Ennstalring - Grossraming, Austria 1978

Posted by pirx 
Ennstalring - Grossraming, Austria 1978
Date: December 29, 2015 07:20PM
Posted by: pirx
An austrian public-road track used for international motorcycle races

Races: 16, 1952-1978
Location: Grossraming, Austria
Lenght: 3720 Meters, anti-clockwise

The international race had its peak in 1970 when actual champion Dave Simmonds where racing on this track
on a free weekend between the Grand Prix of Bruno (CZ) and Monza (ITA). The course was far known as
very dangerous and after numberous heavy accidents local officials decided not to continue the event in 1979.

1968: Jaap Moojen, Netherlands
1977: Josef Schopp, Richard Wimmer, Austria
1978: Robert Lugmayr, Austria

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2015 04:05AM by pirx.
open | download - Ennstalring_v1.01.zip (5.54 MB)
Re: Ennstalring - Grossraming, Austria 1978
Date: December 31, 2015 11:26AM
Posted by: shlund
A little fix for GP3 1.13... Just replace the jam file in the original folder and the track should load okay (works for me):-)
open | download - Jam fix for GP3 1.13.zip (42.2 KB)
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