Introducing: GP4 Memory Access (by Carl_gpgames, Öggo and ZaZ)

Posted by Carl_gpgames 
Does this works on Win 10?

It's not working for me at all.

At my main, specific 2001 instalattion folder, i have an Team Editor and Tweaker modified exe, so no deal.

At my alternate instalation folder, for CSM mods files extraction, with the unmodified TomMK patched exe, it keeps asking to insert the game CD.
- It has been tested on Win 11 and Win 7, so Win 8 and Win 10 should work too.
- GMA doesn't prevent you from using a modified exe, it's just no recommendend.
- If you don't have a physical CD-Drive, you can apply the no-cd-message tweak, which is included in the Database (see first post)

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
> - It has been tested on Win 11 and Win 7, so Win 8
> and Win 10 should work too.
Ok. Nice to know.

> - GMA doesn't prevent you from using a modified ex
> e, it's just no recommendend.
Ok, but with that modified exe, GMA doesn't detect/enable GPXPatch, says it is not found.
It worked by enabling the nocdmessage.ini, but wihtout GPXPatch

> - If you don't have a physical CD-Drive, you can a
> pply the no-cd-message tweak, which is included in
> the Database (see first post)

Ok.I do have, but it's not plugged anymore.

Anyway, i downloaded the csv, and imported it, but it didn't work.
Keeps asking for the cd.

Then, i have 2 issues.

It works, on my main install (modified exe), without GPXPatch, wich is a must have.

Doesn't works on my alternate install, keeps asking for CD, even with the nocd.ini enabled, but enables GPXPatch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2024 12:21PM by GP4Addicted.
Simply enable this tweak and it should work (tested on multiple computers w/o cd-drive and never encountered any issues):

You must have GPxPatch installed / existing in your GP4 dir (GPxPatch is not included in GMA). As long as GPxPatch.exe (and all related files and subfolders) exist in your GP4 dir, you will be able to enable it in the settings:

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Haven't checked the documentation yet, so maybe a stupid question, but is it intended to work with CSM or to replace CSM?

Some F1 CSM mods
1996 | 2000 | 2002 | 2007 | 2011 | 2013 | 2015 | 2018
Outstanding work. Looking forward to messing about with this at some point!
Many Thanks guys!!! I think I will need to buy a new HD so many new content!!!!!

Amazing work!!!

Can I ask what are the other projects do you have to surprise us?


Carl_gpgames Wrote:

> GPxPatch:
> You must have GPxPatch installed / existing in you
> r GP4 dir (GPxPatch is not included in GMA). As lo
> ng as GPxPatch.exe (and all related files and subf
> olders) exist in your GP4 dir, you will be able to
> enable it in the settings:

Hello Carl.

Thanks for your attention so far.

The decrypted install is working now.

I don't know if it is a path related issue or what else is affecting it.

I do have GPX installed and running.

I've enabled the Patch in the Gp4MemoryAccessConfig.

This what i have:

Main Form:


The only reason I can think of is that GPxPatch (gpxpatch.exe) doesn't exist in the Dir where your gp4.exe is (D:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames\Grand Prix 4\2001). Did you double-check that?
GMA checks this path for gpxpatch.exe and if it exists, the gpxpatch tab as well as the gpxpatch option in the settings will be enabled.

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Carl_gpgames Wrote:
> The only reason I can think of is that GPxPatch (g
> pxpatch.exe) doesn't exist in the Dir where your g
> p4.exe is (D:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames\Grand
> Prix 4\2001). Did you double-check that?
> GMA checks this path for gpxpatch.exe and if it ex
> ists, the gpxpatch tab as well as the gpxpatch opt
> ion in the settings will be enabled.

I just discovered the problem by pasting the shortcut properties.;-)

I switched to Windows 10 early this year ( was on Win 7 before) and wasn't used to the default file extension hiding.

So, i've renamed the executable like this:

"D:\Program Files (x86)\Infogrames\Grand Prix 4\2001\GPxPatch.exe.exe"

Problem fixed.


My exe is patched with the 4gb patch.

Should i check or uncheck Remove 2gb limit?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2024 01:33PM by GP4Addicted.
I'm glad it worked. :-)

If you patched your exe already with the 4gb patch, there is no need of patching the memory in the same way with GMA. However, the actualy idea of GMA is to apply all patches through memory and leave the gp4.exe as it is. :-)

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2024 01:39PM by Carl_gpgames.
Will it now be possible to eliminate the 11th team as needed?

Carl_gpgames Wrote:
> I'm glad it worked. :-)
>However, the actualy idea of GMA is to apply all patches through memory and leave the gp4.exe as it is. :-)


Kinda the same premise of CSM, but for non CSM users/modders ;)


Still, there are my Team Editor changes in that gp4.exe.

GMA is working.

Need to do longer sessions to check stability.

Another question:

Do i have/should to uncheck the global damage coefficient in Tweaker when checking the Physics Damage.ini at GMA?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2024 09:59PM by GP4Addicted.
Any hope to change slipstream values for GP4?
Main things I'm curious about if we can affect using this program;

    [*] Support for more than 22 cars (probably not that trivial because you'd have to make changes to track files as well I imagine)
    [*] Changing the amount of cars that run simultaneously in a qualifying session (fewer at the start, more towards the end)
    [*] Hotkeys that can simulate things like full course yellows, red flags etc. (because I'm sure automatically implementing such a thing would require an extensive rewrite of the code, but maybe implementing a speed limit and disallowing overtaking could be possible?)
    [*] Changing the way failures work on CC cars (suspension failures and punctures make cars spin rather than them pulling off as they would an engine failure)
    [*] Increasing CC errors in wet races (although I imagine this is predetermined by a seed so I'm not sure if it's possible either.

I'll edit this if I come up with more, but those are what my mind is pondering at the moment.
[15:09:43.470] Debug event: EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT
[15:09:43.470]   Thread ID = 0x000037cc
[15:09:43.470]   First chance exception
[15:09:43.470]   Exception address: 0x005ddec6
[15:09:43.470]   Exception flags: 0x00000000
[15:09:43.470]   Exception code: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
[15:09:43.470]   Removing breakpoint on entry point
[15:09:43.470] Injecting DLL loading code...
[15:09:43.470] Copying code to target at address 0x001f0000...
[15:09:43.470] Injection succesful
[15:09:43.470]   Setting instruction pointer to injected code (0x001f0000)
[15:09:44.138] Debug event: LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT
[15:09:44.138]   Thread ID = 0x0000451c
[15:09:44.138]   path C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\Grand Prix 4\FolderExtender.dll
  base 0x6e870000
  size 72704

But the car shapes I've added to the Grand Prix 4\Cars folder aren't being loaded. Any ideas?

    Directory: C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\Grand Prix 4\Cars

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                 
----                 -------------         ------ ----                                                                 
-a----        30/05/2002     02:34            276 CAR_COLLISION_MESH.CT                                                
------        18/03/2024     15:51        4140489 car_ferrari_car1_lod_0.gp4                                           
-a----        18/03/2024     15:51        4140489 car_ferrari_car1_lod_1.gp4                                           
-a----        18/03/2024     15:51        4140489 car_ferrari_car1_lod_2.gp4                                           
-a----        18/03/2024     15:51        4140489 car_ferrari_car1_lod_3.gp4                                           
-a----        18/03/2024     15:51        4140489 car_ferrari_car1_lod_4.gp4                                           
-a----        17/03/2024     18:50        4126559 car_ferrari_car2_lod_0.gp4                                           
-a----        17/03/2024     18:50        4126559 car_ferrari_car2_lod_1.gp4                                           
-a----        17/03/2024     18:50        4126559 car_ferrari_car2_lod_2.gp4                                           
-a----        17/03/2024     18:50        4126559 car_ferrari_car2_lod_3.gp4                                           
-a----        17/03/2024     18:50        4126559 car_ferrari_car2_lod_4.gp4                                           
-a----        30/05/2002     02:34           4444                                                           
-a----        11/07/2002     00:07          87892 COCKPIT_DAMAGE.tex                                                   
-a----        20/08/2002     05:25          11732 DRIVER10_1.tex                                                       
-a----        20/08/2002     05:25          11732 DRIVER10_2.tex                                                       
-a----        20/08/2002     05:13          11732 DRIVER21_1.tex                                                       
-a----        20/08/2002     05:13          11732 DRIVER21_2.tex                                                       
-a----        20/08/2002     05:25          11732 DRIVER9_1.tex                                                        
-a----        20/08/2002     05:25          11732 DRIVER9_2.tex                                                        
-a----        11/07/2002     00:07          87892 HI_COCKPIT_DAMAGE.tex                                                
-a----        10/05/2018     17:45          87892 hi_glass.tex                                                         
-a----        19/03/2024     08:45       22283092 hi_RB20_1.tex                                                        
-a----        19/03/2024     09:06       22283092 hi_RB20_11.tex                                                       
-a----        19/03/2024     17:49        1393492 hi_RB20_2.tex                                                        
-a----        19/02/2024     21:03        1393492 hi_RB20_3.tex


Intel NUC 8i3, 8GB RAM, MS Sidewinder Wheel
Hard to tell what the issue is from the information provided.

Enable debug mode in gpxpatch and Log file verbosity to high. Then in you gpxload.txt you should see such entries:
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: WPATT_F1.JAM
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: WPATT_F2.JAM
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: WPATT_F3.JAM
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: WPATT_F4.JAM
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver9_1.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver9_2.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver10_1.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver10_2.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver21_1.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: driver21_2.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: cockpit_damage.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: hi_cockpit_damage.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: dial.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: inner_dial.tex
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: menu.gpm
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: gp2001_english.gps
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: gp2001_deutsch.gps
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: gp2001_espanol.gps
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: gp2001_francais.gps
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: gp2001_italiano.gps
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: 29.gpi
[20:05:59.847] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: digital.tga
[20:05:59.848] >>  FolderExtender: File entry: tvoverlay.tex
[20:05:59.848] >>  FolderExtender: Number of Files: 3053
[20:05:59.849] Debug event: LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT
[20:05:59.849]   Thread ID = 0x000038bc
[20:05:59.849]   path C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\rasapi32.dll
  base 0x5ba20000
  size 985600
[20:05:59.849] >>  FolderExtender: Address of new table: 0496C020
[20:05:59.849] >>  Memory patched successfully at address 0x0046b1c1
[20:05:59.849] >>  Memory patched successfully at address 0x0046af48
[20:05:59.849] >>  FolderExtender: Address of end of loop: 0496EFD4
[20:05:59.849] >>  Memory patched successfully at address 0x0046b1ea
[20:05:59.849] >>  Memory patched successfully at address 0x0046af75
[20:05:59.851] Debug event: LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT

If you got the red part then the new table has been successfully written to memory.

Leave the FolderContent.ini as it is by default:

There is no need to add your new files manually to the [Files] sections as long as you leave the "cars" folder in the [Folders] section.

Place your files to the local "cars" folder (looks good in your post above).

Make sure you have the dll added in GMA:

Run GP4 with GMA (hit "Patch & Run). That's it, you should see your new car now. If you see a Jaguar instead of the new car, it means gp4 can't read the shape/car for some reason and reverts to the default car. Try it with another car f. e.?

Another way to test the dll is to simply extract the full content of you cars.wad to the corresponding local folders (cars-content incl. all subfolders to the cars folder, ressources-content to Maps\Ressources, you can skip the fonts-content as the exact same files already exist). Then you delete or rename your cars.wad and run GP4 with GMA. If it runs, it works. (i'm currently running all my copies of GP4 without a cars.wad, so it does :-) )

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2024 08:27PM by Carl_gpgames.
No luck. Even with verbosity high there are no further entries for FolderExtender. Here's my full gpxload.txt:



Intel NUC 8i3, 8GB RAM, MS Sidewinder Wheel
only thing i can think of is some anti-virus software preventing the dll injection?

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
oh, and you did place the dll into the main gp4 folder as the readme says, right?

GP Files | GP Videos | Discord: Carl_gpgames#2350
Yep my FolderExtender.dll is in my gp4 root folder.

I've disabled Windows Defender - I have no other anti-virus running - and added an exception for GP4 Memory Access, and started again with a fresh install of both GP4 and GP4 Memory Access, but always the same result unfortunately, it doesn't trigger the file injection.

Such a shame, I thought this would be a game changer for me :(


Intel NUC 8i3, 8GB RAM, MS Sidewinder Wheel
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