GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone

Posted by GPGSL 
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 12, 2021 06:25PM
Posted by: kedy89
That went surprisingly well.

Ruben and Silverstone, a love story

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Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 12, 2021 08:10PM
Posted by: Turbo Lover
Not in the last seasons sadly.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 12:27AM
Posted by: GPGSL
Welcome to the final round of the GPGSL's 14th season. Three drivers still have the chance to win the championship. They are buried deep in the rest of the fild so whoever is able to force his way throgh the field in the fastest way will succeed today.

The weather looks fine, noting to worry about here

Greidanus awaiting the green lights

And we are go!

Rodriguez makes a move for the lead

And succeeds

Gaps are already opening up, Karda and Kederer fight for 5th

de Bruyker without any significant gains

Same goes for Pedersen

Kederer up to 5th

Parachki attacking O'Neill

de Bruyker up into 14th

McClure sitting in 7th with minor chances to win the title

Hinz losing it

And he nearly wipes out Pedersen!

He rejoins in 22nd

Meanwhile Kederer and Karda are still up close and personal

With the better end for Karda for the moment

Pedersen is trying to make his way into the points positions. He is struggling however and does not take too many risks.

de Bruyker watching Pedersen

So far the midfield is still tightly packed

One singular point for Pedersen at the moment

de Bruyker is trying to follow Pedersen

Greidanus is closing in on Rodriguez

Elleker sitting in 16th

McClure tries to make a move on Kederer. He needs to win

Kederer cuts him off and McClure goes off line

He smashes into the wall, race over for him. One contender is out.

Crucially, de Bruyker has passed Pedersen. de Bruyker just seems more determined today

Meanwhile Greidanus wants this win

The Christels seek some action, too.

Greidanus makes a move for the lead

He goes through

The Elleker train on the move

Kederer got past Karda

de Bruyker and Pedersen in 11th and 12th. If it stays like this, Pedersen will be champ

de Bruyker knows he has to do more

Pedersen is getting under pressure from Vilela

Parachki leading O'Neill

And Kederer is now in front of Karda again

Oh no, drama for O'Neill, his engine calls it a day

Due to O'Neill's mishap the midfield gets bunched up

Rodriguez is the first to stop

Pedersen is attacked by Majumdar, who goes through

So the first half of the race sees one title contender out with the other two fighting it out in the midfield. At the moment it would be enough for Pedersen, however Tyrant might be on to some tactical games with Majumdar here. Stay tuned for the second part, this isn't over yet.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 01:03AM
Posted by: Mullet345
Both drivers doing well so far.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 01:12AM
Posted by: Bandon23
And that's game over for me. What a shame for my final GPGSL race ended with a mistake, truly a bad ending... :(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2021 01:13AM by Bandon23.
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 09:57AM
Posted by: Parachki
On the podium as of now. But the competition is fighting hard, so it would be hard to keep P3

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 10:30AM
Posted by: seanmikeuk
Bad race for me. On the 13th lap my engine gave up. No points for me or the team. Keep fighting Toby and try to get on the podium. Good luck for the rest of the race.


GPGSL Alpha Motorsports, S13 Race Driver #8 S14 Race Driver #2, S15 Race Driver #2
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 11:45AM
Posted by: Pedersen
oooooo so nervous!!

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 01:54PM
Posted by: EricMoinet
I have no Word for this race.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 02:03PM
Posted by: Turbo Lover
EricMoinet Schreef:
> I have no Word for this race.

Greg also. ;-)

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 02:04PM
Posted by: Soutsen
Didin't we have a championship deceided yesterday. What's going on with this race and what is it for? I thought Pedersen has won the title yesterday.

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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2021 02:09PM by Soutsen.
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 02:09PM
Posted by: Turbo Lover
The one who crosses the finish line first.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 02:38PM
Posted by: GPGSL
Welcome back to the second and final part of the British GP

Race leader Greidanus pits

Hinz has made up lost ground at the end of the field

Kederer tries the overcut and stays out longer

Greidanus rejoins in 7th

de Bruyker also opts for a long first stint

The MMMs enjoy some quality time together

Kederer tries to maximise his time in clean air, Karda following him

Rodriguez is on the way forward after his stop

Pedersen has stopped already and has to deal with traffic

de Bruyker pits, a good stop will be crucial for him

Greidanus back in a comfortable lead

Kederer somehow lost ground to Karda, positions are switched. Maybe the overcut wasn't the way to go

Not for long, though

de Bruyker in 9th, this is not enough for him with Pedersen in 12th

Who is still caught up in the midfield

Followed by an aggressive Majumdar

Russel is slowing down and emits puffs of smoke. That doesn't look healthy

Oh no, that's a massive crash. Bouchard smashes into Russels already broken car

Hinz runs over debris and loses his front wing

I think we need a stafety car. Also: what is Russel doing with his steering wheel?

Out goes Bouchard

Pedersen attacks McCarthy, sees the yellow flags and backs out of it

The race leader is completely unphazed by the carnage in the back of the field

As is de Bruyker, now up in 8th

Pedersen knows he needs to do more to be save here and tries to get 10th from McCarthy

For the moment with success

Rodriguez controlling the gap to Parachki behind him. A strong race for both of them

Kederer finally got the better of Karda

While Pedersen is still struggling. He needs to up his game

Elleker sits in a lonely 14th

Somehow Gilson took advantage of the Pedersen-McCarthy struggles and is up into 10th

And even more drama for Pedersen. The info graphics show 8 positions gained for de Bruyker. With the additional point both remaining title contenders would be on the same points total.
Time to grab the rulebook

Gustavo with a last hurrah up into 14th

de Bruyker in a safe 8th place

A similar situation for Pedersen in 11th

Meanwhile Greidanus heads into the last lap with the option of a friendly punt from teh lapped AMR behind him

Greidanus wins the British GP, superb performance by him

Rodriguez in 2nd

Parachki finishes 3rd

Kederer 4th

Karda in a solid 5th

Scala in 6th making it a double points finish for MTP

Sakata comes home in 7th

de Bruyker in 8th, it's not yet clear whether he will love it or not

Vilela finishes 9th after a strong drive

Gilson rounds up the top 10

Pedersen with 2 points in 11th

Majumdar grabs the final point in 12th

But what does this mean for the championship? By my (unofficial) calculations Pedersen gets 2 points added to arrive at a total of 105.
de Bruyker gets 5 points for 8th and one for most places gained (8) while being one place ahead of Vilela with also 8 places gained.
So he also arrives at 105 points in total. Looking at the previous results this season both Pedersen and de Bruyker won 3 races.
However, de Bruyker has a 2nd place finish in South Africa while Pedersen's second best finish are 3 3rd places.
So I think, and whe have to wait for an official confirmation, that de Bruyker is the new champ thanks to a second place finish on countback.
That has to be the closest decision ever. In any case, congratulations to both de Buyker and Pedersen for a great season! Probably a bitter-sweet
ending for MAC, as they won the race in great fashion but appear to have lost out on the drivers title by the smallest of margins.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 02:50PM
Posted by: Parachki
PODIUUUUUUUUUUM! What a race for the team. A much needed result. Joseph did a great job as well. Silverstone is a track to love.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 03:02PM
Posted by: Mullet345
What a finish to perhaps the closest fought season in the history of the GPGSL. We are extremely pleased with De Bruyker's drive here today to secure his second drivers crown, and also with Majumdar who did all he could to try and get us the necessary points we needed to try and take the constructors crown. Congratulations to MAC Racing on taking home the constructors crown. Look after it well as we will be looking to reclaim it next season.

Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 03:04PM
Posted by: Turbo Lover
Yes, finally a win this season at a track where i won the most races. A bit unhappy by not claiming the fastest lap with such a small margin. It would be the perfect weekend.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 03:08PM
Posted by: Zaky04
I had a feeling when Marcus won those races at the start of the season that he'd be champion by the end of it. Respect to Michael for doing such an incredible job all season. Respect as well to Daly who was able to put the car in the position to challenge for the championship, easily a season to remember for him. Looking forward to my second full season of GPGSL racing.
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 04:32PM
Posted by: Macca25
Couldn’t give a rats toss bag about the drivers championship, we got the one that matters and that’s the teams championship baby.


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Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 05:27PM
Posted by: ooleeeo
Wow, what an amazing race for the team! And interesting rules about tie in driver's championship. (Y)

Kimi forever!
Re: GPGSL S14 - R14 British GP - Silverstone
Date: June 13, 2021 06:36PM
Posted by: Brett Sinclair
Did I snatch the championship title?


I knew I had to stay in front and finish before Pedersen, bud I did not know that 8th place was enough... well well well, the last race of this season was a great race afterall !

This was close, very very close... thanks Michael, I enjoyed it very much, lets fight back for the crown next season!

...and thanks to all the guys who made this season possible after all the problems and... covid-19.

Stay safe and healthy my friends and up to Season 15, so we can start our engines again and fight for the titel.

Greetings from Belgium,


Love that bloody TYRANT Team, and now its time for an icecream ;-)

GPGSL-3: VTR Driver, S4~S11 (2nd, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3th, 4th, 3th, 2nd)(Constructorstitel S7 & S9)
GPGSL-4: ONE Racing Driver, S8~S11 // TYRANT Racing Driver, S12:1st, S13:13th, S14:1st, S15:13th //
WREXHAM Motorsports Racing Driver S16: ?
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