y)
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 02, 2010 08:47PM
Posted by: mortal
Up a screenshot please, lets have a look.

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Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 03, 2010 06:36PM
Posted by: mick100
HI Mortal uninstalled game again and folders + folders in regedit and run cc cleaner and deleted gp4 and infogrames stuff there.Then installed game fresh again and installed the 9.6 update from this site but again it said gp4 is already updated?But i carried on put in no cd from here and run game.Again before i went back to desktop and saved i run graphics test and cars where all white with white panels on screen?Must be something to do with the 9.6 update that isn't updating maybe.Not sure what to do.Please enlighten and instruct me on how to take a screen shot????Thanks again so much for all your help(Y)
Re: GP4 Graphics problems || GP4FAQ linked thread ||
Date: November 03, 2010 09:31PM
Posted by: mortal
Everything I have suggested should have resolved your problem. A properly installed patch to an off the original cd installation would not say already patched. I would like to know your system specs and whether you have calibrated the graphics on start-up.

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