AC rip-offs

Posted by kedy89 
AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 01:37PM
Posted by: kedy89
Hi folks,

stumpled across this thanks to Youtube recommendations []
Plenty of stuff stolen from GP4, converted to AC and being sold.

Might want to leave them nice comments via contact, though I doubt it'll lead to anything. Shame that scum like this has a place.

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Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 02:13PM
Posted by: jimbob1
I can see where you are coming from. if they had asked the original authors that made these for permissions then that would be better

but lets muddy the water a bit... i see this type of post popping up again and i think ...

were the cars in this example made from scratch or were they an original GP4 model or say from one of the F1 2010 + games modified in max or similar to change the shapes

and the legal implications also. who gave permissions for content on liveries or adds used around converted race tracks ?

same for tracks.. hands up ....i took tracks/objects/textures from other released games & didn't ask or get permission ..trd/rfactor etc

i remember lee71 & myself being contacted by netkar pro developers and being asked to remove & cease our conversion for GP4 of the formula ford cars from NKP or legal action would be taken

this we did. they mentioned they considered Grand Prix 4 " competition" was in a ways flattering to GP4 considering it was a few years after it's release. so if the base for someones work started else where , be it a car/track/helmet/texture etc then i don't think this is any moral high grand to be taken here as two wrongs do not make a right

and like i said above. i was guilty as the next person for converting tracks from released games without permissions

i have see more recently plenty of tracks from F1 2018/19 onwards being converted in whole or large amounts of the content being used in Grand prix 4 & cars and content from stock AC content.

so i think as unpopular as this will sound/ be taken you will have to take the rough with the smooth

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2020 02:15PM by jimbob1.
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 02:15PM
Posted by: edestler
Such a disgusting business model (N) Another reason to play with GP4 instead.

Race Driver #19
Scorpion Grand Prix
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 02:44PM
Posted by: kedy89

Take 2002 for example, 9/11 cars are scratch built by soulbringer and I, the remaining 2 close to finished. The '95 and '96 stuff too should most (all?) be scratch built GP4 content. Parts of it have been converted to AMS with our permission. Also it's one thing if it's "just" being taken, converted, and released, it's another thing if it's being sold.

Obviously, if something that's already been converted to GP4 gets converted again, you can't complain since you didn't make it in the first place. Or something like your example with the netkar stuff. But that's a completely different topic.

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Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 03:03PM
Posted by: soulbringer

This mod has been converted to another game to which me and kedy had no problems with (once we got credited).

But this is, as kedy pointed out different matter since someone is making money on work I and kedy create and share for free.

Hard to turn blind eye on that. And least we are entitled is to is bitch about it here on friendly ground. Right?
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 03:29PM
Posted by: SkaaningeN

This is so screwed up! I wrote this to them:

Alot of your Assetto Corsa mods are stolen files that where released for free for Goeff Crammonds Grand Prix 4, a community I've been a part of for a long time, and other titles. Converting to AC and the selling it is horrible thing to do and put down everyone who's gave their time to give the community updated games. Here are some examples:
Grand Prix 1998 Mod is originially made by CTDP for EA's F1 Challenge 99-02 and was released for free to the community!
GrandPrix 2000 Mod was converted from F1 Challenge to Grand Prix 4 as a mod. The Ferrari F2000 was made for Grand Prix 4 from scratch and was released for free to the community!
Grand Prix 2007 Mod have several cars that were originally released for Grand Prix 4 for free to the community!
Grand Prix 2001 almost every car in this mod was originally made for Grand Prix 4 for free to the community!
Grand Prix 2003 Mod all cars were originally released for F1 Challenge and Grand Prix 4 for free!
Grand Prix 2002 Mod all cars were originally released for Grand Prix 4 for free! That mod is not done yet and now you have made the original authors put everything on hold!
I have the authors names for all these cars if you like me to post them. This is a shitty thing to do by selling free stuff. I will make sure to spread this information to people in the sim racing world if you don't take down your stolen mods!

That is what I could see at a quick glance. This site must be taken down!

Ice Hockey is my Religion!
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 05:23PM
Posted by: jimbob1
soulbringer Wrote:
> @jimbob1
> This mod has been converted to another game to
> which me and kedy had no problems with (once we
> got credited).
> But this is, as kedy pointed out different matter
> since someone is making money on work I and kedy
> create and share for free.
> Hard to turn blind eye on that. And least we are
> entitled is to is bitch about it here on friendly
> ground. Right?

Totally Agree
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 07:12PM
Posted by: quickslick
this is really @#$%& from the AC guys
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 08:07PM
Posted by: fongu
Yeah it's just wrong to steal and sell on. I don't mind a conversion with credit, that's a compliment really, but to make a profit off something released for free is really not good.

I was chatting with ASR about collaborating with them a fair while back, some of them former members here, with models being added to GP4 and my models being used by them, but that didn't take off sadly. Part of the problem is they wanted super high poly models that GP4 really can't handle. I'm sure the idea is a good idea in principle though.

Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 24, 2020 08:46PM
Posted by: huskyman49
I agree, fongu. Some of the older AC models are compatible to GP4 with some Polygon crunching but most of the newer ones are super high poly models and therefore hard to convert without investing too much time and loosing to much details and quality.
On the other hand GTR2 cars are often a bit too simple made and far beyond the limits of GP4.
But in principle a collaboration could be a win for both parties maybe... Anyway, sometimes I wished GP4 could have a higher limit of vertices/faces...
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 25, 2020 09:35AM
Posted by: salvasirignano
These guys take sh*thousery to another level!
Not only do they steal and sell, they then issue copyright claims to YouTube, Google and internet hosts and get the legitimate free original mods taken down!!!!
They did that with Bazza's GPL mod for AC, and with the F1 Classic forums. The latter had to move to a completely new forum...

Can you imagine if they did the same to our forum? The problem is that they are from Eastern Europe, Romania or Russia if I remember correctly, where this kind of thing isn't illegal..
The only thing to do would be to present their hosting company with a lawsuit for the hosting of stolen intellectual property..

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Easter Island Circuit

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2020 09:46AM by salvasirignano.
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 27, 2020 07:32PM
Posted by: TTM
This is common problem nowadays with game modding. There is only few people who will do their cars and tracks from scratch. Others just use others work, even over 10 year old stuff and they claim that they are done it from scratch and in worst cases, take money from "their" work.

I have seen that my GP4 Melbourne track is used for base as Melbourne tracks on rFactor, rFactor 2, Automobilista and Assetto Corsa. ;) I have been laughing a lot everytime when i see those versions. Why someone wants to use it or other game version as base on their own??? Many of the 3d models and textures are outdated and with todays tools/programs you can achieve much better quality tracks... At least they don't ask money from track. :)

Not take too serious if your work is used nowadays, you are done a really good work with your mod in past years. :) Asking money from free mod is wrong and hopefully it will stop soon.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/27/2020 07:34PM by TTM.
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 27, 2020 10:28PM
Posted by: landex
You guys are so right! Damn does
This spirit gp4 and gp3 community is to share without any profit... And they sell it. The work of everyone who made this mods..:-O
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 28, 2020 03:53AM
Posted by: Flash Formula
God!! what a way to end 2020, very sad to see this issue pop up again. :-o

Unfortunately there is not a lot we can do about it, apart from voice it out and spread the word, there's no legally binding contracts in what we build for GP4, but selling free GP4 content, converted from other games or not is wrong.
I've ripped so many many car models from other games to play on GP4, that I don't even release for free because that already feels wrong to me, let alone selling them and making money.
We couldn't even sell them to ourselves, because it's against the spirit for our community and would most likely kill it off completely.
We could always build the company front, then buyout the Grand Prix 4 assets, code and copyright to said company, and continue building for GP4 with new content that would be legally sound with all assets protected ;-)
Wishful thinking I know, but it sounded good (Y)

"Community buys IP title" :-O

Maybe one day I might release some converted stuff I've put together, but I know it's a very taboo subject.

Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 28, 2020 08:41AM
Posted by: esv
Bible: Gal 6:8.

For he heat soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 29, 2020 01:02AM
Posted by: landex
Bible my ass!
Religion has nothing to do with it!
Re: AC rip-offs
Date: December 29, 2020 11:04AM
Posted by: huskyman49
Hopefully not!
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