3d MAX
Date: December 18, 2015 01:44PM
Posted by: txema
I am making a scene with 3D max. Does anyone could tell me how it becomes object for the GP4? Thanks.
Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 18, 2015 02:25PM
Posted by: Excalibur
You have differents solutions to export your 3DMax scene into GP4.
The easier solution is to export your scene into .3ds format but you will have to import it into Zmodeler2, to smooth the normals, then into Zmodeler1.
Beware that your 3d object or scene doesn't have more than 55,000 or 60,000 polys, otherwise, you will get a strange result.

BTW, here is a little tutorial which may help you: [www.mediafire.com]



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 02:26PM by Excalibur.
Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 18, 2015 04:02PM
Posted by: jvinu2000
what is the right poly count range for a car without tires?

Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 19, 2015 12:55AM
Posted by: AUS_Doug
The original 2001 Ferrari has 1,976 faces, but the 2009 Brawn (Monaco shape) in the Fsone 2009 mod has 19,313 faces........so I guess it really depends on how powerful a computer it'll be running on!

Really though, I think ~20,000 is a reasonable maximum number to aim for, assuming everything is done efficiently.

F1 Graphics Swapper --- Lensdump - Renders and Screenshots --- GP4 Performance Generator
Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 19, 2015 03:56PM
Posted by: jvinu2000
AUS_Doug Wrote:
> @jvinu2000
> The original 2001 Ferrari has 1,976 faces, but the
> 2009 Brawn (Monaco shape) in the Fsone 2009 mod
> has 19,313 faces........so I guess it really
> depends on how powerful a computer it'll be
> running on!
> Really though, I think ~20,000 is a reasonable
> maximum number to aim for, assuming everything is
> done efficiently.

OK, thanks for your help

Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 20, 2015 11:58PM
Posted by: Excalibur
jvinu2000 écrivait:
> what is the right poly count range for a car
> without tires?

Today, most of the PC spec. are powerful enough to handle a carshape with 50,000 polys max. But what will increase the size of the main lod (lod_0) is also the number of vertices.

Sauber C33: Vertices: 45906; Faces: 49851; lod_0= 3,21 Mo

Sauber C34 (based on the C33): Vertices: 40372; Faces: 42617; lod_0= 2,81 Mo

McLaren MP4-30: Vertices: 34644; Faces: 48018; lod_0= 2,6 Mo

So, the numbers of vertices has an influence on the size of the lod_0. The best is to find a compromise between the number of faces and vertices. When you import a model from 3Dsmax, a lot of vertices are detached and you can optimize and reduce this number by uniteselcting them when they are connected between 2 faces. It can be a long work to do manually but this is how you will get a high polys but smooth shape (to keep the quality but not too heavy)
I would say that the numbers of polys should not extend 50,000 and number of vertices 40,000 to get a reasonable size for the main lod, when it is possible... ;-)
But you can also optimize your carshape to get a very nice result, like Hega or Gezere use to do with a number of faces between 20,000 and 30,000 faces and number of vertices around 25,000, depending on how the car is built... Just a matter of work, time and patience! :-)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2015 12:10AM by Excalibur.
Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 22, 2015 01:37AM
Posted by: jvinu2000
thanks for your help, its good to know how many detail can i put in my car

Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 23, 2015 11:47AM
Posted by: txema
Hello Excalibur. I have done as i talk, even following the guide, but when you import with the Zmodeler2 cannot see the object. What I can be doing wrong?
Re: 3d MAX
Date: December 23, 2015 01:40PM
Posted by: Excalibur
txema écrivait:
> Hello Excalibur. I have done as i talk, even
> following the guide, but when you import with the
> Zmodeler2 cannot see the object. What I can be
> doing wrong?

If you don't see your 3D model into the 3D window, that's probably because your textures are not assigned on the model. Click on Material Editor (Red button on the menu bar) to open it and look at the textures layers.

Or Do you see your objects into the "scene nodes browser" ?
If not, your model has got too many polygons and Zmodeler can't load it and display it correctly.

You can send me your 3D model so I can check, if you want ;-)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2015 01:42PM by Excalibur.
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