My car is faster than others
Date: November 16, 2014 04:16AM
Posted by: evroic
Hi !!!

when I put any carset into gp3, I realize that my car is faster than others.

I usually leave the last position and before completing the first lap I'm already in first.

Very easy, but it´s not true....

What´s the problem ????

Help me.

Evandro ( Brazil )
Re: My car is faster than others
Date: November 16, 2014 04:45PM
Posted by: EricMoinet
Switch to Ace

Re: My car is faster than others
Date: November 17, 2014 09:54AM
Posted by: Pedersen
offcourse you are, if your in one of the faster cars you would probably be up in the top 4-5 after the first turn(even in ace) and then in the lead a half a lap later.

Atleast that´s what i was when i was driving with lower teams hehe
Re: My car is faster than others
Date: November 17, 2014 02:42PM
Posted by: evroic
I realized this after I switched to a computer with the fastest processor.

Did a fresh install of the game and the graphics.

I'm driving with the smaller team. (Carset 1975 - COPERSUCAR).

There was a small improvement when the GPXPACTH was configured so that teams would use the performance of each team and increased the graphic frame.

On the old computer that is slower this problem does not happen ....

Evandro ( Brazil )
Re: My car is faster than others
Date: November 18, 2014 06:30PM
Posted by: savinaclaudio
Tell us what configuration you are playing with:
- are you using the Belini Grip Patch?
If YES, then you use the grip of the selected driver if the "Car Power Team Dependant" box in GpxPatch is checked. If you are driving a "wreck" and anyway you are too fast, the problem is the MD file of the track.
If NO, you have the default player grip, so you always drive the best car. The problem is again the MD file, even in a different way.
Let me know.
Graphic issues don't affect the performance, so i don't understand what you mean with "increased the graphic frame": again, let me know.
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