GRAND PRIX 2022: The F1 2022 mod [standalone mod released - 23/01/13]

Posted by Carl_gpgames 
willythekid007 Wrote:
> I have installed 2022 mod using CSM,
> []
> 34-saisonupdates/980-gp4-f1-saison-2022-mod.html
> I can choose any trac, its anlways the wrong one.
> e.g. selecting Austria, and I'm standing in Silver
> stone Great Britain.
> Any idea what I did wrong, or what I must change ?
> Willy

Look at my comment in this topic from January 29, 2023
It says the following:

If you mean updated tracks included in the mod no their isnt any.
Its just the cars, the helmets, etc just NO TRACKS.

However you can install manually new versions of tracks.
You can get them from my topic here: []

Hope you understand that.(Y)

2010 to 2021 Gp4 Track updates Jorge's Track updates blog
Thanks. All clear now. Should have read more comments.

Another question: Recording time (Replay) in standalone mod can be set maximum to only 1 min. Can this be changed for higher max ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2023 09:50PM by willythekid007.
I get a NO CD Error when installing the standalone version of this mod
JackLawson989 Wrote:
> I get a NO CD Error when installing the standalone
> version of this mod

Read this

If your computer don't have a CD/DVD unit you will need also to mount a virtual one with any file *.iso.
The GP2022 Standalone Installer is an exe file instead of an ISO file. I've never had this issue before, but I'm trying to understand what the issues are.
Hi all.
I would like remove mouse tyre cursor.
How can I do to restore original one?
Thank you

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2024 07:10AM by maumau76.
@carl_grandprixgames your PM folder is full:

Hi Carl

Could you please let me know how I can remove mouse tyre cursor from your 2022 mod?

It's awesome but i prefer to use original one.

Wonderfull. Astonishing. But, the brakes doesn't work! What's wrong?
I don't get why I'm getting a no-CD error when launching this. Anyone else have an idea as to why?
Many thanks for sharing this mod!
When I try to launch the standalone 2022 mod, I got that message about dot net 6.0.
Although, if I install "inst-gpxpatch452.exe" after installing the 2022 mod, I can launch the game via the GPxPatch GUI. I am actually able to play the game. (H)
By the way, I installed the 2022 mod via Wine on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM).

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2024 10:11PM by lorak.
you get that message because you obviously don't have .net 6.0 installed ;-)
mod might be buggy if you don't run it through the launcher.

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Carl_gpgames Schreef:
> you get that message because you obviously don't h
> ave .net 6.0 installed ;-)
> mod might be buggy if you don't run it through the
> launcher.
I assume that "inst-gpxpatch452.exe" installs the minimum core files of .net 6.0 among others to actually be able to play Grand Prix 4.
Beacuse of that the vanilla game and the 2022 mod, both, can be played through the GPxPatch GUI.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2024 06:58PM by lorak.
By the way, I notice issues with the tires. It seems that there are extra white, yellow and red circular lines on the tire surface in addition to the normal circular lines on the side.
Maybe it is happening as I am not running it through the launcher as you said before.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2024 01:33AM by lorak.
Hi, mod is closing and I'm getting this error!!!

Starting log
GPxPatch version: 4.52
GPx version detected: decrypted GP4 v1.02
Date/time: 9-06-2024 18:31
Verbosity level is 0
OS version info: Windows 10 build 19045
Total physical memory: 16321 MB (free: 8046 MB)
Debugging GP4.exe
Waiting for debug events...
Injecting DLL loading code...
Injection succesful
First chance exception
Exception address: 0x771f0b82
Exception code: 0x000006ba
Exception is non-continuable
First chance exception
Exception address: 0x004aa71b
Unhandled exception
Exception address: 0x004aa71b
Stack trace:
004AA71B: Jogos\gpxpatch.exe! <no symbol>
0049DBC3: Jogos\gpxpatch.exe! <no symbol>
778B31AC: WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll! ZwWaitForMultipleObjects + 12 bytes
EAX=00000001 ECX=00000000 ESI=0066FEF0
EBX=00866DA8 EDX=00000000 EDI=FFFFFFFF
SS:ESP=002B:0019F680 EBP=FFFFD39F
DS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
Stack dump:
0019f680: 00000000 00000000 ffffd39f 00866da8 '.............m..'
0019f690: 0049dbc3 ffffffff 0066fef0 00866da8 '..I.......f..m..'
0019f6a0: 01be2200 00000130 66733e67 01be21f8 '."..0...g>sf.!..'
0019f6b0: 01be0000 0019f828 00000000 00000000 '....(...........'
0019f6c0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 '................'
0019f6d0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 778b31ac '.............1.w'
0019f6e0: 771da2b3 00000001 0019f8a8 00000001 '...w............'
0019f6f0: 00000000 771da2cf eaeb8b50 045e28a0 '.......wP....(^.'
0019f700: 01a49bc8 771da2f1 00000000 00000000 '.......w........'
0019f710: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 '................'
0019f720: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 '................'
0019f730: 00000001 00000000 00000000 01be0000 '................'
0019f740: 00000000 0019f8a8 01be0000 00000000 '................'
0019f750: 00be3428 778c7c34 01be3430 01be0000 ';(4..4|.w04......'
0019f760: 04259188 0000006c 01be3430 01be21f8 '..%.l...04...!..'
0019f770: 0019f794 40000062 0019f6a8 0019f75c '....b..@....\...'
0019f780: 0019f894 778baf80 11fe0a97 fffffffe '.......w........'
0019f790: 0019f820 778828f7 01be2200 00000130 ' ....(.w."..0...'
0019f7a0: 04468dc0 00a50ac8 04468dc0 04468fcc '..F.......F...F.'
0019f7b0: 3f800000 0019f818 646c41e1 00000003 '...?.....Ald....'
0019f7c0: 00a50ac8 646c41b0 646c41ed 00000000 '.....Ald.Ald....'
0019f7d0: 00000000 00000000 bc66f399 80000000 '..........f.....'
0019f7e0: bc5e1f13 80000000 00000000 00000000 '..^.............'
0019f7f0: bd81563b 80000000 433d7541 c0802f03 ';V......Au=C./..'
0019f800: 433636dd 80000000 bd867a7d 04468dc0 '.66C....}z....F.'
0019f810: 00000000 11aab7a5 80000000 0019f834 '............4...'
0019f820: 646a398e 00a50ac8 0442c780 646a3850 '.9jd......B.P8jd'
0019f830: 0442c784 0019f8b8 6469c94d 00000003 ''
0019f840: 00a50ac8 11aab705 04654758 00a50b08 '........XGe.....'
0019f850: 6469c995 3c19f924 0442c784 00000000 '$..<..B.....'
0019f860: 00000000 3f800000 00000000 00000000 '.......?........'
0019f870: 3c5e1f13 4095104d bc66f399 3f7ff377 '..^<M..@..f.w..?'
0019f880: 00000000 00000000 80000000 04468dc0 '..............F.'
0019f890: 00a50ac8 04468dc0 04468fcc 00000000 '......F...F.....'
0019f8a0: 0019f904 646c41e1 00000003 00a50ac8 '.....Ald........'
0019f8b0: 646c41b0 646c41ed ffffd39f 00494675 '.Ald.Ald....uFI.'
0019f8c0: 61470904 04468dc0 61470830 0442c780 '..Ga..F.0.Ga..B.'
0019f8d0: 0066fef0 00866da8 80000000 c2bd67e4 '..f..m.......g..'
0019f8e0: 3ef81b72 0019f908 646c0126 0439e000 'r..>....&.ld..9.'
0019f8f0: 0019f8fc 646c00b0 04468dc0 3db851ec '......ld..F..Q.='
0019f900: 460c6f8a 3f800054 0019f920 646a398e '.o.FT..? ....9jd'
0019f910: 00a50ac8 0442c780 646a3850 0442c784 '......B.P8jd..B.'
0019f920: 0019f9a4 6469c94d 00000003 00a50ac8 ''
0019f930: 11aab619 00a50ac8 0066fef0 6469c995 ''
0019f940: 00000000 0442c784 00000000 307fffff '......B........0'
0019f950: 3f04718a 00000000 bc25c71e 3f7ff375 '.q.?......%.u..?'
0019f960: 3c891b9b 0019f994 4001291b 00000000 '...<.....).@....'
0019f970: d963cf00 00003ffd 0066fef0 04652680 '..c..?....f..&e.'
0019f980: 3f800054 460ca000 3db851ec 3f5963cf 'T..?...F.Q.=.cY?'
0019f990: 11aab619 0019f930 0019ff60 646f0258 '....0...`...X.od'
0019f9a0: ffffffff 000003c5 40013b70 0442c780 '........p;.@..B.'
0019f9b0: 00000003 00a50ac8 00000000 00000000 '................'
0019f9c0: 00000000 3f800000 3f775257 00000000 '.......?WRw?....'
0019f9d0: be842e87 00000000 00000000 3f800000 '...............?'
0019f9e0: 00000000 00000000 3e842e87 00000000 '...........>....'
0019f9f0: 3f775257 00000000 00866d00 04654758 'WRw?.....m..XGe.'
0019fa00: 00a50b08 4001405c 40013af4 40021098 '....\@.@.:.@...@'
0019fa10: 00000001 00000001 40014044 54345047 '........D@.@GP4T'
0019fa20: 4b414557 400210ab 00493fbf 00000010 'WEAK...@.?I.....'
0019fa30: 00000001 00000001 ffffffff 0066fef0 '..............f.'
0019fa40: ffffd39f 00866da8 000cbc8c 3e9d92cf '.....m.........>'
0019fa50: 00000000 42a00000 00000001 00000000 '.......B........'
0019fa60: 3f800175 00000000 000003c0 000001a8 'u..?............'
0019fa70: 005106a3 00510c23 ffffffff 0066fef0 '..Q.#.Q.......f.'
0019fa80: ffffd39f 0019fa98 00866da8 00000000 '.........m......'
0019fa90: 00000000 00000000 0055177e 0052375a '........~.U.Z7R.'
0019faa0: 00523ae6 0051131a 00511cd8 0051267c '.:R...Q...Q.|&Q.'
0019fab0: 0051e500 0053742d 76939350 766a8390 '..Q.-tS.P..v..jv'
0019fac0: 00400000 0019fad8 00000000 00000000 '..@.............'
0019fad0: eaeb89f0 00002444 005089c8 005ddec6 '....D$....P...].'
0019fae0: 00000000 0019ff70 01be0b8f 01be0338 '....p.......8...'
0019faf0: 00000025 00000000 778baf80 01be21f8 '%..........w.!..'
0019fb00: 01be0b80 0019fb98 77886ecc 00000800 '.........n.w....'
0019fb10: 00000018 00000000 0019fb68 01be21f8 '........h....!..'
0019fb20: 01be2298 01be0000 00000004 00000025 '."..........%...'
0019fb30: 01be0000 01be2200 00000012 01be21ff '.....".......!..'
0019fb40: 00000027 00000025 00000110 00000138 ''...%.......8...'
0019fb50: 00000001 01be21f8 0073327f 50000163 '.....!...2s.c..P'
0019fb60: 0019fa90 00d10000 0019fc98 778baf80 '...............w'
0019fb70: 11fe0a97 fffffffe 0019fc08 778828f7 '.............(.w'
0019fb80: 01be2200 00000120 01be2200 7788292a '.".. ...."..*).w'
0019fb90: 00000000 00000000 00000120 00000000 '........ .......'
0019fba0: 00000000 01be2200 50000163 00000000 '....."..c..P....'
0019fbb0: 01be0000 01be0b90 01be0000 0019fc28 '............(...'
0019fbc0: 7791f5fd 01be0258 7791f5d4 0019ff60 '...wX......w`...'
0019fbd0: 778baf80 11fe0a2f fffffffe 0019fc70 '...w/.......p...'
0019fbe0: 77886ecc 009ed59d 005ddec6 0019fc5c '.n.w......].\...'
0019fbf0: 771f0b75 0019fc5c 00000110 01be21f8 'u..w\........!..'
0019fc00: 01be0000 00000000 00000000 01be0000 '................'
0019fc10: 0019fc40 77920a46 01be21f8 01be21f8 '@...F..w.!...!..'
0019fc20: 01be0000 00000000 01be0000 00000000 '................'
0019fc30: 01be0000 00000000 0019fca8 779204e7 '...............w'
0019fc40: 01be0258 779204be 6673355f 01be0000 'X......w_5sf....'
0019fc50: 01be21f8 01be0000 00000440 0019fec8 '.!......@.......'
0019fc60: 00000070 00000070 00000138 01be0000 'p...p...8.......'
0019fc70: 0019fc9c 50000163 01be2328 01be21f8 '....c..P(#...!..'
0019fc80: 01be21f8 01be2200 005e0000 01980000 '.!..."....^.....'
0019fc90: 0019fc48 00000020 0019fd90 778baf80 'H... ..........w'
0019fca0: 11fe1fb7 fffffffe 0019fda0 77882c3e '............>,.w'
0019fcb0: 01be2200 00000120 66733457 01be21f8 '.".. ...W4sf.!..'
0019fcc0: 01be0000 0019fe38 0019fccc 0044005c '....8.......\.D.'
0019fcd0: 00760065 00630069 005c0065 00610048 'e.v.i.c.e.\.H.a.'
0019fce0: 00640072 00690064 006b0073 006f0056 'r.d.d.i.s.k.V.o.'
0019fcf0: 0075006c 0065006d 005c0035 006f004a 'l.u.m.e.5.\.J.o.'
0019fd00: 006f0067 005c0073 00500047 002e0034 'g.o.s.\.G.P.4...'
0019fd10: 00780065 00000065 005ded31 00000000 'e.x.e...1.].....'
0019fd20: 7693fcc9 00000000 778a7cbe 00000000 '...v.....|.w....'
0019fd30: 778a7c8e 00000000 00000000 00000000 '.|.w............'
0019fd40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01be0000 '................'
0019fd50: 00000000 00000000 01be0000 01be0000 '................'
0019fd60: 4000006a 00000000 00000000 00000000 'j..@............'
0019fd70: 00000000 00000000 41c885db 01be21f8 '...........A.!..'
0019fd80: 00000000 40000062 0019fcb8 3292d2df '....b..@.......2'
0019fd90: 0019fea4 778baf80 11fe0a97 fffffffe '.......w........'
0019fda0: 0019fe30 778828f7 01be2200 00000120 '0....(.w.".. ...'
0019fdb0: 00000000 7788292a 00000000 00000000 '....*).w........'
0019fdc0: 00000120 01be21f8 00000120 01be21f8 ' ....!.. ....!..'
0019fdd0: 7791d95c 01be2320 77847af0 00000008 '\..w #...z.w....'
0019fde0: 01be2200 01be0000 01be21f8 01be2200 '.".......!..."..'
0019fdf0: 01be0000 50000061 50000061 01be00a4 '....a..Pa..P....'
0019fe00: 01be0000 0019fe54 0019fe54 779208b5 '....T...T......w'
0019fe10: 01be0258 7792088c 667337a3 005ddec6 'X......w.7sf..].'
0019fe20: 01be0000 01be2200 01be0000 50000061 '....."......a..P'
0019fe30: 0119fe58 00000120 01000000 0019fe18 'X... ...........'
0019fe40: 778baf80 0019feac 778baf80 11fe1caf '...w.......w....'
0019fe50: fffffffe 0019fe70 778de745 01be2200 '....p...E..w."..'
0019fe60: 005ddec6 006011e8 002d2000 0000000d '..]...`.. -.....'
0019fe70: 0019febc 005df5fb 01be0000 00000000 '......].........'
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