Pannels being substituted by white squares in some mods.

Posted by jaguarcatalonia 
Most of them work perfectly fine, but in some of them, the speedometer, the lap indicators, etc, specially if the mod is using the standard ones and not the ones coming with the mod, are substituted by, as I said, white squares. Is it a resolution problem?
its a f1graphics.cfg setting

Just change the line to 0 like bellow:

0 ; TV style overlays on track cameras.
Tried it but it does not work. It is in the DTM 94 mod, however, those squares dissapear if I put all the overlays off in the graphics menu of the
Probably it's not working because you need to put 1 in the first line of f1graphics.cfg

1 ; f1graphics.cfg controls all settings (default 0)

But I understood that you solve the problem :-)
Will try :)
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