Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 02:51PM
Posted by: LS.
The Michelins are fast at the beginning of a race, it's a known fact.

everyone else knows that the michelins are that far off the bridgestones that they have to scrub them in for the race, they are ok for a few laps, then they go off dramatically, then come back.

you still don't want to accept that Schumacher is the fastest F1 driver in the world.

no alex you just don't want to accept that he's the fastest driver in the fastest car.

look how he won last year, and today, its the car.

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 02:54PM
Posted by: LS.
and you never touched on this topic either

heres what montoya had to say about it

""I got past Michael at the restart and I thought I I could get away. But as soon as his tyres got up to temperature he was just way too fast."

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 03:06PM
Posted by: Morbid
Quote: I hope you landed on something soft - that sounded quite dramatic Morbid!!!! :)



It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything.
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 03:24PM
Posted by: _Alex_
I got past Michael at the restart and I thought I I could get away. But as soon as his tyres got up to temperature he was just way too fast

What's to say that Montoya was right? How does he know it was the tyres? The Bridgestones were faster at the end, for sure, but you've really blown their advantage up to be more than it really was.

no alex you just don't want to accept that he's the fastest driver in the fastest car

The Ferrari was the fastest car. Yes. But it had nowhere near the advantage that you guys are making it out to have. The only reason it had an advantage was like you said, they had data from last year to play with. But you're not going to be able to use that one for much longer. But anyway, let's calm this argument down a bit now - and wait and see what happens next time out in Malaysia in.... what? TWO WEEKS! ARGH!

Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 03:34PM
Posted by: LS.
What's to say that Montoya was right?

quite clearly he was one driving the car, but hey who am i or even montoya, to argue with you?

you are so adamant that MS is the best, your even questioning the guy who battling with him.

afterall who would be the best person to ask? montyoya thats who.

your arguments are so flimsy alex, your questioning the validity of a f1 driver

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 03:41PM
Posted by: CMJH69
People seem very jealous of Michael Schumacher round here!

Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 03:48PM
Posted by: LS.
i would'nt say jealous, more like a dislike, to put it mildly ;-)

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 03, 2002 10:33PM
Posted by: trigger
Guys, I think you're both right.

ok, to be honest, I don't like Schumacher.
He's too cocky (perhaps with good reason), and I'm sick of him dominating everything. He needs to be taken down a peg.

Having said that, Schumi is a great talent. A talent for driving, and a talent to squeeze the best out of a not-so-good situation (also see = luck). I suspect he sold his soul to the devil.

However, I think there are drivers every bit as good as Schumacher on the grid. Montoya, Fisichella, Raikkonen, and WEBBER!

I think we all know that Schumacher had the better car on the day, the only question is 'how much better'? Would anyone else LOVE to see all the great drivers of F1 in a situation like Premier One Racing? That outta sort out all the arguments.

If Webber hasn't been headhunted by a better team by years end, I'll eat my hat (and no, it's not a licorice hat).
I'm thinking Jordan. But he'll be leaving minardi regardless. I'm an Aussie and have been following his career so it's not all based on the freakish GP result...............he da mayan!

Remember, you saw it first from Trigger...
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 12:42AM
Posted by: SkAiFeY
haha, u guys are funny.

i agree with all of Alex's comments.

Chris C
GPTC & GPVWC Manager o' CVRT
HawkEyE '01WC' Driver o' CVRT
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 03:53AM
Posted by: bazza
MS obviously had the fastest car, he had the best tyres, he had good relaibility, he had luck avoiding the accident, he has a good pit crew, good tactics, and the team have a great knowledge of the car, and how to set it up. Surely, this can easily equate to a 20 second advantage at the end of a race. No?


Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 07:52AM
Posted by: Mark
i am in agreement that on the day ms had the best car but that is down to other teams poor performance with there new cars,even ferrari didn't expect to be that far ahead i just think that michael did the best job on the for the tyre situation didn't mclaren switch to michelen because they thought they had a performance advantage, to the ms haters you seem to be allowing montoya to have the excuse that his tyres weren't performing thats why michael romped away,well if the next gp the situation is reversed and bridgestones perform badly we can have the excuse that the tyre cost ms the race also that it was last years car,yes thats a good excuse,
i'm sick of hearing michael only wins cause of the best car,well it was only last year he could clame to have had the best car,as the mclaren was better in 98 and 99 and 2001 and before then the williams,so prior to ms having the best car last year he already had 3 world championships and 44 wins,not bad for an inferior car so it has to be the driver making the difference.
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 09:25AM
Posted by: LS.
not according to alex :-) Schumacher is a demi god who can perform miracles,

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 12:35PM
Posted by: Morbid
Gets up and pats the dust off his combat fatigues and and picks up his helmet from the crater beside him....

Yow, the flak is really heavy here. The landscape kinda resembles the surface of the moon. It is a miracle that I even came through... Now what time is it?

Glances his watch

YICKS, I was knocked out for over 20 hours! Got to hurry!

What was it i wanted to say? Oh yes! Something about tyres!


Quote: "Schumacher said: "I enjoyed the scrap with Juan Pablo, which went back and forwards a bit. I think the tyres played a bit of a role in that. At first I struggled to get the temperature in them, whereas the Michelin guys seemed to get on top of the temperatures. But then it turned around; their tyres went off and mine came in and I was finally able to take the lead."

Montoya, meanwhile, added: "I thought we were going to be competitive but as soon as he got temperature in his tyres there was nothing I could do. He was way too fast and it was just a matter of time."

It would seem that the opinions, that *cough* certain persons *cough* in this thread prepose, are a bit polarized...

Now lets see if I can find a way out of here, without having to pass through all that carnage and mayhem again...

Satisfied that he has completed his mission, he walks off, watching the sky for marauding airplanes, while he also eyes the bushes and trees hoping that there no ambushes or snipers hiding, while he also is busy prodding the ground with a stick for minefields...

It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything.
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 12:50PM
Posted by: sega
I agree that MS did a great job, but JPM and KR also did it, the diference is, off course, with their cars they had no chance of wining at all.

Even MS said at the press conference that they (Ferrari) were surprised of their advantage. Come on, do you really think that MS (i reckon he's a great -very talented- driver) took those 28 sec over JPM and KR only because of his talent????? that's simply not possible.

P.S. Did anyone see MS slapping KR's head at the podium?? like if he was his pet!!!!!!!!!!! i hated that!!!!!!!!!

Saludos desde Colombia.
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 01:06PM
Posted by: LS.
Come on, do you really think that MS took those 28 sec over JPM and KR only because of his talent????? that's simply not possible

at last some common sense

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 01:44PM
Posted by: _Alex_
your arguments are so flimsy alex, your questioning the validity of a f1 driver

Crikey LS, if you only knew how often you make a mockery of every damn thing that Schumacher says. You are constantly questioning the validity of the best and most experienced driver in the field, I just wish you would realise that before posting comments like that.

not according to alex :-) Schumacher is a demi god who can perform miracles

I can't believe this. One moment you accuse me of holding Schumi in such awe that I think he performs miracles, the next moment you're naive enought to believe that whatever St. Montoya says absolutely must be true. Remarkable.

you are so adamant that MS is the best

Does this really surprise you? The facts are laid out in front of you and quite often shoved into your face by me (for the sake of argument). 4 world championships. 3 of which won in an inferior car. 54 race wins. Some of the best GP performances ever.Tell me - and above all I'd be interested to hear your response to this - what do you think when you read comments by such people as Sir Stirling Moss, Sir Jackie Stewart, Murray Walker, Martin Brundle, Peter Windsor, Nigel Roebuck, Tony Jardine, Eddie Jordan, even Bernie Eccelestone, who say that there is no doubt that Michael Schumacher is head and shoulders above the rest of the field in terms of talent. And remember these guys are experts. What do you think when you read these, if you read them? Every single driver of the year award was awarded to Schumacher in 2000 and 2001, and you don't get them for having a good car. Instead of treating me as though I'm in a minority and have a strange opinion, why don't you consider yourself as the one against the flow for once? Because you are.

your arguments are so flimsy alex

What exactly do you mean by flimsy? I'd really like to know, just to make sure you're not saying it because you've run out of excuses at last and have to start condemining the structure of my argument rather than the content. If anyone has a flimsy argument, then it would more than liely be one of you anti-Schumists, seeing as you haven't really got much to go by have you?

It just amuses me that right after the season opener which Schumacher quite conclusively won, you, having made all these hopeful predictions that Montoya will infact beat him this year, immediately have to find every excuse possible for why it wasn't actually Michael Schumacher himself that won the GP. It was luck that won it for him as well, and the car, just like the other 53 no doubt. I've never heard you, nor ever will, congratulate Schumacher on a well earned victory that he thoroughly deserved - I think you are incapable of doing so. The first thing that struck me when I saw that comment...

geez how lucky can a guy be

..was bitterness. Pure bitterness, and it always is. You hate the guy, and I've no problem with that, however it leads you to condemn his talent which is unfair. I've never condemned Montoya's talent, because I don't think that is fair, and it's not right either. Montoya is very fast indeed, but just not as much as Schumacher. And part of that is down to experience. Montoya has proved himself a worthy rival to Schumacher - now he just needs to beat him to the WDC. However, in my opinion, DC has not proved himself a worthy rival to MS. Of course he has performed fantastically well on occasions, but it's the consistancy that counts, and Coulthard just hasn't hacked it, despite the fact that he thinks he thinks he has. Montoya hasn't had the proper chance to prove himself yet. That comes this season. And at Melbourne, he failed. He has 15 more races.

And thanks Mark for your supportive argument, I totally agree and appreciate it.

Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 02:00PM
Posted by: _Alex_
Come on, do you really think that MS took those 28 sec over JPM and KR only because of his talent?????

Common sense perhaps - but you say "only". I assume by that that you also believe that his talent did have a part to play in it, even with the tyre advantage. Let's get one thing straight - I'm not denying he had a tyre advantage - I just don't think the tyre advantage was anywhere near what you've made it out to be. You talk as if Schumacher himself had nothing to do with it. You forget that you have to drive a fast car fast. With Montoya's talent and speed, it would require more than just a tyre advantage to win a race like that. Just accept that the guy won the race and got the 10 points and was faster than anybody else on the day. The statistics showed that, and neither of us are going to prove our opinions that it was a tyre advantage or not. As I've said, let's wait and see what happens at the next GP in Malaysia.

Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 02:26PM
Posted by: sega
I think I know what's the problem Alex, you think that a driver's capabilities are directly proportional to his nomber of championships or GP wins, and, that isn't true. The things are not that easy, there are a lot of factors involved in F1, which may lead some driver to be more successful than another despite of his quality (i'm not sayng MS is a bad driver). Off course we can't deny the number of victories of MS... we can count!!!!

Oh I almost forget... I'm tired of hearing that MS won 3 of his champs in an 'inferior' car. C'mon, the Benettons were good cars (the word Renault comes to mi mind) in 94 and 95 they were at least as good as Williams. Besides, It's Diferent to compete against DH and DC than against DH an Senna...

Saludos desde Colombia.
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 02:47PM
Posted by: Mark
bennetton had a ford engine in 94
Re: WEBBER 5th!!!!!!!!!!! Schummi 1st!!!
Date: March 04, 2002 03:23PM
Posted by: sega

Saludos desde Colombia.
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