Expectations from new F1 Game

Posted by sonofjorel88 
Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 12:35AM
Posted by: sonofjorel88
Hi all , I was just checking out this artwork apparently for the new F1 game : [i161.photobucket.com] and even though its only artwork thought it looked quite impressive. Then I got to thinking. Do you think that code-masters can deliver a game to surpass our beloved or do you think they will deliver a Superman Returns kind of flop!

Also what would you expect from the game if it was to surpass GP4.What does it need that GP4 dos not. ex safety car and quali.
They have a massive amount of expectation on there shoulders and wonder if they can deliver.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 12:40AM by sonofjorel88.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:07AM
Posted by: pimpones1

Stuffs i really expect from this new game:

Amazing sounds

Superb textures quality ( no blurr)

Realistic tracks and penalties

Realistic qualy rules.

Safe car and warm up lap

New engine core

Same playability as GP4

Online updates


Career mode ( season to season)( INTERESTING IF THE PLAYER could be hired for another team)

Manager mode ( if so, i wont pick domenicalli s a profile lol)

THE AMAZING ALL STARS SEASON..( best drivers ever seen on the same champ)
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:11AM
Posted by: Cyberacer
sonofjorel88 Wrote:
> ...
> ex safety car and ...
> ...

Who cares about the safety car?
I don't miss it at all at GP4.
In GP4 we can deal well with accidents without the need of the SC.

Now back to the topic...
In terms of GP4, I would like to have:

* Team specific or (even better) car specific:
- AI Car setups
- Engine sounds
- Physics and engine torques

* AI at least similar to GP4.

* More setup options e.g. tyre pressure, etc.

* A good tutorial on setting up a F1 car.

* Select/Change my fuel strategy onboard while driving.

* Select my next tyre type onboard while driving. I consider this helpfull especially when track conditions change from dry to wet and vice versa.

* Wet races.

* KERS and the relative options to use it or not.

* Tyre rules and qualify rules that can be edited.

* Internet play.

* Frequent updates on drivers, cars, tracks etc.

* Trcak specific updates.

* Season updates every year.

* Finishing the race in parc ferme, getting on the podium, getting the awards and playing with champagne :)

* A safety car ;)

That's what comes out of my mind for the moment being.
Would be good to send the final list to CodeMasters...

@ sonofjorel88:
Very nice idea to start this topic ...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 01:14AM by Cyberacer.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:25AM
Posted by: mortal
I really don't understand why you would want a safety car, it's a racing sim, not a procession. parc ferme and playing with champers, a bit far fetched lol!
Engine sounds: we already have it. Tutorial on setups: On this site already. Wet races: already exists in GP4. Frequent updates, seasons and tracks etc.: Exists, thanks to our modders. Physics etc: we have it already. Internet: not unless we get the source code, unlikely. Other stuff there also requires the source code, therefore unlikely.

[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:30AM
Posted by: Cyberacer
Formula Unas and Grid Girls for players over 18 years old ;)
lol, lol, lol.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:34AM
Posted by: mortal
That's do-able, but in pit lane as pit crew, surprised someone hasn't already edited the pit muppets lol

[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:39AM
Posted by: J-C-2
mortal Wrote:
> I really don't understand why you would want a
> safety car, it's a racing sim, not a procession.
> parc ferme and playing with champers, a bit far
> fetched lol!
> Engine sounds: we already have it. Tutorial on
> setups: On this site already. Wet races: already
> exists in GP4. Frequent updates, seasons and
> tracks etc.: Exists, thanks to our modders.
> Physics etc: we have it already. Internet: not
> unless we get the source code, unlikely. Other
> stuff there also requires the source code,
> therefore unlikely.

Gp4 is hardly missing anything except internet play.

New Game:
Safety car i dont mind as long their is an option to turn on or off.
Parc Perm to my point of view is not necessary.

Gp4world aka: Jcaranti
Racing Generation: Web Admin
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 01:40AM
Posted by: J-C-2
mortal Wrote:
> That's do-able, but in pit lane as pit crew,
> surprised someone hasn't already edited the pit
> muppets lol

You can do that as any track object in any track.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 02:11AM
Posted by: sonofjorel88
I would also find safety car annoying but after reading some forums it seams it may be inevitable.I believe that waved yellows with penalties for ignoring them would be more appealing. I like the idea of parking in parc ferme, but after awhile the cooling down lap would be annoying. Maybe if they integrated a fast forward system for formation, out lap and cooling lap. i.e opposite to GRID. For the people who didn't want to do them or even made it an option like GPM2, but on the other hand that's not really a simulation and is not really offering anything hardcore differently to the gaming in GP4.
I might try and compile a list and send it to code masters on behalf of the forum it that's ok with the MODS?
The only real difference I believe is the rule changes which are so different now to when GP4 was written that putting them into the game would be to difficult. A comprehensive career mode is what I'm after and a scenario mode to put you in different historical race situations.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 02:42AM
Posted by: Excalibur
Well, what I expect of this new game is:

- A simulation game. I was a bit dispointed by the last Codemaster's productions because they aimed at a general public. Too much arcade...
So, good physics,good textures, simulation handling...

- A complete setup

- 2009-2010 rules

- Realistic qualification sessions (Q1,Q2,Q3)

- Safety car ;)

- Good AI (at least like in GP4)

- Realistic sounds (Sure we have good one like Lee or Mitsuro's ones...)

- Informations from enginneers onboard, during the race and possibility to change the strategy.

I have no doubt with Codemaster about the graphics but I just hope they won't make a mix between arcade and simulation as they tend to do often now because, it means too much arcade...


Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 03:42AM
Posted by: kerleyf1
I think we need on this next F1 game is an great guy making the game, Geoff Crammond.

If we have this we can play the new f1 game for years like GP4 and we all all the stuff said above.

P.s: Where is Crammond? I would like that he work on Codemasters game office.


PLEASE VISIT: Grand Prix Mods Blog

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 03:44AM by kerleyf1.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 03:51AM
Posted by: pimpones1
kerleyf1 Wrote:

> P.s: Where is Crammond? I would like that he work
> on Codemasters game office.

Maybe he´s playing GP4 at this moment and thinking :

´´ Damn.. thos modders from gpgames made an awesome work in my game.. i should give them the source code..´´

CAN you guys figure out what this comunity would make with this??

GP4 would be played till 2050.. lol
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 04:23AM
Posted by: sonofjorel88
I read somewhere. it have even been on this site that Geoff hates what has been done to his game and hates the fact it has been tapered with. I can't confirm this was said but I read it from an interview that was done with him. He also said that he had moved on from GP racing sims. I was shocked. I'd be stoked if people were still playing my game this many years on. Maybe he's just jealous of the Modders in these forums I know I am.

Anyway back to topic:

1. Safety Car ;)
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 04:37AM
Posted by: DAMON96
In the F1 2006 for PS2 the game had the actual Q1, Q2, Q3 system. I hope that the game contains a carrer with several changes, AI drivers change from one team to another and CHANGE CAR NUMBER!!!, and yes a manager mode would be great!!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 04:38AM by DAMON96.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 05:14AM
DAMON96 Wrote:
> In the F1 2006 for PS2 the game had the actual Q1,
> Q2, Q3 system. I hope that the game contains a
> carrer with several changes, AI drivers change
> from one team to another and CHANGE CAR NUMBER!!!,
> and yes a manager mode would be great!!!!!

That, a 10-15 year carrer where drivers come and go through the years would be amazing, Nascar Thunder 2003 had it and it was great. Also AI like GP4 and good physics and realism in the performances of the cars.
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 06:59AM
Posted by: sonofjorel88
The AI in GP4 I agree. They yield when beaten and they have a go at you when required. I still get annoyed at the back markers not getting off the racing line, but I can't really blame the AI since it is a simulation and that is what happens. AI like GP4 it is. I also want an option like in GP4 were you can set the levels of the cars power and grip to all be the same or team Performance based. I don't want to win with a Force India unless it is being upgraded throughout my career. Which could also be an idea. The better your results the more money you have to improve your car and take a slower team to the front of the grid. :)
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 07:43AM
Posted by: mortal
One of GC's old workmates is a forum member here, (not seen for over a year now) and yes, he hates what we have done, and there's no way ever that we will get the source code.

[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 09:39AM
Posted by: salvasirignano
mortal Wrote:
> One of GC's old workmates is a forum member here,
> (not seen for over a year now) and yes, he hates
> what we have done, and there's no way ever that we
> will get the source code.

What is there to hate?
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 11:50AM
Posted by: mortal
Apparently, he doesn't like it. I know what you mean though, realistically, it's now way better than the original.

[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
Re: Expectations from new F1 Game
Date: May 11, 2009 12:11PM
Posted by: Naboo
1. what is a 'source code'?

2. if there were to be season updates every year then the game should keep the old season(s) so we can switch through them and have a proper career mode

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