download full game?

Posted by David Barkham 
download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 07:11AM
Posted by: David Barkham
is there anywhere i can download the whole gp3 game?

Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 07:26AM
Posted by: Anonymous User
mate - go and buy, no warez support here, it is not freeware, go and pay for the bloody thign

Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 08:33AM
Posted by: bigears
Go and find it at or It is cheap!

It is not that expensive!


Did your birth certificate come with an apology letter from Durex?
Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 12:03PM
Posted by: iCeMaN pAuL
I've got a copy for sale!!

Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 12:29PM
Posted by: Echo1
I bought GP3 and GP3 - 2000 for under £7 (for both) on ebay, so stop being a cheap-skate and buy it/them.
Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 12:38PM
Posted by: Guimengo
You can download it from a CD you can buy at the above mentioned places :D

Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 02:33PM
Posted by: Anonymous User
calm down people, he might not have known that it is still illegal to download gp3, afterall, gp1 is freeware, and i think gp2 is (or nearly is)

Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 04:36PM
Posted by: Ferrari is the best!!!
If I got GP4 for 8$ Canadian, just imagine how little GP3 would cost for you! Keep in mind how worthless the Canadian dollar is worth!

Is GPL Grand Prix Legends? I always wanted to play that! And GP2 doesn't deserve to be Freeware! (I didn't waste so much money on that game so it could be freeware)! If only GP2 had decent graphics... It's so easy to edit. All the car textures are bitmap files and the tracks are as easy to edit as GP3.

Check out my website!
Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 04:38PM
Posted by: Ferrari is the best!!!
Also, if GPL is what I think it is, and it is free, where could I download it?

Check out my website!
Re: download full game?
Date: April 05, 2004 05:46PM
Posted by: Hova
GPL is grand prix legends, I bought my copy for 99 cents canadian.

Post Edited (04-06-04 02:14)

Quote: Joey

I think Bush will win. I also think that when he does, I will start looking at properies in other parts of this world. Kerry's campaign has been so inept. Despite the fact that people are now held in police custody without ever being charged, 2 million people have lost jobs, the rest of the world hates America, and the line between church and state has never been blurrier, this whole ****ing election is about semantics and John Kerry being a flip-flopper. Americans are ****ing morons, and the Democrats running campaign are among this group.
Re: download full game?
Date: April 06, 2004 01:37PM
Posted by: Saih Pitu
GPL and GP2 are not freeware, if that were so then you would find downloads for them on Sierra's and Infogrames's websites. I know still has copies of GPL for sale here:


Take care.

- Loren
Re: download full game?
Date: April 06, 2004 02:59PM
Posted by: Keithb
Chrisb said GP1 is freeware-not GPL

Re: download full game?
Date: April 08, 2004 09:13AM
Posted by: The_unamed_Starfish
a game becomes freeware after a certain period - i think it is eight years but im not sure
Re: download full game?
Date: April 08, 2004 10:25AM
Posted by: St.Hubbins
Presumably that depends on the expiration of the copywrite, and the discretion of the publishers otherwise.

Off topic, does GPL run under Windows XP?

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. -- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Re: download full game?
Date: April 08, 2004 11:35AM
Posted by: Guimengo
Yes it does, but you have to download all the patches on papyrus' website []

And I believe the company can renew the copyrights for more time if they want to, just like it can be done with books.

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