Getting blue screens then reboot in the middle of races

Posted by paranoik0 
I'm thinking it's some sort of hardware problem or something, but it might be some configuration i'm getting wrong. This laptop i'm running GP4 on crashes into a blue screen then reboots, after a random period of time during a race (could be during the first lap, the second, or might last a couple of laps). Needless to say, this is annoying and ruins my game. These are the specs of the computer:

CPU: Core 2 Duo (T5600)
graphics card: NVidia GeForceGo 7300
OS: Win XP Professional

I'm just hoping someone had the same problem with this graphic card and solved it. It crashed even with the original GP4 cars and no mods, I've tried setting the verbosity high on GPxPatch, tried setting only the "0" or "1" CPUs, nothing, it almost always crashes. Any other ideas?

I don't remember it crashing during practice sessions which is odd, it only seems to do it during races, but I'm not 100% sure this is the case.
I had the same problem with my laptop.
The matter came from my Realtek HD soundcard.

The first solution I found was to disable EAX and 3D acceleration.

The second one was to update the drivers with those coming from realtek and not those coming from my laptop constructor (Fujitsu-Siemens).
It permitted me to put back EAX & 3D acceleration.

Now everything run perfectly.

You may also try to deactivate full material acceleration in Windows config panel (put only DirectSound Acceleration).

Hope it helps.
Woah, fast answer, wasn't expecting that. Thanks a lot!

Yeah my soundcard is Realtek HD, and I've noticed strange sound behaviour in GP4 (volume goes up and down randomly at a certain point of a lap, the sound hangs right before the game crashing) so that's probably the problem. Now, when you say "disable EAX and 3D acceleration", do you mean in the control panel or somewhere else (like the soundcard software)? It's because i found the 3D acceleration slider in the control panel, but can't find EAX.

Anyway, I'll try messing around with the settings and download some drivers, then test the game. You've been a big help already!
I meant inside GP4 sound menu.
Gp4 doesn't allow me to de-select EAX, only 3d acceleration. But I just did a 19 laps race without problems, so looks like it's ok.
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