A Moment In Time

Posted by _Alex_ 
A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 11:55AM
Posted by: _Alex_
This is quite interesting, I quote:


Believe it or not but 8.02pm on February 20, 2002 will be an historic moment in time. It will not be marked by the chiming of any clocks or the ringing of bells, but at that precise time, on that specific date, something will happen which has not occurred for 1,001 years and will never happen again. As the clock ticks over from 8.01pm on Wednesday, February 20, time will, for sixty seconds only, read in perfect symmetry 2002, 2002, 2002, or to be more precise - 20:02, 20/02, 2002.
The last occasion that time read in such a symmetrical pattern was long before the days of the digital watch and the 24-hour clock - at 10.01am on January 10, 1001. And because the clock only goes up to 23.59, it is something that will never happen again.



Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 12:51PM
Posted by: LS.
you felt that inspired, you posted twice :-)

LS's Tip of the week
ESSENTIAL OILS aren't essential unless you're an engine, a gearbox or a twat
Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 01:00PM
Posted by: _Alex_
Sorry! The first time it came up with the error thing so I thought it must have failed!

And anyway, I noticed a mistake! It will happen again! On the 21st of December 2112 at Twelve minutes past nine it will occur once more!

21:12 - 21/12 - 2112


Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 01:13PM
Posted by: sega
that sounds very "apocalypitcal" lets hope the world doesn't come to an end before the launch of gp4

Saludos desde Colombia.
Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 03:18PM
Posted by: Habi
and it also happened at

11:11, 11/11, 1111 ;)

Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 04:22PM
Posted by: BorgDroneX
hmmm an interest fact......it reminds me of the time when time and date were in sync like this......

12.34.56 7/8/90
Re: A Moment In Time
Date: February 18, 2002 11:21PM
Posted by: MikaHalpinen
G'day all..

Lol, with a few corrections, that's actually a very interesting fact.

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