A Virtual One to One with Geoff Crammond - brought to you by Jim Connors aka jimbob1

Posted by mortal 
That was amazing :-) Thanks to all who got involved in this present

My GPGSL Career
awesome! =) the legend him self, sir Geoff! as many said, Thanks to all involved in this :)

[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
there's still a chance he might just offer something(I)

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mortal schrieb:

It should be 10.000.000 by now.

Unfortunately most People these days like to play stupid games were they like to shoot people in the Face. Thank God I don't belong to those kind of people.

THANK YOU GEOFF CRAMMOND for creating the best Racing Game ever made and THANK YOU for giving me so much Race-Fun over the last 23 Years. I'm sure I will still play your Game when I'm 80. :-)
Oh, I read this interview in december but didn't post a word on it, though!

I would like to thank Jim for this great interview with Sir Geoff. It was just unexpected and very interesting to read. Such a great chance to meet him, to get his thoughts, how he is working and what he is doing, now! :-)

A shame that he didn't continue to work further on GP5. Even without the f1 licensing requirement, I am sure it would have been again better than GP4..., as it still remains the best F1 racing simulation game, for me, regarding IA and physics.

I consider Mr Crammond as the father of F1 racing simulation since Grand Prix on Amiga.

I just wish him the best for his future projects and who knows? Maybe a race sim game from Sir Geoff will see the light, one day?! ^^

Thanks to him for according this interview and Jim to make it possible! :-) (Y)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/11/2015 08:46PM by Excalibur.
well, at least someone who loves mods and modding. Learn on this Codemasters! ;)

GPGSL - Yakuza driver

GPGSL activity check app: Direct link - Source code - Have you posted?
Nice interview. Interesting to read that he has converted assembler code to C++. Looking at the disassembly, it's obvious which parts were Geoff's handwritten code, and which was C++ code done by Microprose.

F1 licensing requirement could perhaps be avoided in the same way as F1GP did, using fictional names and liveries, etc. Then let the modders create the real ones :)

René Smit, Independent Software Developer.
Download my GPx tools here.
SDI écrivait:
> Nice interview. Interesting to read that he has
> converted assembler code to C++. Looking at the
> disassembly, it's obvious which parts were Geoff's
> handwritten code, and which was C++ code done by
> Microprose.
> F1 licensing requirement could perhaps be avoided
> in the same way as F1GP did, using fictional names
> and liveries, etc. Then let the modders create the
> real ones :)

+ 1 ;-)



[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
@Jim: Just an idea. Maybe you should submit your interview to Racedepartment. I am sure that a lot of players would be interested . :)


Yeah, we have a large GP4 following, I've linked it once but a release to the whole site would be fantastic
Better is to contact an admin ;-)


Big thanks to Jim and Sir Geoff, and everyone else involved for this one. Extremely interesting to read :)

Wanted to write this months ago already, but for some reason it slipped my mind.

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[www.mediafire.com] Some say you should click it, you know you want to. :-) [www.gp4central.com] <----GP4 Central
I was wondering if the original photo's for the games track textures are still somewhere around, so we could have the original tracks in high res.

My Grand Prix 4 Files

I'm a total dick. How many people can say that?
Can try it if you want.
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