british circuits

Posted by bestobritish 
british circuits
Date: January 30, 2004 04:22PM
Posted by: bestobritish
looking through the circuits there seems to be a real lack of qaulity british tracks made. the only good brit track ive got is brands. ive found donnington and thruxton (no offence) but i dont think they are very good. circuits id like to c made are:

donnington (both short and GP)
Cadwell Park
Rockingham road course
mondello park

n yep im a fussy fu....


Re: british circuits
Date: January 30, 2004 05:43PM
Posted by: JackiMatra
I suppose that if you don't like the GP3 Thruxton track, then you probably won't like the GP3 Crystal Palace track, or the GP3 Goodwood track, or the GP3 Oulton Park track, or the GP3 Snetterton track, or either of the two different GP3 Donington Park tracks, or either of the three different GP3 Brands Hatch tracks, or any of the seven different GP3 Silverstone tracks, so there's really not much point in suggesting that perhaps you may want to look just a little harder, as there's such a dearth of quality British circuits for GP3.
Re: british circuits
Date: January 30, 2004 05:51PM
Posted by: Daf42
I have played the snetterton track and it's great, as is Brands Hatch 1998! I can't get the latest donnigton to work, but the 1937 track is great too. I haven't played truxton but I always paln too.

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Re: british circuits
Date: January 30, 2004 06:04PM
Posted by: JackiMatra
Forgot about that one, which makes it three Donington Park circuits for GP3.
Re: british circuits
Date: January 30, 2004 09:22PM
Posted by: Ellis
Has a new Snettertton been released? When i was playing GP3 only Snettertton Heath was released (and i released a graphics pack for it)

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 12:56AM
Posted by: St.Hubbins
JackieMatra, you really do make me laugh sometimes. Thanks!

Donington 1937 is a marvelous track, I must admit.

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. -- F.Scott Fitzgerald
Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 03:15AM
Posted by: Giancarlo Minardi
I didn't know there was Thruxton?!?! *goes on a search party*

I really enjoy the Oulton Park should be thankfully people have attepted to create such things!

Sim Racing from the back of the grid!
Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 08:59AM
Posted by: Mr. Lee
There's a bug with pitlane at Thruxton!!!

CC cars cannot turn into the first pitstall therefore running out of fuel after few laps. This is really annoying, so I haven't raced on Thruxton for over a year now ;)
Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 10:16AM
Posted by: Locke Cole
There are a number of good British tracks out there, all of which have been mentioned above. A lot of them are quite processional with F1 performances, but just try running a season of F3000 and the races really come to life!

In my opinion, the best ones out there are Brands Hatch, Goodwood (superb), Donington GP and Crystal Palace - I haven't discovered your graphics pack for Snetterton Heath (Ellis) but that track layout is also a good one.

Personally, as a Brum resident, I'd love someone to make the Birmingham F3000 track - I had it for GP2 and loved it! Sadly though, I'm a car painter and not a track builder, so I have to rely on the work of others (and am very grateful for it, must add).

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Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 10:29AM
Posted by: Ellis
My Snettertton Heath graphivs update is here


Brings the track up to modern standards for modern racing

Racing Is Life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting
Jesus may be able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to life, but he can't do shît for low fps
Re: british circuits
Date: January 31, 2004 12:32PM
Posted by: JackiMatra

The AI cars having problems with missing the pitlane can usually be fixed with the track's magic data file by either increasing "sectors to pit in 1" and/or "sectors to pit in 2", and/or decreasing "pre pit speed limit". Give it a try.
Re: british circuits
Date: February 07, 2004 03:21AM
Posted by: Locke Cole
That link is down...

K*bots UK, specialist providers of 'fun science' Curriculum Enhancement days for Primary and Secondary schools in Britain.

Please find us on [] for more information.
Re: british circuits
Date: February 07, 2004 10:09AM
Posted by: bestobritish
ok i apologise

i did miss some of the circuits. what i meant is that there arnt many up todate british tracks eg the modern sneterton lay out or say mallory park, caddwell park and the new oulten park layout. i cant really criticise any1s work that much because i know id never be able to do it myself, im verygrateful that people put alot of effort into making circuits for us.

btw does any1 else think that the Cart and Other tracks sectin should be split in2 2 pages cos on my pc anyway that page takes years 2 download


Re: british circuits
Date: January 28, 2008 08:53PM
Posted by: SuperBirdy
Sorry for bringing up such an old topic again.
I'm having trouble finding Goodwood and Oulton Park, can anyone help? It'll be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Also in this gap between the last post, have any more British circuits been made at all? :)
Re: british circuits
Date: February 23, 2008 09:45AM
Posted by: SuperBirdy
Sorry for posting again. I've found both Oulton and Goodwood but the link for the Goodwood file is broken (on

Would anyone be able to send it to me or know of an alternative download?

Many Thanks
Re: british circuits
Date: February 23, 2008 02:35PM
Posted by: quickslick
please give me your emailadress and i'll send the track to you :)
Re: british circuits
Date: September 11, 2008 01:59AM
Posted by: Racer#73
Sorry for bothering with this topic again, but has any update been made to Oulton Park?

It's an awesome track, but the cc cars while going through Knicerbrook heading to Clay Hill and Water Tower (Turns 8 & 9 before going under the bridge) slow down abruptly, while I manage to drive by it full throttle in 4th gear. So, if i'm chasing a car through that section what usually happens is for me to smack into the back of that car, because i'm running full speed and he is braking hard in a section that you don't need to brake like that?

Does anyone noticed that too? Has little problem ever been fixed? If it hasn't, is there anything that can be done, I mean, any tips for fixing this?

Cheers, and thanks.
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