ms is the best

Posted by ayazyounis 
Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 07:56AM
Posted by: The Lopper
@ Vader

Sorry to drag this up again(I've been away)

Read that ancient post on how Irish people have so many words for different things.
A lot of this has a lot to do with dialects.
For instance, boats. In kerry and galway there are two different words for a particular type of small boat. Currach and Naomhóg. i've forgotten where they say what. but in one place they'll call it a naomhóg and in another they'll call it a currach. and they won't interchange

Maybe the reason we've so many words for boat is because boats were an integral part of gaeltacht communities. For instance the often repeated fact that eskimos have 50 or so words for snow(So often repeated i've forgotten the exact number:))

Irish grammar ain't too bad. There aren't that many irregulars. Its actually getting to know all the vocab. thats challenging

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 08:14AM
Posted by: Vader
Don't get me wrong, Lodder. I am actually a big fan of Irish culture, (language and especially literature). The article above is from one of my favourite Irish authors, Flann O'Brien aka Myles na Gopaleen.

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 10:04AM
Posted by: Anonymous User
"i just had sex for the first time"

lmao and you post about it on a forum?! I hope u have enough cash to keep ur girlfriend...

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 10:14AM
Posted by: The Lopper
Don't get me wrong, Lodder.
Thank you ever so much:)

I know him as Flann O' Brien. I don't go for the literature side of things that much, i am not the reading type(except for anything by Bill Bryson)
The best part about irish culture is without a doubt hurling(sport)
It puts soccer and rugby to shame.

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 11:50AM
Posted by: Vader
Ooooops - sorry, The Lopper.

I like the Stout/Whiskey part of Irish culture, too.

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 11:59AM
Posted by: The Lopper
oops, we nearly left out the most important part;)

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 12:25PM
Posted by: Vader
Btw, it is "Schwarzenegger", not Schwarchnegger.

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 02:33PM
Posted by: The Lopper

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 12, 2004 02:43PM
Posted by: Vader
Good lad. (Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí)

Re: ms is the best
Date: February 13, 2004 02:18AM
Posted by: Keithb
"i just had sex for the first time"

What he forgot to mention was that it was with himself.

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