Mclaren NT

Posted by bojan_tarticchio 
Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 03:24AM
Posted by: bojan_tarticchio almost ready and should be online in one week, together with USA update.

Bojan Tarticchio
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 03:58AM
Posted by: Tommi Mokinen
Wonderful as always !! Thanks Bojan. :-)
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 07:33AM
Posted by: Guimengo
damn, that baby is pretty! :';(
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 10:09AM
Posted by: Mack
looks fantastic! The exhaust area looks great. I cant wait!...
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 10:26AM
Posted by: Mack

will the *bubble* be added in front of the cockpit?

*sorry, dont know what else to call it :S*
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 10:51AM
Posted by: Teraur
Awesome Bojan!

Wonderful exhausts!
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 11:23AM
Posted by: watercolours
great, and then mp4-19b maybe?
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 11:28AM
Posted by: dolinseks
Bojan, will you change the shape of the rear wing, like it was in Canada?
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 01:06PM
Posted by: Kimi_2k03
nice car bojan, ive got all of the ones you released this year, will you make the B spec car with Wai? it will take time cause we havent seen the car on TV yet thats true?
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 01:45PM
Posted by: fongu
looks good bojan :)

The wing settings arent too hard to change yourself in zmod.

I guess Wai will work more on the b car when theres more race photos

Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:04PM
Posted by: Forgotten-Boy
"The wing settings arent too hard to change yourself in zmod."

not true lol , it´s not hard for those who know how to work with that
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:09PM
Posted by: six degrees
it's really not hard to learn how to do it tho :P

anyhoo, great stuff once again lads, iirc the renault's next up is it bojan?
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:14PM
Posted by: bojan_tarticchio
Well, all your remarks are actually Wai's job, let's hope he's reading this.
Wai already did an early version of 19b, as soon as we see it on track, we'll do it. Maybe not right away, but soon.

Bojan Tarticchio
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:14PM
Posted by: Forgotten-Boy
it is for me , and believe me , I normally dont have problems to learn "informatic" things
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:16PM
Posted by: fongu
if bojan can map in zmodeler, i'm sure he has no problems in moving the wing ;) but anyways its really not hard to do :)

Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:18PM
Posted by: Forgotten-Boy
maybe some guys are willing to help me to understand z-modeler then ;)
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:34PM
Posted by: fongu
ok heres a picture tutorial..... hope its clear...... and erm...... heres a wip shot of the minardi at the same time :P

Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 02:55PM
Posted by: Forgotten-Boy
....clear enough lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2004 02:55PM by Forgotten-Boy.
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 03:20PM
Posted by: dolinseks
Now I know, how to make a car in zmodeler. tnx fongu. ;););)
Re: Mclaren NT
Date: June 27, 2004 03:45PM
Posted by: Chappie

simply the best

great work Bojan

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