Invite link: []
In regards to the current site expiration issues, see here [], another reminder that we have an official GPG Discord server for over 3 years now. It's currently being redesigned a bit, to prepare for a potential closure of the site.
To be able to join, you'll need to create a discord account, and then just click the invite link above to join the server. In case you're not familiar with it, you can set individual nicknames for each server you join, different from your account name. Just in case your preferred choice isn't available anymore. You can change it in your user settings, profiles, server nickname [] (as you can see in the screenshot, my account name is jimmy_page, while my display name for the GPG server is kedy89)
You can see the current state of the server in this image []
Community area with a general chat, and channels specifically for motorsports and gaming talks, as well as one for suggestions
Grand Prix 4 area, with channels for general GP4-related chat, screenshots and useful links. Also 2 forums for releases and help. In those you can create separate posts, similar to the threads in this forum.
GPG area with channels for GP3 and GP2. No separate sub-channels here, since the little activity here in the GP3 forum, as well as in those channels in the server doesn't really justify it at this point.
GPGSL area, for those competing in the AI league running in this forum for over 15 years already.

Some F1 CSM mods
1996 | 2000 | 2002 | 2007 | 2011 | 2013 | 2015 | 2018
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2024 09:25AM by kedy89.